On this page:
require/ provide/ this-package
defmodule/ this-package
schememodname/ this-package
declare-exporting/ this-package

3 PLaneT Packages

 (require (planet cce/scheme:4:1/planet))

This module provides tools relating to PLaneT packages.

(this-package-version-symbol path)

Produces a symbol corresponding to a planet module path for the current planet package, possibly with a ‹path› (from the grammar of planet module specs) into the package. This is similar to this-package-version and similar tools from planet/util.

(this-package-in path)

This require transformer imports the file at path in the current planet package. For instance, in this package (cce/scheme:4:1), writing:

  (require (this-package-in function))

... is equivalent to writing:

  (require (planet cce/scheme:4:1/function))

(this-package-out path)

This provide transformer exports bindings imported from the file at path in the current planet package. For instance, in this package (cce/scheme:4:1), writing:

  (provide (this-package-out function))

... is equivalent to writing:

  (provide (all-from-out (planet cce/scheme:4:1/function)))

(require/provide/this-package path ...)

This requires and re-provides the exports of each path in the current planet package. This is equivalent to:

  (require (this-package-in path) ...)
  (provide (this-package-out path) ...)

(defmodule/this-package #:use-sources [src-path ...] [src ...])
(defmodule/this-package path)
(defmodule/this-package path #:use-sources [src-path ...] [src ...])

This Scribble form corresponds to defmodule within a planet package. The displayed module path is a planet module path to the current planet package, possibly with a ‹path› (from the grammar of planet module specs) into the package. If the #:use-sources option is present, each src-path is similarly treated as a path into the current planet package, while each src is treated normally. Both sets of paths are concatenated and passed to the normal defmodule.

(schememodname/this-package path)

This Scribble form corresponds to schememodname much like defmodule/this-package above corresponds to defmodule. The path, if present, is treated as a ‹path› (from the grammar of planet module specs) into the current planet package, and converted into a planet module spec.

(declare-exporting/this-package [mod-path ...] [mod ...])
(declare-exporting/this-package [mod-path ...] [mod ...]
                                #:use-sources [src-path ...] [src ...])

This Scribble form corresponds to declare-exporting much like defmodule/this-package above corresponds to defmodule. Each mod-path and src-path is treated as a ‹path› (from the grammar of planet module specs) into the current package. They are concatenated with the lists of mods and srcs, respectively, and passed to the normal declare-exporting.