Package table-snip.plt contributed by spdegabrielle [docs]
To load: (require (planet spdegabrielle/table-snip:1:0/table-snip))
Old style:(require (planet "" ("spdegabrielle" "table-snip.plt" 1 0)))
Package description:
A MrEd snip for tabular data. /n just supply a table as a list of rows, with all the rows the same length(it doesn't check your table)
Downloads this week: 0
Total downloads: 49
Open tickets:0
Primary files:
[no interface available]
 Current version
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 0)0.1
To load: (require (planet spdegabrielle/table-snip:1:0/table-snip))
Available in repositories: 4.x
for use in editor<%> objects text% and pasteboard%
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