
Table snip Library

_Table snip_ Library

A MrEd snip for tabular data.


No structs - just lists.


No exceptions.


No functions


table-snip% : class?
superclass: snip%

An table-snip% is a snip that can display a table. When the table cannot be found, a default table is drawn.

(new table-snip% 
     (table '(("c")))  ;optional
     (hmargin 1) ; spacing between content and border ;optional
     (vmargin 1) ; ;optional
     (grid-width 1) ; 1 for border , 0 for no border, >1 reserved for thicker grids ;optional

example: test/

#lang scheme/gui
(require "../")
(define f (instantiate frame% ("example" #f 500 300) ))
(define c (new editor-canvas% [parent f]))
(define p (new pasteboard%))
(send c set-editor p)
(send f show #t)

(send p insert (new table-snip% (grid-width 0) (table '(("c")))) 10 80)
(send p insert (new table-snip% (grid-width 1) (table '(("c   ")))) 10 100)
(send p insert (new table-snip% (grid-width 0) (table '(("c      ")))) 10 120)
(send p insert (new table-snip% (grid-width 1) (table '(("c         ")))) 10 140)
(send p insert (new table-snip% (grid-width 0) (table '(("c            ")))) 10 160)

(send p insert (new table-snip%) 100 100)