

  _DATA STRUCTURES GALORE - Version 2 for PLT 3xx_   Jens Axel Søgaard


This library provides functional implementations of some commonly used
data structures. The data structures can be divided into:

  - collections              (_sets_, _bags_, _heaps_)
  - associative collections  (_finite maps_, _priority queues_)
  - sequences                (_stacks_, _queues_, _deques_)

[Although associative collections and sequences are included in the 
PLanet-distribution, their implementations, though in working
order, should not be considered finished.]
[Update: Finite maps are now in a usuable state]

The data structures are implemented in a purely functional way.
Inserting an element in, say, a collection will return a new data
structure containing both the element and all elements in the old
collection *without* destroying the old collection.  The collections
can thus be used *persistently* opposed to the normal *ephemeral* way,
where an old collection is destroyed. This implies that the collection
is safe to use in multi threaded programs and web servlets.

Data structures can have multiple implementations, and each
implementation has its own module. A "no-fuss" module exists for each
data strucuture containing a reasonable default implemention for each
data structure is given - for those cases, where it is unimportant to
have specific time complexities.

The names of the individual operations have been carefully chosen to
have meaning for as many data structures as possible. Element
insertion is for example named "insert" in all data structures (some
data structures also provide alternative, more traditional
names). This choice makes it easy to replace an unfortunate choice of
data structure. Use (prefix ...) to avoid name conflicts working with
more than one data structure.

Many of the data structure implementations require an ordering of the
elements. The order is represented using compare function from

All exported functions are checked using contracts, the error messages
are therefore considerably better than in the previous version of
this library.

Most algorithms are carefully explained by Chris Okasaki in the
delightful book "Purely Functional Data Structures".

[Terminology: bags are also called multi-sets; a heap is a priority
queue, where the priority is the element; in a priority queue the
element and priority are distinct; a deque is a double ended queue]


EXAMPLE (Simple)

The operation empty makes a new heap with no elements. 

;; A heap of integers 
> (require (planet "heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
> (find-min (insert 42 (insert 3 (heap 2 8 1))))

;; A leftist heap of strings
> (require (planet "leftist-heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
> (find-min (insert "foo" (insert "bar" (empty))))

;; Bags of integers
> (require (planet "bag.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
> (elements (difference (union (bag 1 3 2)
                               (bag 1 2 4))
                        (bag 3)))
(4 2 2 1 1)

;; Sets of integers
(require (planet "set.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
> (elements (difference (union (set 1 3 2)
                               (set 1 2 4))
                        (set 3)))
(1 2 4)

EXAMPLE (Heap Sort)

A simple heap sort:

  (require (planet "heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))

  (define (heap-sort l)
    (heap->list (list->heap l)))

  (define (list->heap l)
    ; a more efficient list->heap is provided by the library
    (foldl insert (empty) l))

  (define (heap->list H)
    (define (loop H l)
      (if (empty? H)
          (reverse l)
          (loop (delete-min H) (cons (find-min H) l))))
    (loop H '()))

  (heap-sort '(3 1 4 1 5 9))

Eager comprehensions from srfi-42 are supported, so an alternative to
the above is:

  (require (planet "heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1))
           (lib "" "srfi")
           (lib "" "srfi"))

  (define (heap-sort l)
    (heap->list (list->heap l)))

  (define (list->heap l)
    (heap-ec default-compare (: x l) x))

  (define (heap->list H)
    (list-ec (: x H) x))

  (heap-sort '(3 1 4 1 5 9))

EXAMPLE (User defined element type)

The above heaps used the compare function given by the parameter
current-compare to order the elements (because empty was given no
arguments). The start value of current-compare is default-compare,
which handles lists, booleans, characters, strings, symbols, numbers
and vectors.

To create a heap of user defined structs, we need to pass empty a
custom compare function.

(require (planet "heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1))
         (lib "" "srfi"))

(define-struct hiscore (name score) (make-inspector))

(define (hiscore-compare s1 s2)
   ; highest scores first
   (number-compare (hiscore-score s2) (hiscore-score s1))
   ; ties are sorted alphabetically after name
   (string-compare (hiscore-name  s1) (hiscore-name  s2))))

(find-min (insert* (list (make-hiscore "Foo" 200)
                         (make-hiscore "Bar" 100)
                         (make-hiscore "Qux" 300))
                   (empty hiscore-compare)))

; => #(struct:hiscore "Qux" 300)

As an alternative one could extend the compare function
given by the current-compare parameter:

(let ([cmp (current-compare)])
   (lambda (x1 x2)
     (select-compare x1 x2
       [hiscore? (hiscore-compare x1 x2)]
       [else     (cmp x1 x2)]))))

 (find-min (insert* (list (make-hiscore "Foo" 200)
                         (make-hiscore "Bar" 100)
                         (make-hiscore "Qux" 300))

; => #(struct:hiscore "Qux" 300)


Collections include sets, bags, and heaps. The following is a
summary of the operations collections have in common:


> empty : [cmp] -> col
   return an object representing an empty X of elements order by the
   compare function cmp, or the value of the parameter

> insert : elm col -> col
     (insert x C) = {x} U C

> insert* : (list elm ...) col -> col
     (insert xs c) = C U {x1, ...}  , where xs = (list x1 ...)

> list->set  : [cmp] (list elm) -> col
> list->bag  : [cmp] (list elm) -> col
> list->heap : [cmp] (list elm) -> col
     (list->set xs)     = (insert* xs (empty))
     (list->set cmp xs) = (insert* xs (empty cmp))
     and similar for the others

> singleton : [cmp] elm -> col
     (singleton x)     = (insert x (empty))
     (singleton cmp x) = (insert x (empty cmp))

> union : col col -> col
      x in (union A B)   <=>   x in A   or  x in B

Futhermore shorthand for (insert* (list x1 ...) (empty)) is provided
in terms of:

> bag  : (list elm) -> bag
> heap : (list elm) -> heap
> set  : (list elm) -> set


> elements : col -> (list elm)
     Returns a list of all occurrences of all elements in the

> find-min : col -> elm
     The call (find-min C) returns an element x such that
     x <= y for all y in C, where <= is determined by 
     C's compare function.

     It is an error to use find-min on an empty collection.

> get : elm col -> elm
     return an element from col equivalent to the given element, or #f
     if no such element is found

> select : col -> elm               
    (select C) = x    <=>   x in C
    Selects an element in the collection. 

    It is an error to pass an empty collecion to select.


> delete : elm col -> col
   delete one occurence of the element from the collection

> delete-all : elm col -> col
   delete all occurence of the element from the collection

> delete* : (list elm) col -> col
   for each element in the list, delete one occurence of the
   element from the collction

> delete-min : col -> col
   delete one occurence of the minimal element from the collection

> count : elm col -> natural-number
    counts the number of occurences of the element in the collection

> empty? : col -> boolean
    returns #t if the collection is empty,
    otherwise #f is returned
> member? : elm col -> boolean
    returns #t if the collection contains an occurrence of the element

> size : col -> natural-number
    returns the number of elements in the collection

> fold : (elm alpha -> alpha) alpha col -> alpha
  Let the collection c contain the elements x1, x2, ..., xn, then
  (fold kons knil c) = (kons xn ... (kons x2 (kons x1 knil)) ... ) 


> set?  : object -> boolean
> bag?  : object -> boolean
> heap? : object -> boolean
  Returns #t, if the object is a collection of the proper type.


- - - - - - - 

> (set-ec  cmp <qualifier>* <expression>) 
> (bag-ec  cmp <qualifier>* <expression>) 
> (heap-ec cmp <qualifier>* <expression>) 

The collection of values obtained by evaluating <expression> once for
each binding in the sequence defined by the qualifiers. If there are
no qualifiers the result is the list with the value of
<expression>. The first argument cmp is the compare function used to
order the elements of the collection.

One has the following identity for set-ec (the actual implementation
is more efficent):

    (set-ec cmp <qualifier>* <expression>)
  = (list->set cmp (list-ec <qualifier>* <expression>))

Similar identities hold for bag-ec and heap-ec.

- - - - - 

The generators :set, :bag, and :heap are defined.

- - - - 

    > (elements (set-ec default-compare (:range i -5 5) (* i i)))
    (0 1 4 9 16 25)

    > (list-ec (: i (set 1 2 2 3)) i)
    (1 2 3)


Heaps provide efficient access to the minimum element. Currently one
heap implementation is provided namely leftist heaps, which is
therefore also is the default heap implementation. 

  (require (planet "heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
  (require (planet "leftist-heap.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))


Besides the common collection operations sets also provide the
customary set operations. Most set implementations provide efficient
access to all elements. 

There are two set implementations. One represents sets using red/black
trees, the uses sorted lists. The default set implementation is based
on red/black trees.  

(require (planet "set.scm"                ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
(require (planet "red-black-tree-set.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
(require (planet "list-set.scm"           ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))

Set operations
- - - - - - - -

Besides the common operations sets also support the following

> difference : set set -> set
    (difference A B) = {x in A | x not-in B}

> equal=? : set set -> boolean
    The call (equal=? A B) returns true, if all elements of A are
    members of B, and all elements of B are members of A.

> intersection : set set -> set
    The call (intersection A B) returns the set of elements that are
    members of both A and B. If x in A and y in B represents the same
    element with respect to the compare function in question, it is
    unspecified whether x or y is returned. (Use intersection/combiner
    if you need a specific choice).

> set : elm ... -> set
    (set x1 x2 ... xn) = (insert* (list x1 x2 ... xn) (empty))

> subset? : set set -> boolean
   The call (subset? A B) returns #t if all elements of A are
   members of B, otherwise #f is returned.

Sets support variations of the normal operations, that allows you to
control which element to keep in the case of duplicates. A combiner is
function of two arguments that receive two equivalent (with respect to
the compare function in question) and return the element that should
be kept. 

The supported combiner operations are:

  > insert/combiner    (insert with combiner),
  > insert*/combiner
  > intersection/combiner
  > list->set/combiner
  > union/combiner

E.g. (insert*/combiner (list 1 2 3 4) (empty compare-mod2) max) will
result in the set {3, 4}. The combiner is called on the pairs 1 and 3,
and on 2 and 4.

> intersection/combiner : set set combiner -> set
    Return the intersection of two sets. If x in A and y in B
    represent the same element, then the element returned by the call
    (c x y), where c is the combiner, is used as the representative.


Bags (or multi-sets) keep a count of the number of occurences of each
element. Some bag implementations hold each individual element
inserted in the bag - the implementation provided by this library
keeps only one representative together with a count of how many times
it were inserted.

There are two bag implementations. One represents bags using red/black
trees, the uses sorted lists. The default bag implementation is based
on red/black trees.  

(require (planet "bag.scm"                ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
(require (planet "red-black-tree-bag.scm" ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))
(require (planet "list-bag.scm"           ("soegaard" "galore.plt" 2 1)))

Bag Operations
- - - - - - - -

Besides the common operations bags also support the following

> bag : elm ... -> bag
    (bag x1 x2 ... xn) = (insert* (list x1 x2 ... xn) (empty))

> difference : bag bag -> bag
    (difference A B) = (fold delete A B)

> equal=? : bag bag -> boolean
    The call (equal=? A B) returns true, if A is a subbag of B and B
    is a subbag of A (see subbag?)

> fold/no : (elm number alpha -> alpha) alpha bag -> alpha
    Like fold, but the combining function takes 3 arguments: an
    element, the number of occurences of the element, and the

> intersection : bag bag -> bag
    The call (intersection A B) returns a bag of elements that are
    members of both A and B. The number of occurences of an element is
    the least of the number of occurences in A and B. If x in A and y
    in B represents the same element with respect to the compare
    function in question, it is unspecified whether x or y is
    returned. (Use intersection/combiner if you need a specific

> subbag? : bag bag -> boolean
   The call (subbag? A B) returns #t if all elements of A are members
   of B and the number of occurences of an element in A is less or
   equal to the number of occurences of the element in B, otherwise #f
   is returned.

Bags support the following combiner operations:

  > insert/combiner   
  > insert*/combiner
  > intersection/combiner
  > list->set/combiner
  > union/combiner


The following table shows the worst case time complixity. The O( ) has
been omitted due to space considerations.

                  RB-Set    RB-Bag  Leftist-Heaps  List-Set  List-Bag
find-min            1         1            1           1         1
delete-min          1         1            1           1         1
get, member?      log n      log n         n           n         n
insert            log n      log n       log n         n         n
union              n+m        n+m       log(n+m)      n+m       n+m
elements            n          n           n           1         n
delete            log n      log n       log n         n         n
delete-all        log n      log n       log n         n         n
size                n          n           n           n         n

bag,  list->set  n log(n)                           n log(n)
heap, list->bag              n log(n)                          n log(n)
set,  list->heap                           n

The operations: empty?, empty, singleton, and select are all O(1).


The only asssociative collection supported in this version is  finite


Finite maps are indexed collections.  Each entry maps one key to one
element.  They provide the standard collection operations, but with
different contracts to account for both keys and elements.

Finite maps support the following constructors:

> empty [cmp] : -> finite-map
   Produces an empty finite map in which keys are ordered by the
   optional comparison argument.

> singleton : [cmp] key elem -> finite-map
   Produces a finite map containing a single binding.

> insert : key elm finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a new finite map in which the given key maps to the given
   element, retaining all other mappings from the original.

> delete : key finite-map -> finite-map
> delete-all : key finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a new finite map with no mapping for the given key (but
   retaining all other mappings from the original).

> delete* : (list key) finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a new finite map with no mapping for the given keys (but
   retaining all other mappings from the original).

Finite maps support the following predicates:

> empty? : finite-map -> boolean
   Reports whether a finite map contains mappings for any keys.

> equal=? : finite-map finite-map -> boolean
   Reports whether two finite maps contain bindings for the same keys.

> member? : key finite-map -> boolean
   Reports whether a finite map has a mapping for the given key.

Finite maps support the following accessors:

> size : finite-map -> natural-number
   Produces the number of bindings present in the finite map.

> elements : finite-map -> (list elm)
   Produces a list of all elements to which keys are mapped in the
   given finite mapping.

> count : key finite-map -> natural-number
   Produces the number of entries (0 or 1) for the given key in the
   given finite map.

> get : key finite-map -> elm
   Produces the element corresponding to the given key in the given
   finite map.

> select : finite-map -> elm
   Produces an arbitrary element from the finite map.

Finite maps support the following traversals:

> fold : (elm alpha -> alpha) alpha finite-map -> alpha
   Builds up a result by combining each finite map element with
   the residual.

> fold/key : (key elm alpha -> alpha) alpha finite-map -> alpha
   Builds up a result by combining corresponding keys and elements
   from the finite map with the residual.

Finite maps support the following set operations:

> intersection : finite-map finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a new finite map containing all key/element bindings
   whose keys were present in both arguments.  Which binding of the
   two is kept is unspecified.

> union : finite-map finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a new finite map containing all bindings present in
   either argument.  It is unspecified which binding will be kept
   for keys present in both finite maps.

> difference : finite-map finite-map -> finite-map
   Produces a finite map containing all bindings in the first argument
   for which no corresponding binding exists in the second argument.


In the folder 'examples' you will find the following examples:

  heap-sort.scm             --   Heap example
  queens.scm                --   Heap example
  knights-tour.scm          --   Priority queue example
  primes.scm                --   Priority queue example
  greedy-set-cover.scm      --   Set example
  matching-parenthesis.scm  --   Stack Example


Argument order

The argument order was chosen to resemble the order used for list

  (cons x xs)       (insert x xs)
  (car xs)          (select xs)
  (cdr xs)          (delete-min xs)
  (append xs ys)    (insert* xs ys) or (union xs ys)
  (delete x xs)     (delete x xs)                      ; see srfi-1

The above choice makes it easy to use e.g. insert and delete in


- The red-black trees implementation started as a port of
  Jean-Christophe Filliatre's Ocaml implementation.

- Guillaume Marceau


[Ada]   Adams, Stepehn, "Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language"
[Mar]   Martinez, Conrado and Roura, Salvador: "Randomized Binary Search Trees"
[Oka]   Chris Okasaki, "Purely Functional Data Structures"