XML-RPC Library
_XML-RPC_ Library
By Matt Jadud and Noel Welsh
An Untyped Production
Time-stamp: <06/01/04 15:34:39 nhw>
Keywords: _xml_, _xmlrpc_, _xml-rpc_
Current version: 1.4
Requires PLT Version: 359.100 or greater.
This library implements the XML-RPC protocol as specified at
XML-RPC is a popular protocol for interface to Internet
services such as blog engines.
Basic Types
> struct (exn:xmlrpc exn) : ()
A subtype of exn, this exception is raised whenever the
XML-RPC library encounters an error.
> struct (exn:xmlrpc exn) : code
A subtype of exn:xmlrpc, this exception is raised when the
XML-RPC server responds to the client with a fault. The
code is an integer containing the fault code returned by the
server. The fault message returned by the server is
contained in the exception message (which is a field in the
exn type).
Client-side Functions
To use the library, require xmlrpc.ss
> xmlrpc-server : string integer string -> (string -> (any ... -> any))
> xmlrpc-server : url -> (string -> (any ... -> any))
Returns a function configured to make XML-RPC requests to
the given URL. The function accepts a string, the name of
the method, and returns a function of any arguments which
calls the method with the given arguments.
This example calls the examples.getStateName method on the
server betty.userland.com
> (define betty (xmlrpc-server "betty.userland.com" 80 "RPC2"))
> (define get-state-name (betty "examples.getStateName"))
> (get-state-name 42)
PLT Servlet Functions
To use the Untyped XML-RPC library to build a servlet,
include one of the two servlet-based libraries. If you want
to write a unit-based servlet, include "xmlrpc-unit-servlet.ss".
If you want to write a module-based servlet, use
"xmlrpc-module-servlet.ss". For PLT Scheme version 352.5 and later,
we recommend using the module-based approach.
> add-handler : symbol (any ... -> any) -> void
An XML-RPC servlet defines one or more endpoints that
can be invoked by a remote client. The simple act of
defining a Scheme function does not automatically
provide it to the outside world; this would be fundamentally
unsafe. Each function to be exposed externally must be
mappend onto a name by which it can be called.
For example:
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
(add-handler 'math.add add)
These two lines of code define a Scheme function ('add')
and provide it to an outside client under the name
'math.add'. The same function can be provided under
multiple names:
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
(add-handler 'math.add add)
(add-handler 'addFun add)
'case-lambda', 'match-lambda', and functions of
variable argument can be bound in the same way.
> handle-xmlrpc-requests : syntax
The last form you must have in an XML-RPC servlet
is the 'handle-xmlrpc-requests' form. This expands
into a signed unit that takes each incoming request
and handles it as an XML-RPC request.
A complete unit-based XML-RPC handler for adding
two numbers would look like:
(require (planet "xmlrpc-unit-servlet.ss"
("schematics" "xmlrpc.plt" 1 3)))
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
(add-handler 'math.add add)
A module-based servlet (PLT Scheme 352.5 and later)
would look like
(module add mzscheme
(require (planet "xmlrpc-module-servlet.ss"
("schematics" "xmlrpc.plt" 1 3)))
(provide interface-version manager timeout start)
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
(add-handler 'math.add add)
The 'provide' statement provides a start, timeout, and
continuation manager to the webserver for your
XML-RPC servlet. These are defined in the Untyped
XML-RPC module-based servlet library.
PLT CGI Functions
The XML-RPC library can also be used for implementing
CGI-based endpoints under a server like Apache. These
endpoints are significantly slower at this time, as
each XML-RPC call requires Apache to launch an entire
MzScheme instance to handle the call. Servlet handlers
are roughly two orders of magnitude faster.
Typically, CGIs are executed as a user other than the
author of the CGI (eg. 'nobody' or 'www'). This
presents a problem, as the PLaneT request to include
the XML-RPC library will likely fail, causing your
CGI to fail as well.
There are many solutions to this problem. One is to
execute the CGIs in a SuExec'd environment. Or, you could
ask your systems administrator to install the PLaneT
package for the XML-RPC library in a globally accessible
location. Below, we've demonstrated how you might
make the library work for you in an environment where this
is not an option.
#!/path/to/mzscheme -gqr
(require (lib "config.ss" "planet"))
(PLANET-DIR "/path/to/writable/planet-dir")
(CACHE-DIR "/path/to/writable/planet-cache")
(LINKAGE-FILE "/path/to/writeable/planet-linkage")
(require (planet "xmlrpc-cgi.ss"
("schematics" "xmlrpc.plt" 1 3)))
(add-handler 'add (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
First, we require the configuration library for PLaneT.
We then define PLaneT-writable directories for all of its
files: these will need to be locations writable by
the webserver (eg. owned/writable by 'nobody', 'www',
or whatever user your webserver runs as). Then, include
the XML-RPC library, and from there, add your handlers.
Before you handle your XML-RPC requests, you will need
to output HTTP headers. This may change in the future;
Apache CGI support is new, and currently a moving target.
As of this release, the server-side of the XML-RPC
library has not been thoroughly tested. This means we
have not written a test suite in a variety of other
languages to test against our server.
The following clients are suspected to work against
the Untyped XML-RPC server running as either a
servlet or Apache CGI process:
* The Untyped XML-RPC client (Scheme)
* The Python native XML-RPC client (Python)
* Ecto, a popular blogging package for OSX (Cocoa)
* Apache XML-RPC v2 (Java)
These tests, however, were not exhaustive. Your milage
may vary. Please report any difficulties or patches to
jadudm at gmail dot com.
If you are writing unit-based servlets using a version
of PLT Scheme prior to 352.5, it would appear that there
is a continuation leak. Although the XML-RPC library
does not use contuations, it seems like they are created
and not freed regardless.
For authors writing servlet-based XML-RPC handlers,
we recommend writing against the module-based library, and
using PLT Scheme version 352.5 or later, as these issues
were resolved by that point.