Version: 5.2
CouchDB client for Racket.
(require couchdb) |
(couchdb-connect [ #:host host #:port port #:user user #:password password]) → couchdb-server? host : string? = "localhost" port : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 5984 user : (or/c string? #f) = #f password : (or/c string? #f) = #f
Creates CouchDB server connection information.
In reality, this does not connect anywhere. Each CouchDB request corresponds to one HTTP request.
Determines if given value is a CouchDB server information returned
by couchdb-connect.
(couchdb-db server name) → couchdb-database? server : couchdb-server? name : string?
Creates database connection information.
Result of this function is used in all database-local queries. It represents an isolated collection of documents.
Determines if given value is a CouchDB database returned by
(couchdb-get db id [ #:rev rev #:open-revs open-revs #:revs-info? revs-info? #:conflicts? conflicts?]) → (and/c jsexpr? hash?) db : couchdb-database? id : string? rev : (or/c string? (symbols 'current)) = 'current
open-revs :
(or/c (symbols 'all 'current) (listof string?)) = 'current revs-info? : boolean? = #f conflicts? : boolean? = #f
Retrieves specified document from given CouchDB database.
Consult CouchDB documentation for information on keyword arguments.
(couchdb-put db document) → (and/c jsexpr? hash?) db : couchdb-database? document : (and/c jsexpr? hash?)
Stores specified document in given CouchDB database.
(couchdb-delete db document) → (and/c jsexpr? hash?) db : couchdb-database? document : (and/c jsexpr? hash?)
Deletes specified document from the CouchDB database.
(couchdb-view db view [ #:include-docs? include-docs? #:key key #:startkey startkey #:startkey-docid startkey-docid #:endkey endkey #:endkey-docid endkey-docid #:limit limit #:stale stale #:descending? descending? #:skip skip #:group? group #:group-level group-level #:reduce? reduce? #:inclusive-end? inclusive-end? #:update-seq? update-seq?]) → jsexpr? db : couchdb-database? view : (list/c string? string?) include-docs? : boolean? = #f key : (or/c jsexpr? void?) = (void) startkey : (or/c jsexpr? void?) = (void) startkey-docid : (or/c jsexpr? void?) = (void) endkey : (or/c jsexpr? void?) = (void) endkey-docid : (or/c jsexpr? void?) = (void) limit : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? void?) = (void) stale : (or/c (symbols 'ok 'update-after) void?) = (void) descending? : boolean? = #f skip : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 0 group : boolean? = #f group-level : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? void?) = (void) reduce? : (or/c boolean? void?) = (void) inclusive-end? : boolean? = #t update-seq? : boolean? = #f
Queries a stored view.
Consult CouchDB documentation for information on keyword arguments.
Generic CouchDB exception.
Revision conflict exception.
Document not found exception.