WebIt! Reference Manual
_WebIt!_ Reference Manual
Version: WebIt! 2.0
Last update: 24 April 2005
WebIt! is a framework for manipulating XML in Scheme. The main features of WebIt!
are: an XML pattern matching system based on that of Scheme's syntax-rules and
syntax-case macro systems, and a macro-style transformation system. An Abstract
Data Type (ADT) for manipulating the XML Infoset is also provided. (The concrete
representation of XML used by WebIt!, internally, is SXML.) Lastly, an embedding
in Scheme of Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) is provided.
Part I
Module "xml.ss"
1 Defining XML Element and Attribute Types
1.1 _define-element_
The grammar for the define-element syntax is:
element-definition ::= (define-element (element-tag namespace-uri))
| (define-element (element-tag #f))
| (define-element element-tag)
element-tag must be a symbol. If present, namespace uri is a string
containing a uri.
define-element introduces the following bindings:
- element-tag: a constructor function for the element type defined by define-element.
- element-tag?: a predicate function for the element type defined by define-element.
The example below defines an element 'group':
(define-element group)
The code fragment below illustrates the use of both the constructor group and
the predicate group.
(group? "test") ; ==> #f
(group? (group "body")) ; ==> #t
1.2 _define-attribute_
The grammar for the define-attribute syntax is:
attribute-definition ::= (define-attribute (attribute-tag namespace-uri))
| (define-attribute (attribute-tag #f))
| (define-attribute attribute-tag)
attribute-tag must be a symbol. If present, namespace uri is a string containing a uri.
define-attribute introduces the following bindings:
- attribute-tag:: a keyword used for construction of the the attribute
defined by define-attribute.
- attribute-tag?: a predicate function, taking an element as its argument.
If the element contains the attribute 'attribute-tag', the value of the
attribute is returned. Otherwise #f.
The example below defines an attribute 'label':
(define-attribute label)
The code fragment below illustrates the use of both the constructor label:
and the predicate label?.
(label? (group "body")) ; ==> #f
(label? (group label: "a" "body")) ; ==> "a"
2 Pattern Matching of XML
2.1 _xml-match_
xml-match provides pattern matching of XML nodes. The pattern notation is
based on that of Scheme's syntax-rules/syntax-case macro systems.
The grammar for the xml-match syntax is given below:
match-form ::= (xml-match input-expression
clause ::= [node-pattern action-expression+]
| [node-pattern (guard expression*) action-expression+]
node-pattern ::= literal-pattern
| pat-var-or-cata
| element-pattern
| list-pattern
literal-pattern ::= string
| character
| number
| #t
| #f
attribute-pattern ::= attribute-keyword attr-val-pattern
attr-val-pattern ::= literal-pattern
| pat-var-or-cata
| (pat-var-or-cata default-value-expr)
element-pattern ::= (tag-symbol attribute-pattern*)
| (tag-symbol attribute-pattern* nodeset-pattern)
| (tag-symbol attribute-pattern*
nodeset-pattern . pat-var-or-cata)
list-pattern ::= (list nodeset-pattern)
| (list nodeset-pattern . pat-var-or-cata)
| (list)
nodeset-pattern ::= node-pattern
| node-pattern ...
| node-pattern nodeset-pattern
| node-pattern ... nodeset-pattern
pat-var-or-cata ::= (unquote var-symbol)
| (unquote [var-symbol*])
| (unquote [cata-expression -> var-symbol*])
Within a list or element body pattern, ellipses may appear only once, but may
be followed by zero or more node patterns.
Guard expressions cannot refer to the return values of catamorphisms.
Ellipses in the output expressions must appear only in an expression context;
ellipses are not allowed in a syntactic form.
The sections below illustrate specific aspects of the xml-match pattern matcher.
Matching XML Elements
The example below illustrates the pattern matching of an XML element:
(xml-match (e i: 1 3 4 5)
[(e i: ,d ,a ,b ,c) (list d a b c)]
[,otherwise #f])
The element and attribute tags used in patterns are the element and attribute
constructors created by define-element and define-attribute. Each clause in
xml-match contains two parts: a pattern and one or more expressions which are
evaluated if the pattern is successfully match.
Pattern variables are must be "unquoted" in the pattern. The above expression
binds d to 1, a to 3, b to 4, and c to 5.
Matching Nodesets
A nodeset pattern is designated by a list in the pattern, beginning the
identifier list. The example below illustrates matching a nodeset.
(xml-match '("i" "j" "k" "l" "m")
[(list ,a ,b ,c ,d ,e)
(list (h4:p a) (h4:p b) (h4:p c) (h4:p d) (h4:p e))])
This example wraps each nodeset item in an HTML paragraph element.
Matching the 'Rest' of a Nodeset
Matching the 'rest' of a nodeset is achieved by using a ". rest)" pattern at
the end of an element or nodeset pattern.
This is illustrated in the example below:
(xml-match (e 3 (f 4 5 6) 7)
[(e ,a (f . ,y) ,d)
(list a y d)])
The above expression returns (3 (4 5 6) 7).
Ellipses in Patterns
As in syntax-rules, ellipses may be used to specify a repeated pattern. Note
that the pattern "item ..." specifies zero-or-more matches of the pattern "item".
The use of ellipses in a pattern is illustrated in the code fragment below,
where nested ellipses are used to match the children of repeated instances
of an 'a' element, within an element 'd'.
(define x (d (a 1 2 3) (a 4 5) (a 6 7 8) (a 9 10)))
(xml-match x
[(d (a ,b ...) ...)
(list (list b ...) ...)])
The above expression returns a value of ((1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10)).
Default Values in Attribute Patterns
It is possible to specify a default value for an attribute which is used
if the attribute is not present in the element being matched. This is
illustrated in the following example:
(xml-match (e 3 4 5)
[(e z: (,d 1) ,a ,b ,c) (list d a b c)])
The value 1 is used when the attribute 'z' is absent from the element 'e'.
Guards in Patterns
Guards may be added to a pattern clause via the guard keyword. A guard
expression may include zero or more expressions which are evaluated
only if the pattern is matched. The body of the clause is only evaluated
if the guard expressions evaluate to #t.
The use of guard expressions is illustrated below:
(xml-match '(a 2 3)
((a ,n) (guard (number? n)) n)
((a ,m ,n) (guard (number? m) (number? n)) (+ m n)))
The example below illustrates the use of explicit recursion within an
xml-match form. This example implements a simple calculator for the basic
arithmetic operations, which are represented by the XML elements plus,
minus, times, and div.
(define simple-eval
(lambda (x)
(xml-match x
[,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
[(plus ,x ,y) (+ (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
[(times ,x ,y) (* (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
[(minus ,x ,y) (- (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
[(div ,x ,y) (/ (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
[,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
Using the catamorphism feature of xml-match , a more concise version of
simple-eval can be written. The pattern ,[x] recusively invokes the
pattern matcher on the value bound in this position.
(define simple-eval
(lambda (x)
(xml-match x
[,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
[(plus ,[x] ,[y]) (+ x y)]
[(times ,[x] ,[y]) (* x y)]
[(minus ,[x] ,[y]) (- x y)]
[(div ,[x] ,[y]) (/ x y)]
[,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
It is also possible to explicitly name the operator in the 'cata'
position. Where ,[id*] recurs to the top of the current xml-match,
,[cata -> id*] recurs to cata. cata must evaluate to a procedure which
takes one argument, and returns as many values as there are
identifiers following ->.
Named catamorphism patterns allow processing to be split into
multiple, mutually recursive procedures. This is illustrated in the
example below: a transformation that formats a "TV Guide" into HTML.
(define (tv-guide->html g)
(define (cast-list cl)
(xml-match cl
[(CastList (CastMember (Character (Name ,ch)) (Actor (Name ,a))) ...)
(h4:div (h4:ul (h4:li ch ": " a) ...))]))
(define (prog p)
(xml-match p
[(Program (Start ,start-time) (Duration ,dur) (Series ,series-title)
(Description . ,desc))
(h4:div (h4:p start-time
(h4:br) series-title
(h4:br) desc))]
[(Program (Start ,start-time) (Duration ,dur) (Series ,series-title)
(Description . ,desc)
,[cast-list -> cl])
(h4:div (h4:p start-time
(h4:br) series-title
(h4:br) desc)
(xml-match g
[(TVGuide start: ,start-date
end: ,end-date
(Channel (Name ,nm) ,[prog -> p] ...) ...)
(h4:html (h4:head (h4:title "TV Guide"))
(h4:body (h4:h1 "TV Guide")
(h4:div (h4:h2 nm) p ...) ...))]))
Ellipses in Quasiquote'd Output
Within the body of an xml-match form, a slightly extended version of
quasiquote is provided, which allows the use of ellipses. This is
illustrated in the example below.
(xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7)
[(e ,i ... 6 7) `("start" ,(list 'wrap i) ... "end")]
[,otherwise #f])
The general pattern is that `(something ,i ...) is rewritten as `(something ,@i).
2.2 _xml-match-let_ and _xml-match-let*_
The xml-match-let and xml-match-let* forms generalize the let and let*
forms of Scheme to allow an XML pattern in the binding position, rather
than a simple variable.
For example, the expression below:
(xml-match-let ([(a ,i ,j) '(a 1 2)])
(+ i j))
binds the variables i and j to 1 and 2 in the XML value given.
The syntax for these forms is given below:
(xml-match-let ([pat expr] ...) expression0 expression ...)
(xml-match-let* ([pat expr] ...) expression0 expression ...)
3 XML Transformation
3.1 _stylesheet_
A stylesheet is a set of rules for transformation of XML. The
stylesheet syntax allows one to intermix a sequence of xml-micro's,
xml-macro's, and top-level Scheme expressions.
The grammar for stylesheet is given below:
stylesheet-form ::= (stylesheet body-item*)
body-item ::= xml-micro-form
| xml-macro-form
| top-level-sceheme-expression
A stylesheet form evaluates to a stylesheet object.
The semantics of top-level definitions within a stylesheet is identical
to that of PLT Scheme's units.
3.2 _xml-micro_
An xml-micro performs a single transformation of its argument. The result of
this transformation is not further "expanded".
The grammar for xml-micro is:
micro-form ::= (xml-micro trigger-tag
trigger-tag ::= element-tag
| *text*
| *data*
The expression in an xml-micro must evaluate to a function of which
takes an XML node as its argument, and (generally) returns a node or
3.3 _xml-macro_
An xml-macro performs a transformation of its argument; the result
of this transformation further "expanded" until no further
transformations are possible.
The grammar for xml-macro is:
macro-form ::= (xml-macro trigger-tag
trigger-tag ::= element-tag
| *text*
| *data*
The expression in an xml-macro must evaluate to a function of which
takes an XML node as its argument, and returns a node or nodeset.
No further transformations of a node are possible when no more xml-micros
or xml-macros are triggered by that node under the stylesheet being applied.
3.4 stylesheet->expander
> _stylesheet->expander_ :: stylesheet -> (function node -> node))
This function converts a stylesheet to an expander function. The
return-result may be applied to an XML node to apply the stylesheet's
3.5 _compound-stylesheet_
This form is used to combine multiple stylesheets. The result of
evaluating a compound-stylesheet is a new stylesheet object.
The grammar for a compound-stylesheet is given below:
compound-ss-form ::= (compound-stylesheet expression+)
Each expression must evaluate to a stylesheet object.
3.6 Example
The example below is a complete working stylesheet which translates a
collection of poetry into HTML. The 'micro' for the poem element
formats a poem into HTML. The 'macro' for the book element creates a
skeletal HTML document, with a new contents element which contains
both a table of contents element and the poems to be formatted. The
'micro' for the contents element formats the table of contents and
uses xml-expand to invoke the expander on each of the poems.
poetry->html is bound to the result of applying stylesheet->expander
to the stylesheet, producing a function which takes a single argument:
the poetry book element.
(define poetry->html
(define-element toc)
(define-element contents)
(xml-micro poem
(lambda (x)
(xml-match x
[(poem title: ,t poet: ,a tag: ,m
(stanza (line ,l1) (line ,l) ...) ...)
(h4:div (h4:p) (h4:a h4:name: m) (h4:strong t) (h4:br) (h4:em a)
(list (h4:p) l1 (list (h4:br) l) ...) ...)])))
(xml-micro contents
(lambda (x)
(xml-match x
[(contents (toc (poem title: ,t poet: ,a tag: ,m . ,rest) ...) ,p* ...)
(h4:div (h4:p) "Table of Contents:"
(h4:li (h4:a h4:href: (string-append "#" m) t)) ...)
(xml-expand p*) ...)])))
(xml-macro book
(lambda (x)
(xml-match x
[(book title: ,bt ,p* ...)
(h4:head (h4:title bt))
(h4:h1 bt)
(contents (toc p* ...)
p* ...)))])))
4 Output Functions
4.1 write-xml
> _write-xml_ :: node [port] -> void
This function is used to write XML nodes to port, if given, or to
4.2 display-xml
> _display-xml_ :: node [port] -> void
This function is used to write XML nodes to port, if given, or
to current-output-port. Unlike write-xml, this function introduces
additional whitespace indentation for nested elements. The primary
purpose is debugging. For correct XML output, write-xml should be used.
4.3 servlet-result
> _servlet-result_ :: node -> list-of-strings
This function may be used in servlets to convert XML to a
list-of-strings for sending to a web browser.
5 XML Infoset Mapping
WebIt! implements an abstract datatype for the XML Infoset, in
terms of the API described in this section. The concrete datatype
used by this API is SXML.
5.1 Normalized and Non-Normalized SXML
5.1.1 _normalized-sxml_
By default, WebIt! functions and syntax can process non-normalized
SXML. However, there is a performance penalty for this. normalized-sxml
may be used to restrict WebIt! to processing a particular style of
normalized SXML. The default value of #f enables processing of
non-normalized SXML. Set this parameter to #t to restrict WebIt!
to normalized SXML.
5.2 Constructing and Analyzing XML Document Nodes
5.2.1 make-xml-document
> _make-xml-document_ :: list-of-nodes -> xml-document
This function construction a document node from a list of nodes. The
list should include exactly one xml-element node.
5.2.2 xml-document?
> _xml-document?_ :: node -> boolean
Returns #t if its argument is an xml-document node, otherwise #f.
5.2.3 xml-document-dtd-info
> _xml-document-dtd-info_ :: xml-document -> xml-dtd-info
Returns the document's xml-dtd-info, if one is present, otherwise #f.
5.2.4 xml-document-content
> _xml-document-content_ :: xml-document -> xml-element
Returns the document's root element.
5.2.5 xml-document-body
> _xml-document-content_ :: xml-document -> nodeset
Returns a list of the document's body nodes.
5.3 Constructing and Analyzing XML Element Nodes
5.3.1 make-xml-element
> _make-xml-element_ :: tag attribute-list node-list -> xml-element
The element tag is a symbol.
The attribute-list is a list of attribute nodes: a list of an
attribute tag and a string, number or boolean.
A node-list is a (possibly null) list of XML nodes.
5.3.2 make-xml-element/ns
> _make-xml-element/ns_ :: tag ns-list attribute-list node-list -> xml-element
The element tag, tag, is a symbol.
ns-list is a list of namespace bindings. Each namespace binding
is a list of a namespace uri (string) and a prefix (symbol).
The attribute-list is a list of attribute nodes: a list of
an attribute tag and a string, number or boolean.
A node-list is a (possibly null) list of XML nodes.
5.3.3 xml-element?
> _xml-element?_ :: node -> boolean
Returns #t if its argument is an xml-element node, otherwise #f.
5.3.4 xml-element-tag
> _xml-element-tag_ :: xml-element -> symbol
Returns the tag (symbol) of an element node. This tag is either
the local name of the element (for locally named element), or
the concatenation of the namespace URI to which the element belongs
and the element's local name, separated by a colon.
5.3.5 xml-element-local-name
> _xml-element-local-name_ :: xml-element -> symbol
Returns the local-name (symbol) of an element node.
5.3.6 xml-element-ns-uri
> _xml-element-local-name_ :: xml-element -> symbol
Returns the namespace URI to which the element belongs, #f.
5.3.7 xml-element-ns-list
> _xml-element-ns-list_ :: xml-element -> (listof xml-namespace-binding)
Returns a list of namespace prefix bindings associated with this element.
5.3.8 xml-element-attributes
> _xml-element-attributes_ :: xml-element -> (listof xml-attribute)
Returns a list of attributes of this element.
5.3.9 xml-element-contents
> _xml-element-contents_ :: xml-element -> (listof node)
Returns a nodeset of the children of this element.
5.4 Constructing and Analyzing XML Attribute Nodes
5.4.1 make-xml-attribute
> _make-xml-attribute_ :: tag value -> (list-of symbol string|number|boolean)
The attribute tag is a symbol.
The value of an attribute may be a string, number or boolean.
5.4.2 xml-attribute-tag
> _xml-attribute-tag_ :: xml-attribute -> symbol
Returns the tag (symbol) of an attribute node. This tag is either
the local name of the attribute (for locally named attributes), or
the concatenation of the namespace URI to which the attribute
belongs and the attribute's local name, separated by a colon.
5.4.3 xml-attribute-local-name
> _xml-attribute-local-name_ :: xml-attribute -> symbol
Returns the local-name (symbol) of an attribute node.
5.4.4 xml-attribute-ns-uri
> _xml-attribute-local-name_ :: xml-attribute -> symbol
Returns the namespace URI to which the attribute belongs, #f.
5.4.5 xml-attribute-value
> _xml-attribute-value_ :: xml-attribute -> string|number|boolean
Returns the value of an attribute node.
5.5 Constructing and Analyzing XML Comment Nodes
5.5.1 make-xml-comment
> _make-xml-comment_ :: string -> xml-comment
This function constructs an xml-comment object with its
argument as the comment text.
5.5.2 xml-comment?
> _xml-comment?_ :: node -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is an xml-comment,
otherwise #f.
5.5.3 xml-comment-text
> _xml-comment-text_ :: xml-comment -> string
Returns the text of an xml-comment node.
5.6 Constructing and Analyzing XML Processing Instruction Nodes
5.6.1 make-xml-pi
> _make-xml-pi_ :: symbol string -> xml-pi
This function has to arguments: a PI target (symbol) and PI text
(a string). Returns a new xml-pi object.
5.6.2 xml-pi?
> _xml-pi?_ :: node -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is an xml-comment, otherwise #f.
5.6.3 xml-pi-target
> _xml-pi-target_ :: xml-pi -> symbol
This function returns it's argument's PI target.
5.6.4 xml-pi-text
> _xml-pi-text_ :: xml-pi -> symbol
This function returns it's argument's PI text.
5.7 Constructing and Analyzing XML Entity Nodes
5.7.1 make-xml-entity
> _make-xml-entity_ :: string string -> xml-entity
This function takes two arguments of type string: a public-id and
a system-id, and a returns a new xml-entity object.
5.7.2 xml-entity?
> _xml-entity?_ :: node -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is an xml-entity, otherwise #f.
5.7.3 xml-entity-public-id
> _xml-entity-public-id_ :: xml-entity -> string
This function returns it's argument's public-id.
5.7.4 xml-entity-system-id
> _xml-entity-system-id_ :: xml-entity -> string
This function returns it's argument's system-id.
5.8 Constructing and Analyzing XML Namespace Binding Nodes
5.8.1 make-xml-ns-binding
> _make-xml-ns-binding_ :: symbol string -> (list symbol string)
This function takes two arguments: a namespace prefix (symbol)
and a namespace URI (string), and returns a new namespace prefix
5.8.2 xml-ns-binding-prefix
> _xml-ns-binding-prefix_ :: (list symbol string) -> symbol
This function returns the namespace prefix from its argument.
5.8.3 xml-ns-binding-ns-url
> _xml-ns-binding-ns-url_ :: (list symbol string) -> string
This function returns the namespace URI from its argument.
5.9 Constructing and Analyzing DTD Information Nodes
5.9.1 make-xml-dtd-info
> _make-xml-dtd-info_ :: symbol string -> xml-dtd-info
This function takes two arguments: a name (symbol) and a system
(string). Returns a new xml-dtd-info object.
5.9.2 xml-dtd-info?
> _xml-dtd-info?_ :: node -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is an xml-dtd-info or
xml-dtd-info/public object, otherwise #f.
5.9.3 xml-dtd-info-name
> _xml-dtd-info-name_ :: xml-dtd-info -> symbol
This function returns it's argument's name field.
5.9.4 xml-dtd-info-system
> _xml-dtd-info-system_ :: xml-dtd-info -> string
This function returns it's argument's system field.
5.9.5 make-xml-dtd-info/public
> _make-xml-dtd-info/public_ :: symbol string string -> xml-dtd-info/public
This function takes three arguments: a name (symbol), a system
(string), and a public (string). Returns a new xml-dtd-info/public
5.9.6 xml-dtd-info/public?
> _xml-dtd-info/public?_ :: node -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is an xml-dtd-info/public,
otherwise #f.
5.9.7 xml-dtd-info/public-public
> _xml-dtd-info/public-public_ :: xml-dtd-info/public -> string
This function returns it's argument's public field.
5.10 Miscellaneous
5.10.1 nodeset?
> _nodeset?_ :: any -> boolean
This function returns #t if its argument is a list which does not
begin with a symbol, otherwise #f.
5.10.2 has-attribute?
> _has-attribute?_ :: symbol (listof xml-attribute) -> (xml-attribute | #f)
This function searches a list of attributes for the for the requested
attribute. Returns the matching attribute, otherwise #f.
5.10.3 _bind-namespaces_
This form is used to introduce namespace prefix bindings, and to
attach these bindings to an xml-element object.
The grammar for bind-namespaces is:
(bind-namespaces ([prefix-symbol uri-string] ...)
Expression must evaluate to an xml-element. bind-namespaces returns
a new xml-element object, with the new namespace prefix bindings.
6 Deprecated Functions and Syntax
The following functions and syntax are deprecated as of WebIt! 2.0.
These are still available in the current build, but will be removed
in a future release.
- xml-rules: use xml-match, xml-match-let, xml-match-let* instead.
- xml-case: use xml-match, xml-match-let, xml-match-let* instead.
- xml-element-print-tag: use xml-element-local-name instead.
- xml-element-target-ns: use xml-element-ns-uri instead.
- xml-attribute-print-tag: use xml-attribute-local-name instead.
- xml-attribute-target-ns: use xml-attribute-ns-uri instead.
Part II
Module "css.html"
7 _css_
Below is the grammar for the css form:
external-css-stylesheet ::= (css import-clause* rule+)
internal-css-stylesheet ::= (css/html import-clause* rule+)
import-clause ::= ( import string )
rule ::= ( complex-selector css-avp+ )
complex-selector ::= single-selector |
simple-selector ::= symbol |
(class symbol) |
(class symbol symbol) | -- (class <type> <class>)
(pclass symbol) |
(pclass symbol symbol) | -- (pclass <type> <pseudo-class>)
(id symbol) |
(id symbol symbol) -- (id <type> <id>)
path-selector ::= ( // simple-selector+ )
single-selector ::= simple-selector |
grouping-selector ::= ( single-selector+ )
css-avp ::= ( symbol scheme-expression ) |
(! (symbol scheme-expression))
Note 1: scheme-expression must evaluate to a string
Note 2: internal-css-stylesheet translates to
( style type: "text/css" ( css import-clause* rule+ ))
What follows is a basic example illustrating webIt!'s embedding
off CSS in Scheme. this example creates a simple HTML document
which uses an external CSS stylesheet. The CSS stylesheet is used
to color the background navy, and set different text fragments
yellow, white, and red.
(require (lib "xml.ss" "webit") (lib "html.ss" "webit") (lib "css.ss" "webit"))
The css syntax creates a CSS stylesheet. Informally, css takes a
list of rules, each of which consists of a selector and a property
list. In the first rule, for example, the selector is body, and the
property list includes settings for font-family, font-size, and
(define ex-css
(font-family "sans-serif")
(font-size "12pt")
(background-color "navy"))
(p (color "white"))
(p.ex (color "red"))
(h1 (color "yellow"))))
This creates the following stylesheet:
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
background-color: navy;
p {
color: white;
p.ex {
color: red;
h1 {
color: yellow;
(define ex
(h4:head (css-link "a.css") (h4:title "Stylesheet Example"))
(h4:h1 "Stylesheet Example; this text is yellow")
(h4:p "This text is white")
(h4:p h4:class: "ex" "This text is red"))))
(write-xml ex-css (open-output-port "a.css"))
(write-xml ex (open-output-port "a.html"))
In the HTML above, we can see the use of the css-link form, which takes
a single argument, the URL of the external stylesheeet. This form is
simply shorthand for the construction of the following HTML:
(h4:link h4:rel: "stylesheet" h4:href: "a.css" h4:type: "text/css")
The sections below describe in more detail the construction of CSS
stylesheets in Webit!.
Simple selectors, Classes, and Pseudo-classes
The simplest form is the simple selector:
p { color: white; }
The simple selector is just a symbol that is the element type to which
this style property applies. This is written as:
(css (p (color "white")))
Elements can also be selected by "class", that is, by the value of the
HTML "class" attribute:
.ex {color: red;}
This is written as:
(css (.ex (color "red")))
This is a convenient notation--and one which is supported by PLT. But not
all Scheme's support symbols which begin with a ".". This example can
also be written in a more verbose form:
(css ((class ex) (color "red")))
A selector can also be written with both an element type and a class.
p.ex {color: red; }
This is written as:
(css (p.ex (color "red")))
or, in the verbose notation:
(css ((class p ex) (color "red")))
Using PLT's "infix" notation, this last can also be written as:
(css ((p . class . ex) (color "red"))))
if that is to one's taste.
Pseudo-classes are supported in a similar manner. One can color a
visited link "lime":
a:visited { color: lime; }
which is written as:
(css (a:visited (color "lime")))
or, in the verbose notation:
(css ((pclass a visited) (color "lime")))
(css ((a . pclass . visited) (color "lime"))))
As with classes, a selector may include only a pseudo-class:
:visited { color: lime; }
which is written as:
(css (:visited (color "lime")))
or as
(css ((pclass visited) (color "lime")))
Combining Classes and Pseudo-classes
Lastly, classes and pseudo-classes can be combined:
a.external:visited { color: blue; }
which is written as:
(css (a.external:visited (color "blue")))
(css ((pclass (class a external) visited) (color "blue")))
This selector, without the element type, can also be used:
.external:visited { color: blue; }
which is written as:
(css (.external:visited (color "blue")))
(css ((pclass (class external) visited) (color "blue")))
Id as a Selector
One may attach unique "identifiers" to HTML elements, using the id
attribute. The value of an id attribute may be used as a selector as well.
To match the following paragraph tag:
<p id=z98y>Wide text</p>
the following style rule can be defined:
#z98y { letter-spacing: 0.3em; }
This would be written as:
(css ((id z98y) (letter-spacing "0.3em")))
(In principle, "(id z98y)" can also be written as the symbol "|#z98y|".)
Id's may also be combined with an element type in a selector:
h1#z98y {letter-spacing: 0.5em; }
written as:
(css ((id h1 z98y) (letter-spacing "0.5em")))
(css ((id h1 z98y) (letter-spacing "0.5em")))
Contextual Selectors
CSS allows one to specify that a "style" applies only to selected
elements, in a _context_. For example, if I want to color emphasized
text red, but only within an h1 element, this can be written as:
h1 em { color: red; }
which, in the WebIt! embedding, is given as:
(css ((// h1 em) (color "red")))
The keyword "//" is used to suggest a similarity of a contextual
specifier with a "path expression" (as in XPath/SXPath).
The "steps" in a contextual specifier can be an element type, class,
pseudo-class, an id, or a combination of these.
Grouping Selectors
To avoid duplicating style descriptions, selectors may be grouped
together. Any of the above kinds of selectors may be grouped, as
shown below, where a simple selector (an element type) and a contextual
selector are grouped:
h1, h2 b, h2, em { color: red; }
The grouping "operator" is just a list:
(css ((h1 (// h2 b) (// h2 em)) (color "red")))
Importing a stylesheet
A stylesheet may import another stylesheet:
@import url(http://somewhere/a.css)
This is written as
(css (import "http://somewhere/a.css") ...)
Any such import forms must appear at the beginning of a CSS stylesheet,
before any "style rules".
Marking a Property "Important"
CSS allows designers to increase the "weights" of some property
p { font-size: 12pt ! important;
font-style: italic;
This can be written in Scheme as:
(css (p (! (font-size "12pt")) (font-style "italic")))
Part III
Module "scm-markup.html"
8 scm->html
> _scm->html_ :: string -> xml-element
This function is used to perform syntax coloring of a Scheme expression
to be included inline within a paragraph. The string argument is parsed
into tokens and marked up in HTML. CSS is used to control font selection
and coloring. Returns a an xml-element consisting of the HTML markup.
9 scm-prog->html
> _scm-prog->html_ :: string -> xml-element
This function is used to perform syntax coloring of a Scheme program which
is included as the body of an HTML "pre" tag. The string argument is parsed
into tokens and marked up in HTML. CSS is used to control font selection
and coloring. Returns a an xml-element consisting of the HTML markup.
10 Controlling Font Selection and Coloring
This section describes the CSS selectors used to control font and color
styling of marked-up Scheme code.
The CSS selectors used for syntax coloring are:
The base style for Scheme code
.scheme .keyword
Scheme syntactic keywords
.scheme .builtin
Scheme built-in functions
.scheme .variable
Scheme variables
.scheme .global
Scheme global variables
.scheme .selfeval
Self-evaluating expressions
.scheme .comment
Scheme comments
.scheme .schemeresponse
Scheme REPL responses