DrFuzzy file finder
This is the documentation for the DrFuzzy tool.
1 Installation
Go to the package page copy the line after the "To load:" label and run it under DrScheme.
Wait for the indication that the process is over. Restart Drscheme to see that a menu called "DrFuzzy file finder" will now be available under the "File" menu, right below the "Install .plt file". You can now use DrFuzzy at will.
2 Usage
DrFuzzy loads every file path available in every directory starting with the directory DrScheme first was started. For now it is not possible to change that initial directory pick, so, if you are planning to use DrFuzzy in a project, open DrScheme in the root directory of that project. There is also a 10000 files limit, and DrFuzzy by default ignores files that end with "~" and files and directories that begin with ".".
By clicking in the "DrFuzzy file finder" a popup dialog will appear. Any character typed in the "Search" input field will activate the search. The list field allows for multiple file selections, so you can CTRL-click to open several files.
An overall description is that hits in the filename are worth (appear on top of the file list) more to DrFuzzy than in the directory names. To explictly search for something inside directories, you have 2 ways. Either you type the directory name, or its first letter followed by a separator.
/| |
| |
|- dir| |
|-file1 |
|-pic1 |
| |
|- anotherdir| |
| |
|dir2| |
|scheme-file.scm |
To find the scheme-file.scm you could type ".scm" any combination of the chars in the file name "scheme-file.scm".
To match exactly to that file you would type "anotherdir/d/scheme-file.scm" or "a/d/scheme-file.scm" or "a/dir2/scheme-file.scm".
To check the contents of dir you could type "d/" or "dir/".