version-case : conditionally compile code based on current version number.
_version-case_ : conditionally compile code based on current version number.
Danny Yoo ([email protected] / [email protected])
(module some-sample-unit-code mzscheme
(require (planet "" ("dyoo" "version-case.plt" 1 0))
(lib "" "mred"))
;; Small test code to see that we can write unit-dependent code
;; that still runs under both 360 and 369.
[(version<= (version) "360")
(printf "old unit code~n")
(require (lib "" "drscheme")
(lib ""))
(define tool@
(unit/sig drscheme:tool-exports^
(import drscheme:tool^)
(define (phase1)
(message-box "phase1"))
(define (phase2)
(message-box "phase2"))))]
(printf "new unit code~n")
(require (lib "" "drscheme")
(lib ""))
(define-unit tool@
(import drscheme:tool^)
(export drscheme:tool-exports^)
(define (phase1)
(message-box "phase1"))
(define (phase2)
(message-box "phase2")))]))
_version-case_ : SYNTAX
(version-case [test code ...]
[else code ...])
Expands out to one of the CODE blocks, depending on which test succeeds first.
The test expression has access to the mzscheme primitives. In addition,
one other function, VERSION<=, is made available for convenience.
;; version<=: string string -> boolean
;; Returns true if the strings, treated as version strings "major.minor",
;; compare as <=.
Bugs / Gotchas
The tests are done at compile time, in the standard mzscheme environment built with
(make-namespace). Also, if the test itself raises exceptions, the error messages
aren't that good.