


This collection provides one file:

 _nationality.ss_: maps country names to their nationalities


> (location? s) : string -> boolean

Determines whether the string `s' is the name of a known geographical

> (location-inhabited? loc) : location -> boolean

Determines whether the location `loc' is the name of a location with
an associated nationality.

> locations : (listof location)

The list of all known geographical locations, sorted in alphabetical

> inhabited-locations : (listof location)

The list of all known geographical locations with native populations,
sorted in alphabetical order. Querying the nationality of any of these
locations will not result in an exn:fail:uninhabited location.

> (nationality-adjective s [modifier]) : string [modifier] -> string

Provides the adjective form of the English word for the nationality
associated with the given geographical location.

If `s' is not the name of a known geographical location, an exception
of type exn:fail:unknown is raised. If `s' is a known location but
does not have an associated nationality, an exception of type
exn:fail:uninhabited is raised.

If `modifier' is 'singular (the default), the adjective is given in
the singular number and masculine or neuter gender. If `modifier' is
'feminine/singular, the adjective is given in the singular number and
feminine or neuter gender. If `modifier' is 'plural, the adjective is
given in the plural number and neuter or masculine gender.

> (nationality-noun s [modifier]) : string [modifier] -> string

Provides the noun form of the English word for the nationality
associated with the given geographical location.

If `s' is not the name of a known geographical location, an exception
of type exn:fail:unknown is raised. If `s' is a known location but
does not have an associated nationality, an exception of type
exn:fail:uninhabited is raised.

If `modifier' is 'singular (the default), the noun is given in the
singular number and masculine or neuter gender. If `modifier' is
'feminine/singular, the noun is given in the singular number and
feminine or neuter gender. If `modifier' is 'plural, the noun is given
in the plural number and neuter or masculine gender.

> (location->phrase s [capitalized?]) : string [boolean] -> string

Converts the name of a location in the comma-separated form used by
this module into a more human-readable English form without the
comma. If `capitalized?' is #f, leading articles are not
capitalized (though leading proper nouns are always capitalized). The
default value of `capitalized?' is #t.

EXCEPTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------

> exn:fail:unknown

Raised in response to queries about unknown locations.

> exn:fail:uninhabited

Raised in response to nationality queries about locations that do not
have native populations.

EXAMPLES -------------------------------------------------------------

> (nationality-adjective "Botswana" 'singular)
> (nationality-adjective "Botswana" 'plural)