This collection provides one file:
_aterm.ss_: reads input in ATerm plain text format.
This library provides utilities for manipulating the ATerm format.
DATA DEFINITIONS -----------------------------------------------------
An aterm is one of:
- sexp
- annotated
> (struct annotated (term annotation)) :: sexp * aterm
Represents an ATerm annotated with the "{ ... }" syntax (see below).
PROCEDURES -----------------------------------------------------------
> (make-aterm-reader in) :: input-port -> (-> sexp)
Produces a thunk that reads an ATerm as an S-expression from the given
input port.
The translation of ATerms is given recursively over the grammar
given at:
The translation function [| -- |] is specified as follows:
t :
[| bt |] -> S-expression
[| bt { t } |] -> (make-annotated [| bt |] [| t |])
bt :
[| C |] -> symbol
[| C(t1,...,tn) |] -> (list [| C |] [| t1 |] ... [| tn |])
[| (t1,...,tn) |] -> (list [| t1 |] ... [| tn |])
[| [t1,...,tn] |] -> (list 'list [| t1 |] ... [| tn |])
[| "ccc" |] -> string
[| int |] -> integer
[| real |] -> (not implemented)
[| blob |] -> (not implemented)
> (unescape str) :: string -> string
Interprets the following escape sequences in a string:
\a : alarm (ASCII 7)
\b : backspace (ASCII 8)
\t : tab (ASCII 9)
\n : newline (ASCII 10)
\v : vertical tab (ASCII 11)
\f : formfeed (ASCII 12)
\r : return (ASCII 13)
\e : escape (ASCII 27)
\\ : backslash (ASCII 92)
All other escaped letters are escaped to themselves, i.e., the initial
backslash is removed.