
Website: Website creation functions

_Website: Website creation functions_

Written by: Carl Eastlund (cce at ccs dot neu dot edu)
Keywords: _website_, _xml_, _html_, _xhtml_, _css_, _webpage_, _stylesheet_

This software is distributed under a BSD-style license (see license.txt).


Datatypes and functions provided by _css.ss_:

A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a (Listof StyleDefn).
A Style Definition (StyleDefn) is a (cons Selector (Listof PropDefn)).
A Property Definition (PropDefn) is a (list PropName PropVal).
A Selector is a Symbol.
A Property Name (PropName) is a Symbol.
A Property Value (PropVal) is a String.

> (css? v) : Boolean
  v : Value

Reports whether v is a CSS representation.

> css/c : FlatContract

Recognizes CSS values.

> (write-css css [out]) : Void
  css : CSS
  out : OutputPort

Writes the given Cascading Style Sheet in standard stylesheet syntax to the
given or current output port.


Datatypes and functions provided by _xexpr.ss_:

An Xexpr is XML represented as an s-expression (see the XML collection).

> (xexpr? v) : Boolean
  v : Value

Reports whether v is an Xexpr.

> xexpr/c : Boolean

Recognizes Xexprs.

> (write-xexpr xexpr [out]) : Void
  xexpr : Xexpr
  out : OutputPort

Writes the given Xexpr in standard XML syntax to the given or current output


Functions provided by _website.ss_:

> (create-webpage filename xexpr) : Void
  filename : String
  xexpr : Xexpr

Writes the given webpage as XML to the named file.

> (create-stylesheet filename css) : Void
  filename : String
  css : CSS

Writes the given CSS as a stylesheet to the named file.