12 Debugging
(require (planet cce/scheme:7:8/debug)) |
This module provides macros and functions for printing out debugging information.
(debug expr)
Logs debugging information before and after the evaluation of expression
(with-debugging options ... expr)
options = #:name name-expr | #:source srcloc-expr
Logs debugging information like debug, with the option of explicitly
overriding the name and source location information for the expression.
Constructs a message in the same manner as format, and logs it at the
debugging priority (like log-debug).
(begin/debug expr ...)
(define/debug id expr) (define/debug (head args) body ...+)
(define/private/debug id expr) (define/private/debug (head args) body ...+)
(define/public/debug id expr) (define/public/debug (head args) body ...+)
(define/override/debug id expr) (define/override/debug (head args) body ...+)
(define/augment/debug id expr) (define/augment/debug (head args) body ...+)
(let/debug ([lhs-id rhs-expr] ...) body ...+) (let/debug loop-id ([lhs-id rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(let*/debug ([lhs-id rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(letrec/debug ([lhs-id rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(let-values/debug ([(lhs-id ...) rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(let*-values/debug ([(lhs-id ...) rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(letrec-values/debug ([(lhs-id ...) rhs-expr] ...) body ...+)
(with-syntax/debug ([pattern stx-expr] ...) body ...+)
(with-syntax*/debug ([pattern stx-expr] ...) body ...+)
(parameterize/debug ([param-expr value-expr] ...) body ...+)
These macros add logging based on with-debugging to the evaluation of
expressions in begin, define, define/private,
define/public, define/override, define/augment,
let, let*, letrec, let-values,
let*-values, letrec-values, with-syntax,
with-syntax*, and parameterize.