#lang racket
(require "private/utils.ss")
(require (for-syntax (cce syntax))
(cce function)
(prefix-in raw- (combine-in (random random) srfi/27)))
[prob/c (case->
(-> flat-contract?)
(-> (one-of/c 0 1) flat-contract?)
(-> (one-of/c 0) (one-of/c 1) flat-contract?))])
(define prob/c
[(list) (and/c (real-in 0 1) (>/c 0) (</c 1))]
[(list 0) (and/c (real-in 0 1) (</c 1))]
[(list 1) (and/c (real-in 0 1) (>/c 0))]
[(list 0 1) (real-in 0 1)]))
(define (source) (current-pseudo-random-generator))
(define (schematics-random-integer k)
((raw-random-source-make-integers (source)) k))
(define (schematics-random-real)
((raw-random-source-make-reals (source))))
(define (schematics-random-binomial n p)
((raw-random-source-make-binomials (source)) n p))
(define (schematics-random-geometric p)
((raw-random-source-make-geometrics (source)) p))
(define (schematics-random-poisson r)
((raw-random-source-make-poissons (source)) r))
[random-boolean (->* [] [(prob/c 0 1)] boolean?)]
[random-boolean/fair (-> boolean?)]
[random-boolean/bernoulli (-> (prob/c 0 1) boolean?)])
(define (random-boolean/bernoulli p)
(if (exact? p)
(let* ([n (numerator p)]
[d (denominator p)])
(< (schematics-random-integer d) n))
(< (schematics-random-real) p)))
(define (random-boolean/fair) (random-boolean/bernoulli 1/2))
(define (random-boolean [p 1/2])
(random-boolean/bernoulli p))
(->d ([n natural-number/c] [p (prob/c 0 1)]) () [_ (integer-in 0 n)])]
(->d ([lo exact-integer?] [hi (and/c exact-integer? (>=/c lo))]) ()
[_ (integer-in lo hi)])])
(define (random-natural/binomial n p)
(inexact->exact (schematics-random-binomial n p)))
(define (random-integer/uniform lo hi)
(+ lo (schematics-random-integer (+ hi 1 (- lo)))))
(-> (prob/c) (one-of/c 0 1) natural-number/c)]
(-> exact-positive-integer? (prob/c) natural-number/c)]
(-> (and/c rational? positive?) natural-number/c)]
(->* [(and/c rational? positive?)] [(and/c rational? positive?)]
(define (random-natural/geometric p base)
(+ base (inexact->exact (schematics-random-geometric p)) -1))
(define (random-natural/pascal n p)
(for/fold ([sum 0]) ([i (in-range 1 n)])
(+ sum (random-natural/geometric p 0))))
(define (random-natural/poisson rate)
(inexact->exact (schematics-random-poisson rate)))
(define (random-integer/skellam pos-rate [neg-rate pos-rate])
(- (random-natural/poisson pos-rate)
(random-natural/poisson neg-rate)))
(->d ([lo real?] [hi (and/c real? (>=/c lo))]) () [_ (real-in lo hi)])])
(define (random-real/uniform lo hi)
(+ lo (* (- hi lo) (schematics-random-real))))
[random-choice (->* [any/c] [] #:rest (listof any/c) any/c)]
[random-choice-weighted (-> (listof (cons/c (>/c 0) any/c)) any/c)])
(define (random-choice . args)
(list-ref args (random-integer/uniform 0 (- (length args) 1))))
(define (random-choice-weighted alist)
(let* ([weights (map inexact->exact (map car alist))]
[values (map cdr alist)]
[total (apply + weights)]
[choice (random-real/uniform 0 1)])
(let loop ([ws weights]
[vs values]
[cumulative 0])
(if (null? ws)
(error 'random-choice-weighted "no choices given")
(let* ([accum (+ cumulative (/ (car ws) total))])
(if (<= choice accum)
(car vs)
(loop (cdr ws) (cdr vs) accum)))))))
(provide random-case)
(define-for-syntax (expand-random-case/weighted-args stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[() stx]
[(expr #:weight wt . rest)
(quasisyntax/loc stx
([expr wt] #,@(expand-random-case/weighted-args #'rest)))]
[(expr . rest)
(quasisyntax/loc stx
([expr 1] #,@(expand-random-case/weighted-args #'rest)))]
"expected a sequence of expressions with optional #:weight keywords")]))
(define-syntax (random-case stx)
(parameterize ([current-syntax stx])
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ arg ...)
(with-syntax ([([expr wt] ...)
(expand-random-case/weighted-args #'(arg ...))])
(syntax/loc stx
(list (cons wt (lambda () expr)) ...)))))])))
[random-natural (-> natural-number/c)]
[random-integer (-> exact-integer?)]
[random-rational (-> (and/c rational? exact?))]
[random-exact (-> (and/c number? exact?))]
[random-positive-real (-> (and/c inexact-real? (>/c 0)))]
[random-real (-> inexact-real?)]
[random-inexact (-> (and/c number? inexact?))]
[random-number (-> number?)])
(define (random-nonnegative-integer)
(random-natural/geometric 1/1000 0))
(define (random-positive-integer)
(random-natural/geometric 1/1000 1))
(define (random-signed-integer)
(- (random-nonnegative-integer))))
(define (random-nonnegative-ratio)
(/ (random-nonnegative-integer) (random-positive-integer)))
(define (random-signed-ratio)
(- (random-nonnegative-ratio))))
(define (random-exact-complex)
(make-rectangular (random-signed-ratio)
(define (random-unitary-real)
(random-real/uniform 0 1))
(define (random-positive-real)
(/ (random-unitary-real) (random-unitary-real)))
(define (random-signed-real)
(- (random-positive-real))))
(define (random-inexact-complex)
(make-rectangular (random-signed-real) (random-signed-real)))
(define (random-natural)
(define (random-integer)
(define (random-rational)
(define (random-exact)
(define (random-real)
(define (random-inexact)
(define (random-number)
[random-list (->* [(-> any/c)] [#:len natural-number/c] list?)])
(define (random-list make-elem
#:len [len (random-natural/poisson 4)])
(build-list len (thunk* (make-elem))))
[random-char (-> char?)]
[random-string (->* [] [#:char (-> char?) #:len natural-number/c] string?)]
[random-symbol (->* [] [#:string string?] symbol?)]
[random-keyword (->* [] [#:string string?] keyword?)])
(define (random-char)
(string-ref "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
(random-integer/uniform 0 25)))
(define (random-string #:char [make-char random-char]
#:len [len (random-natural/poisson 4)])
(apply string (random-list make-char #:len len)))
(define (random-symbol #:string [string (random-string)])
(string->symbol string))
(define (random-keyword #:string [string (random-string)])
(string->keyword string))
[random-atom (-> (not/c cons?))]
[random-sexp (->* []
[#:atom (-> (not/c cons?))
#:improper boolean?
#:size exact-nonnegative-integer?]
(define (random-atom)
(define (random-sexp #:atom [make-atom random-atom]
#:improper [improper? #f]
#:size [size (random-natural/poisson 4)])
(if improper?
(random-improper-sexp? make-atom size)
(random-proper-sexp? make-atom size)))
(define (random-improper-sexp? make-atom size)
(if (= size 0)
(let* ([left-size (random-integer/uniform 0 (- size 1))]
[right-size (- size left-size 1)])
(cons (random-improper-sexp? make-atom left-size)
(random-improper-sexp? make-atom right-size)))))
(define (random-proper-sexp? make-atom size)
(if (= size 0)
(let* ([len (random-integer/uniform 1 size)]
[sub (- size len)]
[subsizes (random-split-count sub len)])
(map (lambda (subsize)
(random-proper-sexp? make-atom subsize))
(define (random-split-count count len)
(let* ([vec (make-vector len 0)])
(for ([i (in-range count)])
(let* ([j (random-integer/uniform 0 (- len 1))])
(vector-set! vec j (+ (vector-ref vec j) 1))))
(vector->list vec)))