This collection provides one file:
_roman.ss_: converts ints to roman numerals and vice versa
These functions only handle numbers in the range 1 to 3999 inclusive.
This library is caps-sensitive: "VI" is fine, "Vi", "vI", and "vi"
are not.
A Roman numeral is well-formed iff
* it consists entirely of M, C, D, X, L, I, V, and
* it is valid per the Roman numeral system as defined at
> int->roman : (integer-in 1 3999) -> string?
Converts input to its Roman numeral representation.
> roman->int : string? -> (union (integer-in 1 3999) false?)
Converts well-formed Roman numerals to integers.
> test-all : -> void?
Prints out the functions applied to all numbers in the range. That is,
if you want to verify these functions, you can run this.
EXAMPLES -------------------------------------------------------------
> (int->roman 1121)
> (roman->int "MCXXI")
These functions hacked by Adam Shaw on June 12, 2006.
Have a nice, Roman-numeral filled day.