The Scheme Artificial Neural Network Generator v0.2
Copyright (C) 2014-5 Sam Findler
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
1 Why another Neural Network Module?
This program is a simple neural network module that I have implemented in the Scheme Programming Language. Currently it only supports backpropogated neural networks, however, with the macro operation "make-net/n" arbitrarily complex neural network structures can be created without having to manually enter in every aspect of the configuration.
Further, with the function "ngo/4," the neural network can be trained with arbitrarily large datasets, which it normalizes, gradually stepping down the expected Mean Square Error to improve its ability to recognize patterns. It then feeds in a final input to the trained neural network which can be used to test the predictive capability of the net against future data.
The "ngo/4" function currently also does slight error checking to attempt to ensure that the neural network configuration will converge, a feature which will be improved in future versions. However, even without the modifications since it is almost fully automated in the construction and training of neural networks, this module could prove valuable in implementing in production software, where other manually constructed neural networks could be less viable.
As of version 0.1, there are also two other functions ("run-normalized/4" and "dno/2") which can separate the functionality of ngo and allow for trained configurations of a neural network to be saved and later trained more or run through with an input. This will be extremely helpful to anyone attempting to train a neural network with data collected during the training of the net (e.g. in robotics).
Additionally, since this module was built with a heavy emphasis on modularity, it is a relatively simple thing to customize it to your specifications. For example, changing the error checking from MSE to RMS should involve the modification of just one function (the function that actually calculates the MSE). And finally, since the ngo function is separate from the functions that actually train the neural network, it is easy enough to ignore the automatic training features altogether and train your neural network manually.
Please be sure to note: if you do decide to alter the program, there are four global variables at the bottom of the file, be aware that changing these may greatly alter the behavior of the module.
2 Future Features
I am currently working on a file parser to coincide with the program that will take various kinds of well formatted files (tab delimited, csv, txt) and extrapolate a training-set of input output values, because for now all of the data must be manually input, which is a frustrating and time consuming process.
I also plan to add supports for other kinds of neural networks, and an operation that will produce connections that are not simply random, but have a distribution that edges closer to .5.
Additionally, as the project grows, I plan to add a lot more error checking to make the automation of training neural networks a much more pain free process.
3 Contact
If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements, you may email me at [email protected].
4 How to use the Module
Since the program is just one file, it should be simple enough to load it into your program. Simply use the nonstandard procedure load: (load "{your file location}/net.scm"). Any r6rS compliant Scheme should be able to use the module. Currently, MIT-GNU Scheme does not support brackets, so it will not work in MIT-GNU scheme, however, if you simply go through the module and switch out the brackets for parentheses it should work.
The source file contains a description of all of the functions. However, for those that don’t want to wade through the couple hundred lines of code, here is a brief description of the two most useful functions:
make-net/n takes n arguments and returns a neural network data structure of n layers with randomized connections and all nodes initialized to zero. For example, (make-net 2 4 2) will create a neural network with a 2 node input layer, a 2 node output layer and a 4 node hidden layer. The actual data structure will look like this: #(’(#(0 0) #(0 0 0 0) #(0 0)) ((#(...) #(...) #(...) #(...)) (#(... ...) #(... ...)))), where the ellipses are each two random numbers between 0 and 1.
ngo/4 takes 4 arguments, a training-set, a neural network data structure, an ideal-MSE and a final input-vector. The training-set should be a list containing two lists, a list-of-inputs and a list-of-outputs. These lists should be the same length, and each input / output should match the input / output nodes of the neural network. e.g. ’((#(24 543) #(123 435)) (#(234 342) #( 1234))) could be a training-set for a neural network made with (make-net 2 4 2). Keep in mind that this macro takes non-normalized training-sets and final inputs and normalizes them, so don’t use values between 0 and 1 with ngo (use run-net instead).
(note: Since update 1, "ngo" uses two functions: "run-normalized" and "dno" (denormalized-output). These can be split up and increase the usefulness of the program
run-normalized/4 takes an input set, an output set, a neural network and an ideal-MSE, normalizes the input and output, trains the neural network with the data and returns the last configuration of the neural network.
dno/2 takes a fully configured neural network and a non-normalized input vector, it then normalizes the input vector, runs it through the neural network and denormalizes the output.
together, these are useful if you want to save a neural net for future updates and outputs: For example: for some training-set and network, we could declare (define network_2 (run-normalized (car training-set) (cadr training-set) network ideal-MSE)), this saves the neural network configuration for future use. we could then call (run-normalized (car training-set-2) (cadr training-set-2) network_2 ideal-MSE) after receiving further data and train the net some more
We can then combine run-normalized with dno and get a sort of delayed and reusable ngo for example if we run (dno network_2 input) for some input, it would be as if we initially ran (ngo training-set network ideal-MSE input), but it can be useful to split these processes up and to be able to save a trained neural network.)
That’s all for now, but I’m sure I’ll be adding more features later. See the source code for further documentation.