 ao.plt(1 0)synx

This module is a simple interface to libao. See test.rkt for an example of its use. Wait a few minutes for it to really pick up! 8)

 exec.plt(1 3)synxReplace the current process
 html-dom.plt(2 0)synxA TagSoup style DOM parser, using foof's permissive html parser to parse the document
 http.plt(5 1)synxA few tricks on top of net/url
 libpq.plt(1 3)synxPostgreSQL Client Library Interface
 log.plt(1 3)synxSimple logging facility
 main.plt(1 0)synxProgram Entry Points
 maker.plt(2 0)synxConvenient tools for making things
 microdate.plt(1 0)synxplease delete
 pointer-address.plt(1 1)synxThe address of a C pointer
 sizeof.plt(2 0)synxSize of arbitrary C types
 stat.plt(2 0)synxCollect stats about files
 user.plt(1 0)synx

User ID

This module allows you to acquire certain pertinent information about a user's id, such as the user name, the home directory, the shell command. If not passed a user ID (integer) or a user name (string) it will return the information for the current user as per environment + getuid()

 util.plt(2 0)synxSome utilities to do weird things not included by default.
 xml-maker.plt(1 2)synxXML maker
 xml-writer.plt(1 0)synxA generative XML writer

 Open tickets
Ticket IdComponentReporterTypeVersion
194synx/xml-maker.pltanonymousdefect(1 0)
problem including this file from planeT