 SET.plt(1 0)jaymccarthySET
 batched-deque.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFunctional Deque
 blogue.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyblogging tool like early blosxom
 bulletml.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyAn implementation of BulletML
 c.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyA #lang for C
 chipmunk.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFFI to Chipmunk
 connected.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFinds connected components
 datalog.plt(1 4)jaymccarthyAn implementation of Datalog as a PLT Scheme language.
 dbm.plt(2 2)jaymccarthyAn interface to UNIX dbm databases
 delim-control.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyGeneric implementation of all four delimited control operators
 dijkstra.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyAn implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
 fib-heap.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyAn imperative Fibonacci heap
 floyd-warshall.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyAn implementation of an all shortest paths algorithm
 fortunedb.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFortune Database
 fra.plt(2 2)jaymccarthyA purely functional implementation of a relational algebra + database
 fs-persist.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyfs-persist
 gl-world.plt(2 1)jaymccarthyLike World, but with OpenGL rendering.
 gl2d.plt(2 0)jaymccarthyHelper routines for 2D graphics in OpenGL
 grid.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyManaging your life is good for you.
 hash-store.plt(1 4)jaymccarthyStores bytes by SHA1 hash.
 hmac-sha1.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyHMAC-SHA1
 ical.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyReads and writes iCal/vCal files
 javascript.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyJavascript s-expression syntax
 job-queue.plt(2 1)jaymccarthyA multi-threaded work queue manager
 ldap.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyA native Racket interface to LDAP
 matrix.plt(1 0)jaymccarthy'Functional' matrices that allow persistent reads but not persistent writes
 mbform.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyMulti-button form abstraction
 memcached.plt(1 0)jaymccarthy[no description available]
 meta-q.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyMeta-Q implementation for PLT strings
 mmss.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyJay McCarthy's collection of Scheme procedures.
 mongodb.plt(1 12)jaymccarthyA native Scheme interface to MongoDB
 opencl.plt(3 4)1.0.48jaymccarthyAn FFI for OpenCl
 openmpi.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyAn FFI for OpenMPI
 parenlog.plt(1 3)1.0jaymccarthyA language that is similar to Prolog
 pfp.plt(1 0)jaymccarthySimple physics engine in functional Scheme
 pltwitter.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyA demo of how to do something like Twitter with PLT
 prefix.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyTests students with regards to the use of prefix notation.
 pyramidstack.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyA demo of the Chipmunk and GL APIs
 ring-buffer.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyImperative ring buffer
 rsitunes.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyHelps you use iTunes to care for your RSI.
 slideshow-latex.plt(1 1)jaymccarthyLaTeX in Slideshow
 sps.plt(1 0)jaymccarthySimple physics engine in Scheme
 spvector.plt(1 2)jaymccarthy'Functional' vectors that allow persistent reads but not persistent writes
 sql-oo.plt(2 0)jaymccarthyAllows persistent objects in an SQL database. (Currently only works with SQLite.)
 sqlite.plt(5 1)jaymccarthyAllows access to SQLite databases.
 superc.plt(2 0)jaymccarthyA language for writing integrated C and Scheme
 svn-prop.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyA small FFI for Subversion WC properties
 trie.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFinite maps as big-endian binary tries
 twitter.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyA Twitter API
 url-param.plt(2 0)jaymccarthyStores Web cells in URLs
 vht.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyFilesystem backed versioned hash table
 with-bindings.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyA convenient syntax for servlets.
 wrap-dict.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyA wrapper for dictionaries with limited datatype support
 wtk.plt(1 8)jaymccarthySome web components
 xml-rpc.plt(1 2)jaymccarthyImplementation of the XML-RPC protocol.
 yppdb.plt(2 1)jaymccarthyOrganizes your paper collection.
 zeromq.plt(2 1)jaymccarthyAn FFI for ZeroMQ
 zipper.plt(1 0)jaymccarthyZipper-like functions.

 Open tickets
Ticket IdComponentReporterTypeVersion
330jaymccarthy/mongodb.pltanurag@…enhancement(1 8)
Unable to create unique indices
1488jaymccarthy/zeromq.pltwilliam.cushing@…defect(1 0)
ZeroMQ integration with Racket 5.3.2 on Windows broken in FFI-lib