Package shp.plt contributed by bzlib  [package home page]
To load: (require (planet bzlib/shp:1:3))
Old style:(require (planet "" ("bzlib" "shp.plt" 1 3)))
Min Racket version: 4.2
Package description:

SHP is a PLT Scheme web framework that allows immediate page change without having to manually refreshing servlets, along with a file path-based web dispatcher so you can have "pretty urls".

It is a PHP/JSP-like web framework for PLT Scheme - think of it as JSP vs Java servlets to PLT web-server's servlets.

Please see for details and documentations.

Downloads this week: 0
Total downloads: 130
Open tickets:0
Primary files:
[no interface available]
 Current version
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 3)0.4
To load: (require (planet bzlib/shp:1:3))
Available in repositories: 4.x

0.4 (1 3) - refactored codebase; adding *web api* to handle direct web request to function mapping; adding script caching (via checking file timestamp) to increase performance

0.3 (1 2) - adding __PATH__ support so each file knows its own path

0.2 (1 1) - adding proxy support, and integration with bzlib/jsmgr

0.1 (1 0) - first release

No Tickets Currently open for this Package [New Ticket]

 Old versions
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 2)0.3
To load: (require (planet "" ("bzlib" "shp.plt" 1 (= 2))))
Available in repositories: 4.x

0.3 (1 2) - adding __PATH__ support so each file knows its own path

0.2 (1 1) - adding proxy support, and integration with bzlib/jsmgr

0.1 (1 0) - first release

(1 1)0.1
To load: (require (planet "" ("bzlib" "shp.plt" 1 (= 1))))
Available in repositories: 4.x

0.2 - adding proxy support, and integration with bzlib/jsmgr

0.1 - first release

(1 0)0.1
To load: (require (planet "" ("bzlib" "shp.plt" 1 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
0.1 - first release