Package drocaml.plt contributed by abromfie 
To load: (require (planet abromfie/drocaml:1:2/tool))
Old style:(require (planet "" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 1 2)))
Package description:
a set of tools for using OCaml in DrScheme
Downloads this week: 0
Total downloads: 426
Open tickets:2
Primary files:
 Current version
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 2)1.2
To load: (require (planet abromfie/drocaml:1:2/tool))
Available in repositories: 3xx
Turned off debug printfs.
 Open tickets
[All Tickets] [New Ticket]
Ticket IdOwnerReporterTypeVersion
177abromfieanonymousdefect(2 0)
First line blank -> broken indenting
332abromfiehistfak@…defect(2 0)
Looks like this language extension is broken on latest version of Racket and PLT-Scheme

 Old versions
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 1)1.1
To load: (require (planet "" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 1 (= 1))))
Available in repositories: 3xx
Turned off debug printfs.
(1 0)1.0
To load: (require (planet "" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 1 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 3xx
[no release notes]
 Packages in other repositories

These packages are not available in the 3xx repository, but they are available for other versions of Racket.

PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(2 1)2.0
To load: (require (planet "" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 2 (= 1))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
Updated for v4.
(2 0)2.0
To load: (require (planet "" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 2 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
Updated for v4.