#lang scheme
;;; Copyright (c) 2009 M. Douglas Williams
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; This file provides three procedures: variant, describe, and description.
;;; (variant x) -> symbol?
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Returns a symbol identifying the type of any object.
;;; Examples:
;;;   (variant (λ (x) x)) -> procedure
;;;   (variant 1) -> fixnum-integer
;;;   (variant (let/cc k k)) -> continuation
;;;   (variant (let/ec k k)) -> escape-continuation
;;; (describe x) -> void?
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Prints a description of x to the current output port.
;;; Examples:
;;; >(describe (sqrt 10))
;;; 3.1622776601683795 is an inexact positive real number
;;; >(describe (sqrt -10))
;;; 0+3.1622776601683795i is an inexact positive imaginary number
;;; >(describe #\a)
;;; #\a is the character whose code-point number is 97(#x61) and general category is 'll (letter, lowercase)
;;; >(describe '(this is a proper list))
;;; (this is a proper list) is a proper immutable list of length 5
;;; >(describe car)
;;; #<procedure:car> is a primitive procedure named car that accepts 1 argument and returns 1 result
;;; (description x) -> string?
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Returns a string describing the object, x.
;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Version  Date     Description
;;; 1.0.0    11/10/09 Initial Release to PLaneT (MDW)

(require scheme/mpair)

;;; (variant x) -> symbol
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Returns a symbol identifying the type of any object. This is from a post on
;;; The PLT Scheme mailing list from Robby Findler. The following is a short
;;; explanation of its origin:
;;; I'm not sure about always, but at some point a while ago, Matthew
;;; decided that all values are structs (in the sense that you could have
;;; implemented everything with structs and scope, etc even if some of
;;; them are implemented in C) and adapted the primitives to make them
;;; behave accordingly.
;;; Examples:
;;;   (variant (λ (x) x)) -> procedure
;;;   (variant 1) -> fixnum-integer
;;;   (variant (let/cc k k)) -> continuation
;;;   (variant (let/ec k k)) -> escape-continuation
(define (variant x)
  (regexp-replace #rx"^struct:"
                  (symbol->string (vector-ref (struct->vector x) 0))

;;; (imaginary? z) -> boolean?
;;;   z : any/c
;;; Returns #t if z is an imaginary number. An imaginary number is a complex
;;; number whose real part is exactly zero and whose imaginary part is not
;;; zero.
(define (imaginary? z)
  (and (complex? z)
       (let ((zr (real-part z)))
         (and (exact? zr) (zero? zr)))
       (let ((zi (imag-part z)))
         (not (and (exact? zi) (zero? zi))))))

;;; (boolean-description bool) -> string?
;;;   bool : boolean?
;;; Returns a string describing the boolean, bool.
(define (boolean-description bool)
  (format "~s is a Boolean ~a"
          bool (if bool "true" "false")))

;;; small-integer-names : (vectorof string?)
;;; A vector of the names of the integers less than 20.
(define small-integer-names
  #("zero" ; not used

;;; (integer-0-19->string n) -> string?
;;;   n : (and/c exact? (integer-in 0 19))
;;; Returns a string with the name of the number n, which must be between
;;; 0 and 19 (i.e., less than 20).
(define (integer-0-19->string n)
  (vector-ref small-integer-names n))

;;; decade-names : (vectorof string?)
;;; The names of the multiples of ten that are less than 100.
(define decade-names
  #("zero" ; not used

;;; (integer-0-99->string n) -> string?
;;;   n : (and/c exact? (integer-in 0 99))
;;; Returns a string with the name of the integer n, which must be between
;;; 0 and 99 (i.e., less than 100).
(define (integer-0-99->string n)
  (if (< n 20)
      (integer-0-19->string n)
      (let-values (((q10 r10) (quotient/remainder n 10)))
        (if (= r10 0)
            (vector-ref decade-names q10)
            (string-append (vector-ref decade-names q10)
                           (vector-ref small-integer-names r10))))))

;;; (integer-0-999->string n include-and?) -> string?
;;;   n : (and/c exact? (integer-in 0 999))
;;;   include-and? : boolean? = #f
;;; Returns a string with the name of the integer n, which must be between
;;; 0 and 999 (i.e., less than 1000). If include-and? is true, the British
;;; convention of including and after the hundreds is used.
(define (integer-0-999->string n (include-and? #f))
  (if (< n 100)
      (integer-0-99->string n)
      (let-values (((q100 r100) (quotient/remainder n 100)))
        (string-append (vector-ref small-integer-names q100)
                       " hundred"
                       (if (= r100 0)
                           (string-append (if include-and? " and " " ")
                                          (integer-0-99->string r100)))))))

;;; thousands-names : (vectorof string?)
;;; The names of powers of a thousand up to 10^99, so they can be used for
;;; integers less than 10^102.
(define thousands-names
  #("zero" ; not used

;;; max-integer->string : exact-positive-integer? = (expt 10 102)
;;; The limit for returning the name of an integer.
(define max-integer->string (expt 10 102))

;;; (integer->string n) -> string?
;;;   n : exact-integer?
;;; Returns a string with the name of the exact integer n. This works for
;;; integers whose magnitude is less than 10e102.
(define (integer->string n)
  (cond ((zero? n)
        ((negative? n)
         (string-append "minus " (integer->string (abs n))))
        ((< n 1000)
         (integer-0-999->string n #t))
        ((< n max-integer->string)
         (let/ec exit
           (let loop ((str "")
                      (thousand-power 0)
                      (n n))
             (if (= n 0)
                 (exit str)
                 (let-values (((q1000 r1000) (quotient/remainder n 1000)))
                   (loop (if (= thousand-power 0)
                             (if (= r1000 0)
                                 (if (< r1000 20)
                                     (string-append "and "
                                                    (integer-0-19->string r1000))
                                     (integer-0-999->string r1000 #t)))
                             (if (= r1000 0)
                                 (string-append (integer-0-999->string r1000)
                                                " "
                                                (vector-ref thousands-names thousand-power)
                                                (if (> (string-length str) 0) " " "")
                         (+ thousand-power 1)
         "at least 10^102")))

;;; (exact-number-description z) -=> string?
;;;   z : (and/c number? exact?)
;;; Returns a string describing the exact number, z.
(define (exact-number-description z)
  (cond ((fixnum? z)
         (if (zero? z)
             (format "~a is a byte (i.e., an exact positive integer fixnum between 0 and 255 inclusive) zero" z)
             (if (byte? z)
                 (format "~s is a byte (i.e., an exact positive integer fixnum between 0 and 255 inclusive) ~a"
                     z (integer->string z))
                 (format "~s is an exact ~a integer fixnum ~a"
                         z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive")
                         (integer->string z)))))
        ((and (integer? z) (< z max-integer->string))
         (format "~s is an exact ~a integer ~a"
                 z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive")
                 (integer->string z)))
        ((integer? z)
         (format "~s is an exact ~a integer value whose absolute value is >= 10^102"
                 z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive")))
        ((rational? z)
         (format "~s is an exact ~a rational number with a numerator of ~a and a denominator of ~a"
                 z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive")
                 (numerator z) (denominator z)))
        ((imaginary? z)
         (format "~s is an exact ~a imaginary number"
                 z (if (negative? (imag-part z)) "negative" "positive")))
        ((complex? z)
         (format "~s is an exact complex number whose magnitude is ~a"
                 z (magnitude z)))
         (format "~s is an exact number" z))))

;;; (inexact-number-description z) -> string?
;;;   z : (and/c number? inexact?)
;;; Returns a string describing the inexact number, z.
(define (inexact-number-description z)
  (cond ((integer? z)
         (if (zero? z)
             (format "~a is an inexact integer zero" z)
             (format "~s is an inexact ~a integer"
                     z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive"))))
        ((real? z)
         (format "~s is an inexact ~a real number"
                 z (if (negative? z) "negative" "positive")))
        ((imaginary? z)
         (format "~s is an inexact ~a imaginary number"
                 z (if (negative? (imag-part z)) "negative" "positive")))
        ((complex? z)
         (format "~s is an inexact complex number whose magnitude is ~a"
                 z (magnitude z)))
         (format "~s is an inexact number" z))))

;;; (number-description z) -> string?
;;;   z : number?
;;; Returns a string describing the number, z. It handles infinities and
;;; not-a-number directly and dispatches to handle exact or inexact numbers.
(define (number-description z)
  (cond ((= z +inf.0)
         (format "~s is positive infinity" z))
        ((= z -inf.0)
         (format "~s is negative infinity" z))
        ((= z +nan.0)
         (format "~s is not-a-number" z))
        ((exact? z)
         (exact-number-description z))
        ((inexact? z)
         (inexact-number-description z))
         (format "~s is a number" z))))

;;; (string-description str) -> string?
;;;   str : string?
;;; Returns a string describing the string, str.
(define (string-description str)
  (let ((len (string-length str)))
    (if (= len 0)
        (format "~s is an empty string" str)
        (format "~s is ~a string of length ~a"
                str (if (immutable? str) "an immutable" "a mutable") len))))

;;; (byte-string-description bstr) -> string?
;;;   bstr : string?
;;; Returns a string describing the string, bstr.
(define (byte-string-description bstr)
  (let ((len (bytes-length bstr)))
    (if (= len 0)
        (format "~s is an empty byte string" bstr)
        (format "~s is ~a byte string of length ~a"
                bstr (if (immutable? bstr) "an immutable" "a mutable") len))))

;;; general-category-alist : (list-of (cons/c symbol? string?))
;;; An association list mapping a Unicode general category (as returned by
;;; char-general-category) to a string describing it.
(define general-category-alist
  '((lu . "letter, uppercase")
    (ll . "letter, lowercase")
    (lt . "letter, titlecase")
    (lm . "letter, modifier")
    (lo . "letter, other")
    (mn . "mark, nonspacing")
    (mc . "mark, space combining")
    (me . "mark, enclosing")
    (nd . "number, decimal digit")
    (nl . "number, letter")
    (no . "number, other")
    (ps . "punctuation, open")
    (pe . "punctuation, close")
    (pi . "punctuation, initial quote")
    (pf . "punctuation, final quote")
    (pd . "punctuation, dash")
    (pc . "punctuation, connector")
    (po . "punctuation, other")
    (sc . "symbol, currency")
    (sm . "symbol, math")
    (sk . "symbol, modifier")
    (so . "symbol, other")
    (zs . "separator, space")
    (zp . "separator, paragraph")
    (zl . "separator, line")
    (cc . "other, control")
    (cf . "other, format")
    (cs . "other, surrogate")
    (co . "other, private use")
    (cn . "other, not assigned")))

;;; (general-category->string category) -> string?
;;;   category : symbol?
;;; Returns a string with the definition of Unicode general category, category,
;;; or "unknown" is category is not known.
(define (general-category->string category)
  (let ((category-assoc (assq category general-category-alist)))
    (if category-assoc
        (cdr category-assoc)

;;; (character-description char) -> string?
;;;   char : character?
;;; Returns a string describing the character, char.
(define (character-description char)
  (let ((code-point (char->integer char))
        (general-category (char-general-category char)))
    (format "~s is a character whose code-point number is ~a(#x~x) and general category is '~a (~a)"
            char code-point code-point
            general-category (general-category->string general-category))))

;;; symbol-description sym) -> string?
;;;   sym : symbol?
;;; Returns a string describing the symbol, sym.
(define (symbol-description sym)
  (format "~s is ~a symbol"
          sym (if (symbol-interned? sym) "an interned" "an uninterned")))

;;; (regexp-description regexp) -> string?
;;;   regexp : regexp?
;;; Returns a string describinbg the regular expression, regexp.
(define (regexp-description regexp)
  (format "~s is a regular expression in ~a format"
          regexp (if (pregexp? regexp) "pregexp" "regexp")))

;;; (byte-regexp-description byte-regexp) -> string?
;;;   byte-regexp : buteregexp?
;;; Returns a string describing the byte regular expression, byte-regexp.
(define (byte-regexp-description byte-regexp)
  (format "~s is a byte regular expression in ~a format"
          byte-regexp (if (byte-pregexp? byte-regexp) "pregexp" "regexp")))

;;; (keyword-description kw) -> string?
;;;   kw : keyword?
;;; Returns a string describing the keyword, kw.
(define (keyword-description kw)
  (format "~s is a keyword" kw))

;;; (list-description lst) -> string?
;;;   lst : list?
;;; Returns a string describing the proper immutable list, lst.
(define (list-description lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (format "~s is an empty list" lst)
      (format "~s is a proper immutable list of length ~a"
              lst (length lst))))

;;; (pair-desc pair) -> string?
;;;   pair : pair?
;;; Returns a string describing the improper immutable list, pair. Any pair that
;;; is not a proper list is an improper list.
(define (pair-description pair)
  (format "~a is an improper immutable list" pair))

;;; (mlist-description mlst) -> string?
;;;   mlst : mlist?
;;; Returns a string describing the proper mutable list, mlst.
(define (mlist-description mlst)
  (format "~s is a proper mutable list of length ~a"
          mlst (mlength mlst)))

;;; (mpair-desc mpair) -> string?
;;;   mpair : mpair?
;;; Returns a string describing the improper mutable list, mpair. Any mpair that
;;; is not a proper mlist is an improper mlist.
(define (mpair-description mpair)
  (format "~a is an improper mutable list" mpair))

;;; (vector-description v) -> string?
;;;   v : vector?
;;; Returns a string describing the vector, v.
(define (vector-description v)
  (let ((len (vector-length v)))
    (if (= len 0)
        (format "~s is an empty vector" v)
        (format "~s is ~a vector of length ~a"
                v (if (immutable? v) "an immutable" "a mutable") len))))

;;; (box-description box) -> string?
;;;   box : box?
;;; Returns a string describing the boxed value, box, and its contents.
(define (box-description box)
  (format "~s is a box containing ~s, ~a"
          box (unbox box) (description (unbox box))))

;;; (weak-box-description weak-box) -> string?
;;;   weak-box : weak-box?
;;; Returns a string describing the weak-box value, weak-box, and its contents.
(define (weak-box-description weak-box)
  (format "~s is a weak box containing ~s, ~a"
          weak-box (weak-box-value weak-box) (description (weak-box-value weak-box))))

;;; (ephemeron-description eph) -> string?
;;;   eph : box?
;;; Returns a string describing the ephemeron value, eph, and its contents.
(define (ephemeron-description eph)
  (format "~s is an ephemeron containing ~s, ~a"
          eph (ephemeron-value eph) (description (ephemeron-value eph))))

;;; (hash-description hash) -> string?
;;;   hash : hash?
;;; Returns a string describing the hash table, hash.
(define (hash-description hash)
  (if (= (hash-count hash) 0)
      (let ((type (if (hash-weak? hash)
                      "an empty mutable hash table that holds its keys weakly"
                      (if (immutable? hash)
                          "an empty immutable hash table"
                          "a empty mutable hash table")))
            (compare (if (hash-eq? hash)
                         (if (hash-eqv? hash)
        (format "~s is ~a and that uses ~a to compare keys"
                hash type compare))
      (let ((type (if (hash-weak? hash)
                      "a mutable hash table that holds its keys weakly"
                      (if (immutable? hash)
                          "an immutable hash table"
                          "a mutable hash table")))
            (compare (if (hash-eq? hash)
                         (if (hash-eqv? hash)
        (format "~s is ~a and that uses ~a to compare keys~a"
                hash type compare
                (for/fold ((key-text ""))
                          (((key value) (in-hash hash)))
                  (string-append key-text
                                 (format "~n  ~s : ~s, ~a"
                                         key value (description value))))))))

;;; (arity->string arity) -> string?
;;;   arity : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer?
;;;                 arity-at-least?
;;;                 (list-of (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer?
;;;                                arity-at-least?)))
;;; Returns a string describing the arity of a function as returned by
;;; procedure-arity.
(define (arity->string arity)
  (cond ((integer? arity)
         (number->string arity))
        ((arity-at-least? arity)
         (format "at least ~a" (arity-at-least-value arity)))
         (let loop ((str "")
                    (tail arity))
           (let ((arity (car tail)))
             (if (null? (cdr tail))
                 (string-append str " or " (arity->string arity))
                 (loop (string-append str
                                      (if (> (string-length str) 0) ", " "")
                                      (arity->string arity))
                       (cdr tail))))))))

;;; (keyword-list->string kw-lst) -> string?
;;;   kw-lst : (list-of keyword?)
;;; Returns a string with the keywords from the keyword list, kw-lst.
(define (keyword-list->string kw-lst)
  (cond ((= (length kw-lst) 0)
        ((= (length kw-lst) 1)
         (string-append "#:" (keyword->string (car kw-lst))))
         (let/ec exit
           (let loop ((str "")
                      (tail kw-lst))
             (if (null? (cdr tail))
                 (exit (string-append str
                                      " and "
                                      "#:" (keyword->string (car tail))))
                 (loop (string-append str
                                      (if (> (string-length str) 0) ", " "")
                                      "#:" (keyword->string (car tail)))
                       (cdr tail))))))))

;;; (procedure-arguments->string proc) -> string?
;;;   proc : procedure?
;;; Returns a string describing the arguments of the procedure, proc.
(define (procedure-arguments->string proc)
  (let ((arity (procedure-arity proc)))
    (let-values (((required accepted) (procedure-keywords proc)))
      (format "accepts ~a ~a~a~a"
              (arity->string arity) (if (eqv? arity 1) "argument" "arguments")
              (if (null? required)
                  (format " with keyword ~a ~a"
                          (if (= (length required) 1) "argument" "arguments")
                          (keyword-list->string required)))
              (if (null? accepted)
                  (format " plus optional keyword ~a ~a"
                          (if (= (length accepted) 1) "argument" "arguments")
                          (keyword-list->string accepted)))))))

;;; (primitive-results->string prim) -> string
;;;   prim : primitive?
;;; Returns a string describing the results of the primitive procedure, prim.
(define (primitive-results->string prim)
  (let ((arity (primitive-result-arity prim)))
    (format "returns ~a ~a"
            (arity->string arity) (if (eqv? arity 1) "result" "results"))))

;;; (procedure-description proc) -> string?
;;;   proc : procedure?
;;; Returns a string describing the procedure, proc.
(define (procedure-description proc)
  (cond ((primitive? proc)
         (let ((result-arity (procedure-arity proc)))
           (format "~s is a primitive procedure ~athat ~a and ~a"
                   (let ((name (object-name proc)))
                     (if name
                         (string-append "named "
                                        (symbol->string name)
                                        " ")
                   (procedure-arguments->string proc)
                   (primitive-results->string proc))))
        ((primitive-closure? proc)
         (format "~s is a primitive closure ~athat ~a"
                 (let ((name (object-name proc)))
                   (if name
                       (string-append "named "
                                      (symbol->string name))
                 (procedure-arguments->string proc)))
         (format "~s is a procedure ~athat ~a"
                 (let ((name (object-name proc)))
                   (if name
                       (string-append "named "
                                      (symbol->string name)
                                      " ")
                 (procedure-arguments->string proc)))))

;;; (port-description port) -> string?
;;;   port : port?
;;; Returns a string describing the port, port.
(define (port-description port)
  (let ((direction (if (input-port? port)
                       (if (output-port? port)
                       (if (output-port? port)
    (format "~s is ~a ~a port"
            port (if (port-closed? port) "a closed" "an open")

(define (path-description path)
  (let ((convention (path-convention-type path)))
    (format "~s is ~a ~a ~a path"
            (if (complete-path? path) "a complete," "an incomplete,")
            (if (absolute-path? path)
                (if (relative-path? path)

;;; (structure-description struct) -> string
(define (structure-description struct)
  (let ((name (object-name struct)))
    (format "~s is a structure~a~a"
            (if name (format " of type ~a" name) "")
            (for/fold ((str ""))
                      ((field (in-vector (struct->vector struct)))
                       (i (in-naturals)))
              (cond ((= i 0)
                    ((eq? field '...)
                     (string-append str (format "~n  ...")))
                     (string-append str (format "~n  ~a : ~a, ~a"
                                                i field (description field)))))))))

;;; (description x) -> string
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Returns a string describing x.
(define (description x)
  (cond ((boolean? x)
         (boolean-description x))
        ((number? x)
         (number-description x))
        ((string? x)
         (string-description x))
        ((bytes? x)
         (byte-string-description x))
        ((char? x)
         (character-description x))
        ((symbol? x)
         (symbol-description x))
        ((regexp? x)
         (regexp-description x))
        ((byte-regexp? x)
         (byte-regexp-description x))
        ((keyword? x)
         (keyword-description x))
        ((list? x)
         (list-description x))
        ((pair? x)
         (pair-description x))
        ((mlist? x)
         (mlist-description x))
        ((mpair? x)
         (mpair-description x))
        ((vector? x)
         (vector-description x))
        ((box? x)
         (box-description x))
        ((weak-box? x)
         (weak-box-description x))
        ((hash? x)
         (hash-description x))
        ((procedure? x)
         (procedure-description x))
        ((port? x)
         (port-description x))
        ((void? x)
         (format "~s is void" x))
        ((eof-object? x)
         (format "~s is an eof object" x))
        ((path? x)
         (path-description x))
        ((struct? x)
         (structure-description x))
         (let ((type (variant x))
               (name (object-name x)))
           (if (and object-name
                    (not (eq? type name)))
               (format "~s is an object of type ~a named ~a"
                       x type name)
               (format "~s is an object of type ~a"
                 x (variant x)))))))

;;; (describe x) -> void?
;;;   x : any/c
;;; Prints a description of x.
(define (describe x)
  (printf "~a~n" (description x)))

;;; Module Contracts

  (-> any/c symbol?))
  (-> any/c string?))
  (-> any/c void?)))