#lang scheme/base
(require srfi/1/list
(file "../test-base.ss")
(prefix-in c: (file "check.ss")))
(define check-tests
(test-suite "check.ss"
(test-equal? "pass"
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" null)))
(test-equal? "warn"
(c:warn "Warning")
(list (c:make-check-warning "Warning" null)))
(test-equal? "fail"
(c:fail "Failure")
(list (c:make-check-failure "Failure" null)))
(test-equal? "check-all"
(c:check-all (c:pass)
(c:warn "Warning")
(c:fail "Failure"))
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" null)
(c:make-check-warning "Warning" null)
(c:make-check-failure "Failure" null)))
(test-case "check-with-handlers"
(let ([exn (make-exn "Oops!" (current-continuation-marks))])
(lambda ()
(c:check-all (c:pass)
(c:warn "Warning")
(c:fail "Failure"))))
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" null)
(c:make-check-warning "Warning" null)
(c:make-check-failure "Failure" null))
"check 1")
(lambda ()
(raise exn)))
(list (c:make-check-error "Exception raised" null exn))
"check 2")))
(test-case "check-result-exn"
(let ([exn (make-exn "Oops!" (current-continuation-marks))])
(check-false (c:check-result-exn (car (c:pass))) "check 1")
(check-false (c:check-result-exn (car (c:warn "Warning"))) "check 2")
(check-false (c:check-result-exn (car (c:fail "Failure"))) "check 3")
(check-equal? exn (c:check-result-exn (c:make-check-error "Error" null exn)) "check 4")))
(test-case "check-with-annotations"
(let* ([stage1 (c:check-all (c:pass) (c:warn "Warning"))]
[stage2 (c:check-with-annotations '((a . 1) (b . 2)) stage1)]
[stage3 (c:check-with-annotations '((c . 3) (d . 4)) stage2)])
(check-equal? stage1
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" null)
(c:make-check-warning "Warning" null))
"check 1")
(check-equal? stage2
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
(c:make-check-warning "Warning" '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
"check 2")
(check-equal? stage3
(list (c:make-check-success "Okay" '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
(c:make-check-warning "Warning" '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))))
"check 3")))
(test-case "check-with-annotations overwrites the correct keys"
(let ([result (car (c:check-with-annotations
'((b . 5) (d . 6) (e . 7))
'((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))
(check-equal? (c:check-result-annotations result)
'((a . 1) (b . 5) (c . 3) (d . 6) (e . 7)))))
(test-case "check-problems? works as expected"
(check-true (c:check-problems? (c:check-all (c:pass) (c:warn "Dang"))))
(check-false (c:check-problems? (c:check-all (c:pass) (c:pass)))))
(test-case "check-results->problems works as expected"
(let ([exn (make-exn "Dang" (current-continuation-marks))])
(check-equal? (c:check-results->problems
(c:check-all (c:pass)
(c:warn "w1")
(c:fail "f1")
(list (c:make-check-error "e1" null exn))
(c:warn "w2")
(c:fail "f2")
(list (c:make-check-error "e2" null exn))))
(c:check-all (list (c:make-check-error "e1" null exn))
(list (c:make-check-error "e2" null exn))
(c:fail "f1")
(c:fail "f2")
(c:warn "w1")
(c:warn "w2")))))
(test-case "check-results->warnings+failures+errors works as expected"
(let*-values ([(exn) (make-exn "Dang" (current-continuation-marks))]
[(warnings failures errors)
(c:check-all (c:pass)
(c:warn "w1")
(c:fail "f1")
(list (c:make-check-error "e1" null exn))
(c:warn "w2")
(c:fail "f2")
(list (c:make-check-error "e2" null exn))))])
(check-equal? warnings
(c:check-all (c:warn "w1")
(c:warn "w2"))
"check 1")
(check-equal? failures
(c:check-all (c:fail "f1")
(c:fail "f2"))
"check 2")
(check-equal? errors
(c:check-all (list (c:make-check-error "e1" null exn))
(list (c:make-check-error "e2" null exn)))
"check 3")))
(test-case "check-result-annotation?"
(let ([result (car (c:check-with-annotations
'((note1 . "Passed"))
(check-true (c:check-result-annotation? result 'note1) "check 1")
(check-false (c:check-result-annotation? result 'note2) "check 2")))
(test-case "check-result-annotation"
(let ([result (car (c:check-with-annotations
'((note1 . "Passed"))
(check-equal? (c:check-result-annotation result 'note1)
"check 1")
(check-exn exn:fail?
(cut c:check-result-annotation result 'note2)
"check 2")))
(test-case "check-result-annotation/default"
(let ([result (car (c:check-with-annotations
'((note1 . "Passed"))
(check-equal? (c:check-result-annotation/default result 'note1 #f)
"check 1")
(check-false (c:check-result-annotation/default result 'note2 #f)
"check 2")))
(test-case "annotate-check-result"
(let ([result (c:annotate-check-result (car (c:fail "F")) '((note1 . "Failed")))])
(check-equal? (c:check-result-annotation result 'note1) "Failed")))
(test-case "check-with-annotations overwrites the correct keys"
(let ([result (c:annotate-check-result
(car (c:pass))
'((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
'((b . 5) (d . 6) (e . 7)))])
(check-equal? (c:check-result-annotations result)
'((a . 1) (b . 5) (c . 3) (d . 6) (e . 7)))))
(test-case "check-until-problems"
(let ([stage-reached #f])
(c:check-until-problems (lambda () (set! stage-reached 0) (c:pass))
(lambda () (set! stage-reached 1) (c:pass))
(lambda () (set! stage-reached 2) (c:pass)))
(check-equal? stage-reached 2 "check 1"))
(let ([stage-reached #f])
(c:check-until-problems (lambda () (set! stage-reached 0) (c:pass))
(lambda () (set! stage-reached 1) (c:warn "Dang"))
(lambda () (set! stage-reached 2) (c:pass)))
(check-equal? stage-reached 1 "check 2")))
(provide check-tests)