#lang scheme/base
(require (only-in srfi/1/list iota)
(require (file "accessor.ss")
(file "command.ss")
(file "core.ss")
(file "selector.ss")
(file "test-base.ss"))
(define command-tests
(test-suite "command.ss"
(test-case "open/wait, reload/wait, back/wait and forward/wait"
(let ([open/title (lambda (title)
(lambda (request)
(send/back (make-html-response
(xml (head (title ,title))
(body (p ,title))))))))]
[check-reload (lambda (title)
(check-equal? (title-ref) title)
(check-equal? (title-ref) title))])
(with-check-info (['sequence 'open])
(open/title "Page 1")
(check-reload "Page 1")
(open/title "Page 2")
(check-reload "Page 2")
(open/title "Page 3")
(check-reload "Page 3"))
(with-check-info (['sequence 'back])
(check-reload "Page 2")
(check-reload "Page 1"))
(with-check-info (['sequence 'forward])
(check-reload "Page 2")
(check-reload "Page 3"))
(with-check-info (['sequence 'change])
(check-reload "Page 2")
(open/title "Page 4")
(check-reload "Page 4"))
(with-check-info (['sequence 'change-complete])
(check-reload "Page 2")
(check-reload "Page 4"))))
(test-case "click, click/wait"
(let ([request-box (box #f)])
(open/wait (lambda (request)
(lambda (embed-url)
(xml (html (head (title "Test form"))
(body (form (@ [method "POST"]
[action ,(embed-url (lambda (request)
(set-box! request-box request)
(send/back (make-html-response
(xml (html (body (p "Submitted"))))))))])
,@(map (lambda (num)
(xml (div "Box " ,(number->string num)
(input (@ [id ,(format "box~a" num)]
[name ,(format "box~a" num)]
[class "checkbox"]
[type "checkbox"])))))
(iota 3))
(input (@ [id "submit"] [name "submit"] [type "submit"])))))))))))
(click (node/id 'box1))
(click/wait (node/id 'submit))
(let ([bindings (request-bindings (unbox request-box))])
(check-false (exists-binding? 'box0 bindings) "check 1")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'box1 bindings) "check 2")
(check-false (exists-binding? 'box2 bindings) "check 3"))))
(test-case "click, select, enter-text and click/wait"
(let ([request-box (box #f)])
(open/wait (lambda (request)
(lambda (embed-url)
(xml (html (head (title "Test form"))
(body (form (@ [method "POST"]
[action ,(embed-url (lambda (request)
(set-box! request-box request)
(send/back '(html (body (p "Submitted"))))))])
(input (@ [id "check-box"] [name "check-box"] [type "checkbox"]))
(select (@ [id "select"] [name "select"])
(option (@ [value "value1"]) "Value 1")
(option (@ [value "value2"]) "Value 2")
(option (@ [value "value3"]) "Value 3"))
(input (@ [id "text-field"] [name "text-field"] [type "text"]))
(input (@ [id "submit"] [name "submit"] [type "submit"])))))))))))
(click (node/id 'check-box))
(select (node/id 'select) "value2")
(enter-text (node/id 'text-field) "Sample text")
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut click (node/id 'does-not-exist)))
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut select (node/id 'does-not-exist) "value"))
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut enter-text (node/id 'does-not-exist) "Text"))
(click/wait (node/id 'submit))
(let ([bindings (request-bindings (unbox request-box))])
(check-true (exists-binding? 'check-box bindings) "check 1")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'select bindings) "check 2")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'select bindings) "value2" "check 3")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'text-field bindings) "check 4")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'text-field bindings) "Sample text" "check 5"))))
(test-case "click*, select*, type*"
(let ([request-box (box #f)])
(open/wait (lambda (request)
(lambda (embed-url)
(xml (html (head (title "Test form"))
(body (form (@ [method "POST"]
[action ,(embed-url (lambda (request)
(set-box! request-box request)
(send/back '(html (body (p "Submitted"))))))])
(input (@ [id "check-box1"] [name "check-box1"] [type "checkbox"]))
(input (@ [id "check-box2"] [name "check-box2"] [type "checkbox"]))
(select (@ [id "select1"] [name "select1"])
(option (@ [value "value1"]) "Value 1")
(option (@ [value "value2"]) "Value 2")
(option (@ [value "value3"]) "Value 3"))
(select (@ [id "select2"] [name "select2"])
(option (@ [value "value1"]) "Value 1")
(option (@ [value "value2"]) "Value 2")
(option (@ [value "value3"]) "Value 3"))
(input (@ [id "text-field1"] [name "text-field1"] [type "text"]))
(input (@ [id "text-field2"] [name "text-field2"] [type "text"]))
(input (@ [id "submit"] [name "submit"] [type "submit"])))))))))))
(click* (node/xpath "//input[@type='checkbox']"))
(select* (node/xpath "//select") 'value2)
(enter-text* (node/xpath "//input[@type='text']") "Sample text")
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut click* (node/id 'does-not-exist)))
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut select* (node/id 'does-not-exist) "value"))
(check-exn exn:fail:delirium? (cut enter-text* (node/id 'does-not-exist) "Text"))
(click/wait (node/id 'submit))
(let ([bindings (request-bindings (unbox request-box))])
(check-true (exists-binding? 'check-box1 bindings) "check-box1")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'check-box2 bindings) "check-box2")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'select1 bindings) "select1")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'select2 bindings) "select2")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'select1 bindings) "value2" "select1 value")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'select2 bindings) "value2" "select2 value")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'text-field1 bindings) "text-field1")
(check-true (exists-binding? 'text-field2 bindings) "text-field2")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'text-field1 bindings) "Sample text" "text-field2 value")
(check-equal? (extract-binding/single 'text-field2 bindings) "Sample text" "text-field1 value"))))
(test-case "select/wait and enter-text/wait"
(letrec ([counter 0]
[generate-page (lambda (embed-url)
(xml (html (head (title "Test form"))
(body (select (@ [id "combo"]
[onchange ,(js (= (!dot window location href)
,(embed-url (lambda (request)
(set! counter (add1 counter))
(send/suspend/dispatch generate-page)))))])
(option (@ [value "a"]) "Option A")
(option (@ [value "b"]) "Option B")
(option (@ [value "c"]) "Option C"))
(input (@ [id "text"]
[value "initial"]
[onchange ,(js (= (!dot window location href)
,(embed-url (lambda (request)
(set! counter (sub1 counter))
(send/suspend/dispatch generate-page)))))])))))))])
(open/wait (lambda (request) (send/suspend/dispatch generate-page)))
(select/wait (node/id 'combo) "a")
(check-equal? counter 0)
(select/wait (node/id 'combo) "b")
(check-equal? counter 1)
(select/wait (node/id 'combo) "c")
(check-equal? counter 2)
(select/wait (node/id 'combo) "a")
(check-equal? counter 2)
(enter-text/wait (node/id 'text) "initial")
(check-equal? counter 2)
(enter-text/wait (node/id 'text) "other")
(check-equal? counter 1)
(enter-text/wait (node/id 'text) "initial")
(check-equal? counter 1)
(enter-text/wait (node/id 'text) "other")
(check-equal? counter 0)))))
(provide command-tests)