;;; Time-stamp: <06/01/03 14:32:20 nhw>
;;; Copyright (C) 2005 by Noel Welsh.

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it
;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
;;; General Public License as published by the Free Software
;;; Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.

;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
;;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License for more details.

;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
;;; General Public License along with this library; if not,
;;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
;;; Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

;;; Author: Noel Welsh <[email protected]>, Matt Jadud <[email protected]>
;; Commentary:

(module serialise-test mzscheme
  (require (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2)))
  (require ""
  (provide serialise-tests)

  ;; check-invertible : any sxml
  ;; Assert that serialisation and deserialisation produces
  ;; exactly the same result
  (define-check (check-invertible scheme xml)
     (('message "Conversion from Scheme to XML failed"))
     (check-equal? (serialise scheme)
     (('message "Conversion from XML to Scheme failed"))
     (check-equal? (deserialise xml)

  (define-check (check-invertible-hash scheme xml)
     (('message "Conversion from Scheme to XML failed"))
     (check-equal? (serialise scheme)
     (('message "Conversion from XML to Scheme failed"))
     (check-hash-table-equal? (deserialise xml)
  (define invertible-tests
     "All tests for invertible serialisation"
      "Normal integers serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible 1 '(value (int "1")))
      (check-invertible 123456 '(value (int "123456")))
      (check-invertible -1234 '(value (int "-1234")))
      (check-invertible (expt 2 31) '(value (int "2147483648")))
      (check-invertible (* -1 (expt 2 31))
                         '(value (int "-2147483648"))))
      "Boolean serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible #t '(value (boolean "1")))
      (check-invertible #f '(value (boolean "0"))))
      "String serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible "hello world"
                         '(value (string "hello world"))))
     ;; Test for client shortcut for strings
      "Shortcut string serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible "hello world"
                         '(value "hello world")))
      "Empty string serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible "" '(value (string ""))))
      "Doubles serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible 1.2 '(value (double "1.2"))))

      "Date serialised correctly"
       (make-date 35 27 9 7 12 2005 3 340 #f 0)
       '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "20051207T09:27:35"))))
      "Date components are padded to two digits"
       (make-date 5 4 3 2 1 2005 0 1 #f 0)
       '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "20050102T03:04:05"))))
      "Hash-table serialised correctly"
       #hash((a . 1) (b . "2") (c . 3.0))
      '(value (struct
               (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
               (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
               (member (name "c") (value (double "3.0")))))))
      "Recursive hash-table serialised correctly"
       #hash((a . #hash((b . 2))))
       '(value (struct
                (member (name "a")
                        (value (struct
                                (member (name "b")
                                        (value (int "2"))))))))))
      "List serialised as array"
      (check-invertible '(1 2 3 4)
                         `(value (array (data (value (int "1"))
                                              (value (int "2"))
                                              (value (int "3"))
                                              (value (int "4")))))))
      "Hetergenous list serialised correctly"
       '(1 2.0 "3")
       `(value (array (data (value (int "1"))
                            (value (double "2.0"))
                            (value (string "3")))))))
      "Recursive list serialised correctly"
       '((1 (2)))
       '(value (array
                    (value (int "1"))
                      (data (value (int "2")))))))))))))

      "(list) array encoded correctly"
      (check-invertible '() '(value (array (data))))
       '(value (array (data (value (array (data)))))))
      (check-invertible '(1 2 3 4 5)
                         '(value (array
                                   (value (int "1"))
                                   (value (int "2"))
                                   (value (int "3"))
                                   (value (int "4"))
                                   (value (int "5"))))))
      (check-invertible '(1 "two" 3.3)
                         '(value (array
                                   (value (int "1"))
                                   (value (string "two"))
                                   (value (double "3.3"))))))
       '(value (array (data (value (string "")))))))

      "String containing < and & is encoded correctly"
      (check-invertible "<&" '(value (string "&lt;&amp;"))))

      "All entity instances are encoded"
       "<hello&<there&< <&&"
       '(value (string "&lt;hello&amp;&lt;there&amp;&lt; &lt;&amp;&amp;"))))
      "base64 encoded correctly"
       #"Scheme Rules!"
       '(value (base64 "U2NoZW1lIFJ1bGVzIQ=="))))

  ;; end of invertible-tests

  (define serialisation-tests
     "Serialisation tests"

      "Out-of-range doubles throw exception"
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise +inf.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise -inf.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise +nan.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise -nan.0))))
      "Out of range integer throws exception"
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise +inf.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise -inf.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise +nan.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (serialise -nan.0)))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
		  (lambda ()
		    (serialise (expt 2 32))))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc? 
		  (lambda ()
		    (serialise (- (expt 2 40))))))     
      "(vector) array encoded correctly"
      (check-equal? (serialise (make-vector 0))
                     '(value (array (data))))
      (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '(1 2 3 4 5)))
                     '(value (array
                               (value (int "1"))
                               (value (int "2"))
                               (value (int "3"))
                               (value (int "4"))
                               (value (int "5"))))))
      (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '(1 "two" 3.3)))
                     '(value (array
                               (value (int "1"))
                               (value (string "two"))
                               (value (double "3.3"))))))
      (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '("")))
                     '(value (array (data (value (string "")))))))

      "String encoding is parameterised"
        ((encode-string #f))
        (check-equal? (serialise "<&")
                       '(value (string "<&"))))
        ((encode-string #t))
        (check-equal? (serialise "<&")
                       '(value (string "&lt;&amp;")))))
  ;; end of serialisation tests
  (define deserialisation-tests
     "Deserialisation tests"

      "Deserialisation default to string"
      (check-equal? (deserialise '(value "Foo"))

      "Deserialisation of empty value defaults to empty string"
      (check-equal? (deserialise '(value))
      "Deserialisation of dateTime raises exn:xmlrpc on badly formatted data"
       (lambda ()
          '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "990101T09:27:35"))))))

      "Deserialisation raises exn:xmlrpc on error"
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                    (deserialise '(some crap)))))
      "Incorrect struct raises exn:xmlrpc"
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                     '(value (struct
                              (member (name "a")))))))
      (check-exn exn:xmlrpc?
                  (lambda ()
                     '(value (struct
                              (member (value "2"))))))))

      "Deserialisation of empty string is correct"
      (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string)))

      "String decoding is parameterised"
        ((decode-string #f))
        (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string "<&")))
        ((decode-string #t))
        (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string "&lt;&amp;")))

      "All entity instances are decoded"
          (string "&lt;hello&amp;&lt;there&amp;&lt; &lt;&amp;&amp;")))
       "<hello&<there&< <&&"))
  ;; end of deserialisation-tests

  (define serialise-tests
     "Serialise tests"