#lang setup/infotab
  (define name "tiles")
  (define categories '(media))
  (define can-be-loaded-with 'all)
  (define required-core-version "4.2.2")
  (define primary-file "") ; was
  (define scribblings '(("functions.scrbl" ())))
  (define repositories '("4.x"))
  (define blurb
      `("The tiles collection provides functions for combining (vertical and horizontal concatenation) and manipulating (rotation, reflection) images."))
  (define release-notes '((p "Version 1.16: fixed transparency bug for 4.2.2")
                          (p "Version 1.15: fix to maintain compatibility with DrScheme 4.2.4")
                          (p "Version 1.14: fix to maintain compatibility with DrScheme 4.2.2")
			  (p "Version 1.13: fix to maintain compatibility with DrScheme 4.2")
                          (p "Version 1.12: documentation typoes.")
			  (p "Version 1.11: fixed some bugs having to do with zero-size images.")))