#lang scheme/gui ;; ################################################################################## ;; # ============================================================================== # ;; # widgets.ss # ;; # http://mred-designer.origo.ethz.ch # ;; # Copyright (C) Laurent Orseau, 2010 # ;; # ============================================================================== # ;; # # ;; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # ;; # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # ;; # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # ;; # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # ;; # # ;; # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # ;; # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ;; # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # ;; # GNU General Public License for more details. # ;; # # ;; # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # ;; # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # ;; # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ;; # # ;; ################################################################################## (require "mreddesigner-misc.ss") (define/provide valued<%> (interface () set-value get-value)) (define (key-code-number? k) (member k '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 numpad0 numpad1 numpad2 numpad3 numpad4 numpad5 numpad6 numpad7 numpad8 numpad9))) ;; A text-field that accepts only numbers (define/provide number-field% (class* text-field% (valued<%>) (init callback) (super-new) (define/override (on-subwindow-char receiver event) (let ([k (send event get-key-code)]) (if (key-code-number? k) #f #t))) (define/override (get-value) (string->number (super get-value))) (define/override (set-value v) (super set-value (number->string v))) )) ;; A button that asks for a file when pressed. ;; The value is initially #f. ;; Once chosen, the file path can be retrieved with get-value. (define/provide file-button% (class* button% (valued<%>) (init [parent #f] [get? #t] [message #f] [directory #f] [extension #f] [style '()] [filters '(("Any" "*.*"))] [[file-callback callback] (lambda (file) (void))] ) (init-field [[value filename] #f]) (getter/setter value) (define (choose-file) (let ([file ((if get? get-file put-file) message (send this get-top-level-window) directory value extension style filters)]) (when file (send this set-value file) (file-callback file) ))) (super-new [parent parent] [callback (λ _ (choose-file))] ) )) ; pouvoir demander un fichier ou un label ; able to request a file or a label ;; A mixin to add a check-box to the side of another control ;; to enable or disable it. ;; The value of the whole widget is #f if the check-box is unchecked, ;; otherwise it is the value of the side widget. (define/provide checkable%% (mixin (valued<%> window<%>) () (init parent [check-box-position 'left]) (define cb #f) (define hp (new horizontal-panel% [parent parent])) (define (set-super) (super-new [parent hp])) (define (set-cb) (set! cb (new check-box% [parent hp] [label ""] [callback (λ _ (update-field))] ))) (if (symbol=? check-box-position 'right) (begin (set-super) (set-cb)) (begin (set-cb) (set-super))) (define/override (get-value) (and (send cb get-value) (super get-value))) (define/override (set-value v) (send cb set-value v) (when v (super set-value v)) ) (define/private (update-field) (send this enable (send cb get-value))) (update-field) )) ;; Needs to implement get-value and set value to use checkable%. ;; Nothing to do by default on text-field%. (define valued-text-field% (class* text-field% (valued<%>) (super-new))) #| TESTS (define f (new frame% [label ""])) (define cbt (new (checkable%% valued-text-field%) [parent f] [check-box-position 'right] [label #f]; ""] )) (define fb (new (checkable%% file-button%) [parent f] [check-box-position 'right] [get? #f] [label "..."] [callback (λ(file)(write file))] )) (define nf (new (checkable%% number-field%) [parent f] [label ""] [callback (λ _ (void))] )) (send f show #t) ;|#