#lang scheme

;; ##################################################################################
;; # ============================================================================== #
;; # MrEd Designer -                                                        #
;; #                                                   #
;; # Copyright (C) Lozi Jean-Pierre, 2004 - mailto:[email protected]             #
;; # Copyright (C) Peter Ivanyi, 2007                                               #
;; # Copyright (C) Laurent Orseau, 2010                                             #
;; # ============================================================================== #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  #
;; # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                    #
;; # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2                 #
;; # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                #
;; # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                 #
;; # GNU General Public License for more details.                                   #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License              #
;; # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                    #
;; # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.    #
;; #                                                                                #
;; ##################################################################################

(require scheme/gui/base)

;; Defines a function or a variable and provides it at the same time.
(provide define/provide)
(define-syntax define/provide 
  (syntax-rules ()
    ; function case:
    [(_ (name args ... . l) body ...)
     (begin (provide name)
            (define (name args ... . l) body ...))]
    ; variable case:
    [(_ name val)
     (begin (provide name)
            (define name val))]

;; Defines a mock (a substitute) for a function.
;; When called, the function only prints a warning.
;; The body part is ripped off.
(provide define/provide-mock)
(define-syntax-rule (define/provide-mock (name args ...) body ...)
  (begin (provide name)
         (define (name args ...)
           (printf "~a: NOT IMPLEMENTED ; arg-list: ~a\n" 
                   (list args ...)))))

;; Current version of MrEd Designer
(define/provide application-version "3.0")
(define/provide application-name "MrEd Designer")
(define/provide application-name-version
  (string-append application-name " " application-version))

(define/provide debug #f)
(define/provide (set-debug dbg) (set! debug dbg))
(define/provide (debug-printf . r)
  (when debug
    (apply printf r)))

;; Loads the images when necessary
;; Stores them in a hash for re-use
(define image-hash (make-hash))
(define/provide (image-file->bitmap filename)
  (hash-ref! image-hash filename
             (make-object bitmap% (build-path "images" filename))))

(define/provide (atom? val)
  (or (number? val) (symbol? val) (string? val) (boolean? val)))

;; Converts any value into a string
(define/provide (->string x)
  (cond [(string? x) x]
        [(number? x) (number->string x)]
        [(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
        [(path? x)   (path->string x)]
        [else        (format "~a" x)]))

(define/provide to-string ->string)

(define/provide (string-append* . l)
  (apply string-append (map ->string l)))

(define/provide (symbol-append* . l)
  (string->unreadable-symbol (apply string-append* l)))

(define/provide (symbol->keyword sym)
  (string->keyword (symbol->string sym)))

(define/provide (assoc-ref l key [default-val 
                                   (λ()(error "key not found in assoc-ref:" key))])
  (let ([v (assoc key l)])
    (if v 
        (second v) 
        (if (procedure? default-val)

(define/provide (assoc-remove lst id-list)
    ((null? lst) '())
    ((and (list? (car lst)) (member (caar lst) id-list))
     (assoc-remove (cdr lst) id-list)
     (cons (car lst) (assoc-remove (cdr lst) id-list))

(define/provide (assoc-change lst old-id new-id)
    ((null? lst) '())
    ((and (list? (car lst)) (equal? (caar lst) old-id))
     (cons (cons new-id (cdar lst)) (assoc-change (cdr lst) old-id new-id))
     (cons (car lst) (assoc-change (cdr lst) old-id new-id))

(define/provide (hash-keys-values h)
  (match h
    [(hash-table [keys vals] ...)
     (values keys vals)]))

(define/provide (hash-keys h)
  (match h
    [(hash-table [keys values] ...)

(define/provide (hash-values h)
  (match h
    [(hash-table [keys values] ...)

(define/provide (member? x l)
  (if (member x l) #t #f))

;; Returns the first position of element e in list l,
;; or #f if not found.
(define/provide (list-pos l e)
  (for/first ([x l]
              [i (in-naturals)]
              #:when (equal? e x))

;; Splits l on (first mathc of) element e
(define/provide (split-at-element l e [compare? equal?])
  (split-at l (list-pos l e)))
;  (let loop ([left '()]
;             [right l])
;    (cond [(empty? right) (error "Element not found in split-at-element: " e)]
;          [(compare? e (first right))
;           (values (reverse left) e (rest right))]
;          [else (loop (cons (first right) left)
;                      (rest right))])))

;; Moves the element e one position to the left in the list l.
(define/provide (list-move-left l e)
  (let*-values ([(left right) (split-at-element l e)]
                [(rleft) (reverse left)])
    (if (empty? left)
        l ; no change
        (append (reverse (rest rleft))
                (list e)
                (cons (first rleft) (rest right))))))
(define/provide (list-move-right l e)
  (reverse (list-move-left (reverse l) e)))

(define/provide (text-split-with-empty str ch empty)
      ((idx (string-length str))
       (last #f)
       (slist '())
    (do () ( (not (>= idx 0)) )
      (set! last idx)
      (do () ( (not (and (> idx 0) 
                         (not (or (and (char? ch) 
                                       (char=? (string-ref str (- idx 1)) ch))
                                  (and (list? ch) 
                                       (member (string-ref str (- idx 1)) ch))
                    ) )
        (set! idx (- idx 1))
      (when (>= idx 0)
        (when (or empty
                  (and (not empty) (> (- last idx) 0)) )
          (set! slist (cons (substring str idx last) slist))
        (set! idx (- idx 1))

(define/provide (path-string->string pstr)
  (if (path? pstr)
      (path->string pstr)

;; Try ... catch ... finally
;; Finally is executed before the catch.
(provide try)
(define-syntax try
  (syntax-rules (catch finally)
      try-body ...
          [exn exn-handler] ...
       final-body ...))
     ; =>
     (with-handlers ([exn exn-handler] ...)
       (with-handlers ([exn? (λ(e)final-body ...
                                    (raise e))])
         try-body ...))
    [(try t ... (finally f ...))
     (try t ... (catch) (finally f ...))]

; ***********************
; * Classes and Objects *
; ***********************

;; Sends the same message to all the objects of the list.
;; (map get-value list-of-valued-objects)
;; (map (set-value 10) list-of-valued-objects)
(provide map-send)
(define-syntax map-send 
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ (arg ...) l)
     (map (λ(x)(send x arg ...)) l)]
    [(_ id l)
     (map (λ(x)(send x id)) l)]

(provide for-each-send)
(define-syntax for-each-send 
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ (arg ...) l)
     (for-each (λ(x)(send x arg ...)) l)]
    [(_ id l)
     (for-each (λ(x)(send x id)) l)]

;; Returns a string from a value.
;; Syntax objects are turned into data.
(define-for-syntax (->string x)
  (cond [(syntax? x) (->string (syntax->datum x))]
        [else (format "~a" x)]
;; Turns all the arguments into strings, append them
;; And return the corresponding symbol.
(define-for-syntax (symbol-append* . args)
   (apply string-append (map ->string args))))

;; From a identifier in a class, defines a (get-<id>) method
;; that returns the value of the <id>.
;; Several ids can be given.
;; See also the built-in get-field macro.
(provide getter)
(define-syntax (getter stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ id)
     (with-syntax ([get-id (symbol-append* "get-" #'id)])
       #'(define/public (get-id) id))]
    [(_ id1 id2 ...)
     #'(begin (getter id1)
              (getter id2 ...))]

;; Defines a setter (set-<id> val) that sets the <id> field to val.
;; Several ids can be given.
(provide setter)
(define-syntax (setter stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ id)
     (with-syntax ([get-id (symbol-append* "set-" #'id)])
       #'(define/public (get-id val) (set! id val))
    [(_ id1 id2 ...)
     #'(begin (setter id1)
              (setter id2 ...))]

;; Helper to define both a getter and a setter for given field ids.
(provide getter/setter)
(define-syntax-rule (getter/setter arg ...)
  (begin (getter arg ...)
         (setter arg ...)))

; *******
; * GUI *
; *******

;; Closes a top-level-window.
(define/provide (close-window tlw)
  (when (send tlw can-close?)
    (send tlw on-close)
    (send tlw show #f)))