;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Package : sqli.scm ;;; Author : Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema. ;;; Copyright : HOD 2004/2005. ;;; License : LGPL. ;;; CVS : $Id: sqli.scm,v 1.8 2007/04/29 12:26:19 hoesterholt Exp $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;=pod ; ;=head1 Name ; ;SQLI - SQL Interface module ; ;=head1 Description ; ;This SQL Interface module for mzscheme provides a simple interface ;to connect to databases. It works by connecting to a database ;through a given SQL Driver closure; and provides functions ;for handling SQL. ; ;=head1 Author ; ;Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema <hans-at-elemental-programming%dt#org>. ; ;=head1 License ; ;This module is distributed under the LGPL. ;(c) 2004/2005 Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema. ; ;=head1 Version ; ;$Id: sqli.scm,v 1.8 2007/04/29 12:26:19 hoesterholt Exp $ ; ;=head1 Synopsis ; ;=syn scm,8 ; ; (module test ; (import sqli) ; (import sqld-sqlite) ; (main main)) ; ; (define (main argv) ; (let* ((sqld (sqld-sqlite-new "test.db")) ; (sqlh (sqli-connect sqld)) ; (sqli (sqli-closure sqlh)) ; (results (list))) ; ; (print (sqli 'driver-name) " - " (sqli 'driver-version)) ; ; (sqli 'query "SELECT * FROM test_table;") ; ; (do ; ((a (sqli 'fetchrow) (sqli 'fetchrow))) ; ((eq? a #f) #t) ; (print a)) ; ; (sqli 'begin) ; (do ; ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ; ((> i 10) #t) ; (sqli 'query ; "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES ($1, $2)" ; (string-append "row'" (number->string i)) i)) ; (sqli 'commit) ; ; (sqli 'register ; 'a-selection ; "SELECT $1 FROM test_table WHERE age $2 $3" ; (lambda (a) (list (car a) "cvt" (string->number (cadr a))))) ; (print (sqli 'exec 'select 'name '> 2)) ; (print (sqli 'fetchall)) ; ; (sqli 'register 'count ; "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table" ; (lambda (row) (car row))) ; (sqli 'exec 'count) ; (print (sqli 'fetchrow)) ; ; (sqli 'register 'some ; "SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE name LIKE '$1%'") ; (print (sqli 'exec 'some (list "John"))) ; (print (sqli 'fetchall)) ; ; (sqli 'disconnect) ; 0)) ; ;=head1 API ; ;=head2 Connection handling ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-connect sql-driver) : sqli-handle> ; ;This function connects to the database represented by C<sql-driver>. ;It returns a handle to the driver, or C<#f>, if something went ;wrong. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-disconnect sqli-handle) : unspecified> ; ;This function disconnects a given sqli-handle from the database. ;This function must always be called before a variable goes out ;of scope. ; ;=back ; ;=head2 Queries ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-query sqli-handle query . args) : boolean> ; ;F<sqli-query> executes an SQL query to the sqli-handle. An SQL ;statement can contain arguments of form '$n', where C<1E<lt>=nE<lt>=(length args)> ;Arguments are interpreted: ; ;=over 1 ; ;=item * ; ;C<Symbols> are converted to strings, without quotes (usefull for ;column names, operations, etc.). ; ;=item * ; ;C<strings> are converted to quoted strings ((var)char, etc. in ;SQL). ; ;=item * ; ;C<a list of a string> is converted to a string, without quotes. ;This construct can be used when one wants to use strings in ;expressions, etc. ; ;=item * ;C<a vector of a string> is taken literally, i.e. not converted. ; ;=item * ; ;C<integers> and C<numbers> are converted accordingly. ; ;=item * ; ;C<date> types are converted to Database dependent timestamps. ; ;=item * ; ;C<boolean> types are converted to Database dependent booleans. ; ;=back ; ;This function returns C<#t>, if an error occured, C<#f>, otherwise. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-register sqli-handle name query . conversion-function) : unspecified> ; ;With this function an SQL statement, with the same possibilties as ;with the sqli-query function, can be registered for later processing. ;The advantage of this approach, is that a conversion function can ;be registered along with the registered query. This conversion function ;is called for each fetched row of a query. ; ;Note! If the conversion function converts a list of elements to a ;single atom, and this atom equals #f, the fetchall function will ;fail to retreive all rows. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-register sqli-handle name query . types) : unspecified> ; ;With this function an SQL statement, with the same possibilties as ;with the sqli-query function, can be registered for later processing. ;With this function, the expected types can be given as symbols. Fetched ;rows are converted to the expected types. The following types can be used: ; ;=over 1 ; ;=item 'string ; ;Type string is expected. ; ;=item 'int ; ;Type integer (exact number) is expected. ; ;=item 'number ; ;Type number (exact or inexact) is expected. ; ;=item 'date ; ;Type date is expected. ; ;=item 'bool ; ;Type boolean is expected. ; ;=back ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-exec sqli-handle name . args) : boolean> ; ;With this function a previously registered SQL statement can be ;executed (using arguments 'args'). Arguments are interpreted the ;same way as with F<sqli-query>. ; ;=back ; ;=head2 Transaction processing ; ;Please note: The transaction functions can be called recursively, ;but one must not intermix commits and rollbacks! ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-begin sqli-handle) : boolean> ; ;This function starts a transaction on the given sqli-handle. It ;returns C<#t>, if something went wrong, C<#f>, othwerwise. ;This function can be called recursively. Only the first begin ;will be given to the sqld driver. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-commit sqli-handle) : boolean> ; ;This function commits a transaction on the given sqli-handle. It ;returns C<#t>, if something went wrong, C<#f>, othwerwise. ;This function can be called recursively. Only the last commit ;will be given to the sqld driver. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-rollback sqli-handle) : boolean> ; ;This function rolls back a transaction on the given sqli-handle. It ;returns C<#t>, if something went wrong, C<#f>, othwerwise. ;This function can be called recursively. Only the last rollback ;will be given to the sqld driver. ; ;=back ; ;=head2 Fetching ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-fetchrow sqli-handle) : list> ; ;F<sqli-fetchrow> fetches a row from the last query executed. ;It returns C<#f>, if no (more) rows can be fetched, returns ;a list of results (depending on the conversion function, ;this can be different) otherwise (see L<synopsis|/Synopsis>). ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-fetch sqli-handle count) : list> ; ;F<sqli-fetch> fetches at most C<count> rows from the last ;query for C<sqli-handle>. Returns a list of rows (or the ;empty list, if no row could be fetched). ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-fetchall sqli-handle) : list> ; ;F<sqli-fetchall> fetches all rows from the last query ;for C<sqli-handle>. Returns a list of rows like F<sqli-fetch>. ;If the first F<sqli-fetch> returns #f, the list will be empty ;(null? property). ; ;=back ; ;=head2 Closure interface ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-closure sqli-handle) : procedure> ; ;Makes a closure from C<sqli-handle>, that can be treated like ;an object interface for the C<sqli-handle>. All functions ;are called through this closure, using a symbol that denotes ;the function. E.g.: ; ;C<(sqli-closure 'fetchrow)>, fetches a row. ; ;=back ; ;=head2 Predicates, error handling and conversions ; ;=over 1 ; ;=head3 C<(sqli? obj) : boolean> ; ;Returns C<#t>, if C<obj> is of type C<sqli>. Note: ;C<(list? sqli-handle)> will return C<#t> also. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-error? handle)> ; ;Returns C<#t>, if the last query reported an error. ;Returns C<#f>, otherwise. ;SQL error: database is locked ;=head3 C<(sqli-error-message handle)> ; ;Returns the error message that complements the C<sqli-error?> ;indication. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-convert handle string T) : object of type T> ; ;Converts string as returned from the database query ;to type; where type is a symbol indicating the scheme type ;to convert to. Currently, 'date, 'boolean, 'string, 'number ;and 'integer are supported. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-driver-name sql-driver) : string> ; ;Returns the driver name in lower case (e.g. sqlite). Refer to the ;driver documentation to get more information on this. ; ;Note! This function works on both the B<sql-driver> and the ;sqli connection handle. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-driver-version sql-driver) : integer> ; ;Returns the driver version as an integer (e.g. 307 or 285 (for sqlite)). ;Refer to the driver documentation for more information on this. ; ;Note! This function works on both the B<sql-driver> and the ;sqli connection handle. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-last-query) : string> ; ;Returns the last query that has been executed by the sqlid driver. ; ;=head3 C<(sqli-version) : integer> ; ;Returns the version of SQLI as an integer. Major part*100+minor part. ; ;=back ; ;=wikiwikiwiki ; ;==ROOS Interface ; ; >(require (planet "sqli-oo.scm" ("oesterholt" "sqlid.plt" 1 0))) ; >(require (planet "sqld-sqlite.scm" ("oesterholt" "sqlid.plt" 1 0))) ; >(define d (sqld-sqlite "test.db")) ; >(define o (sqli-oo d)) ; >(-> o connect) ; >(-> o error?) ; #f ; >(-> o query "select * from test") ; #f ; >(-> o fetchall) ; (("3")) ; > ; ;#sqli-oo# forms a ROOS layer on top of #sqli#. ; ;===#(-> o connect)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-connect#. ; ;===#(-> o disconnect)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-disconnect#. ; ;===#(-> o query . args)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-query#. ; ;===#(-> o register name query . conv-func|types)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-register#. ; ;===#(-> o exec name . args)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-exec#. ; ;===#(-> o begin-work)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-begin#. ; ;===#(-> o commit)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-commit#. ; ;===#(-> o rollback)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-rollback#. ; ;===#(-> o fetchrow)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-fetchrow#. ; ;===#(-> o fetch n)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-fetch#. ; ;===#(-> o fetchall)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-fetchall#. ; ;===#(-> o error?)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-error?#. ; ;===#(-> o errmsg) | (-> o error-message)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-error-message#. ; ;===#(-> o driver-name)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-driver-name#. ; ;===#(-> o driver-version)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-driver-version#. ; ;===#(-> o version)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-version#. ; ;===#(-> o last-query)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-last-query#. ; ;===#(-> o -><type> string-from-db)# ; ;Equivalent to #sqli-convert# with the given type: ; ; (-> o ->date dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'date) ; (-> o ->bool dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'boolean) ; (-> o ->boolean dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'boolean) ; (-> o ->integer dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'integer) ; (-> o ->number dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'number) ; (-> o ->symbol dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'symbol) ; (-> o ->string dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'string) ; (-> o ->scheme-data dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'scheme-object) ; (-> o ->scheme-object dbstr) <=> (sqli-convert handle dbstr 'scheme-object) ; ;===#(-> o ->var string-from-db var)# ; ;Determines from the type of var, which conversion to use. ;Returns the converted string. Doesn't set #var# ; ; (srfi:date? var) => ->date ; (boolean? var) => ->bool ; (and (number? var) (exact? var)) => ->integer ; (and (number? var) (inexact? var)) => ->number ; (symbol? var) => ->symbol ; (string? var) => ->string ; else => ->scheme-object ; ;=Drivers ;==SQLite driver ; ;Initialize the SQLite driver with #DSN=<filename of database>#. ;E.g.: ; ; (sqld-sqlite-new "test.db") ; ;==PostgreSQL driver ; ;Initialize the PostgreSQL driver with a PostgreSQL connection string. ;E.g.: ; ; (sqld-psql-new "dbname=test user=test password=test host=localhost") ; ;==MySQL driver ; ;Initialize the MySQL driver with #DSN=![<user>] ![<password>] <database> ![<hostname>] ![<port>]#, E.g.: ; ; (sqld-mysql-new "db=test user=test passwd=test host=localhost port=3306") ; (sqld-mysql-new "db=test user=me passwd=mypassword") ; ;==Oracle driver ; ;Initialize the Oracle driver with an Oracle dsn, e.g.: ; ; (sqld-oracle-new "scott/tiger") ; ;==DB2 driver ; ;Initialize the DB2 driver with a DB2 dsn, e.g.: ; ; (sqld-db2-new "alias=test user=me passwd=mypassword") ; ;=wikiwikiwiki ; ;=head1 Literate part ; ;=head2 Module descriptor ; ;This SQLI module has been designed for use with ;mzscheme. The sqli module begins with a module description. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (module sqli mzscheme (require (lib "time.ss" "srfi" "19")) ;=verbatim ; ;In the module description, all exported functions are defined. ; ;=head2 The definition of a handle ; ;The SQLI module uses a handle to a database connection ;for transportation of connection- and status information. ;The handle is build as follows: ; ; (list 'sqli ; E<lt>driver closureE<gt> ; E<lt>list of registered queriesE<gt> ; E<lt>conversion function for the last queryE<gt>) ; ;The driver is the C<sql-driver> that has been given to ;the F<sqli-connect> function. This is a closure that handles ;commands. See the ;L<interface description|SQLD - Interface description for SQLI drivers> ;for a description of the functionality that a driver must implement. ; ;The list of registered queries contains all query-templates and ;conversion functions currently registered. ; ;The conversion function is conversion function for the last ;query executed by the sql driver. A value of B<'nil-converter> ;indicates that there is no conversion function. ; ;=head2 Exported functions ; ;The F<sqli?> function returns true, if obj is a list, not null ;and the car of this list is equal to 'sqli. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli? obj) (if (list? obj) (if (null? obj) #f (eq? (car obj) 'sqli)) #f)) (define (check-handle F handle) (if (sqli? handle) #t (error (format "~a: given handle: '~s' is not an sqli handle" F handle)))) ;=verbatim ; ;Connection to the sql driver is simply done by constructing ;a sqli handle. Disconnecting is done by calling the sql driver ;with symbol 'disconnect. The driver must then invalidate itself. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-connect sql-driver) (list 'sqli (sql-driver 'connect) (list) 'nil-converter "" 0 (sql-driver 'name) (sql-driver 'version) "" #f)) (define (sqli-disconnect handle) (check-handle 'sqli-disconnect handle) ((cadr handle) 'disconnect)) (define (_sqli-error-message handle . args) (let ((L (cddddr (cddddr handle)))) (if (not (null? args)) (set-car! L (car args))) (car L))) ;=verbatim ; ;Error handling is very simple. The F<sqli-error-message> function ;queries the last error of the sql driver. This last error is a ;string reporting an error. If this string equals "" (the empty ;string), there is no error. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-error-message handle) (check-handle 'sqli-error-message handle) (if (not (string=? (_sqli-error-message handle) "")) (_sqli-error-message handle) ((cadr handle) 'lasterr))) (define (sqli-error? handle) (check-handle 'sqli-error? handle) (or (not (string=? (_sqli-error-message handle) "")) (not (string=? (sqli-error-message handle) "")))) ;=verbatim ; ;Driver name and version are simply calls wirh the equivalent commands ;to the SQL Driver. Works for both the sql driver handle and the sqli handle ;after connect. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-driver-name sqlh) (if (sqli? sqlh) (caddr (cddddr sqlh)) (sqlh 'name))) (define (sqli-driver-version sqlh) (if (sqli? sqlh) (cadddr (cddddr sqlh)) (sqlh 'version))) ;=verbatim ; ;Transactions are simply left to the sql driver to handle. The sqli ;driver is called with the symbols 'begin, 'commit or 'rollback. ;Each function returns F<sqli-error?>, which then reports about ;this last "query" to the driver. ; ;These functions can be called recursively. Only the first begin will ;be given to the driver. Only the last commit will be given to the ;driver. Only the last rollback will be given to the driver. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define-syntax gcount (syntax-rules () ((_ handle) (cdr (cddddr handle))))) (define (sqli-begin handle) (check-handle 'sqli-begin handle) (let ((count (gcount handle))) (if (= (car count) 0) ((cadr handle) 'begin)) (if (not (sqli-error? handle)) (set-car! count (+ (car count) 1))) (sqli-error? handle))) (define (sqli-commit handle) (check-handle 'sqli-commit handle) (let ((count (gcount handle))) (set-car! count (- (car count) 1)) (if (= (car count) 0) ((cadr handle) 'commit) (if (< (car count) 0) (set-car! count 0))) (sqli-error? handle))) (define (sqli-rollback handle) (check-handle 'sqli-rollback handle) (let ((count (gcount handle))) (set-car! count (- (car count) 1)) (if (= (car count) 0) ((cadr handle) 'rollback) (if (< (car count) 0) (set-car! count 0))) (sqli-error? handle))) ;=verbatim ; ;Fetching rows from a last query is done by calling the sql driver ;using symbol 'fetchrow. A conversion function is conditionally ;called for the fetched row, but only if the call to the sql driver ;does not return C<#f> and the conversion function does not equal ;'nil-converter. I.e., the procedure? predicate must apply to ;the converter. ; ;Note! The default format for rows is a list of elements. If the ;conversion function converts a list of elements to a single atom, ;and this atom equals C<#f>, the C<fetchall> function will fail ;to retreive all rows. ; ;The functions for fetching all rows or C<count> rows are simply ;implemented by subsequental calls to F<sqli-fetchrow>. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-fetchrow handle) (check-handle 'sqli-fetchrow handle) (if (eq? (cadddr handle) 'nil-converter) ((cadr handle) 'fetchrow) (let ((row ((cadr handle) 'fetchrow))) (if (eq? row #f) #f ((cadddr handle) row))))) (define (sqli-fetchall handle) (check-handle 'sqli-all handle) (do ((l (list)) (r (sqli-fetchrow handle) (sqli-fetchrow handle))) ((eq? r #f) (reverse l)) (set! l (cons r l)))) (define (sqli-fetch handle count) (check-handle 'sqli-fetch handle) (do ((l (list)) (i 0 (+ i 1)) (row (sqli-fetchrow handle) (sqli-fetchrow handle))) ((or (>= i count) (eq? row #f)) (reverse l)) (set! l (cons row l)))) ;=verbatim ; ;There are two types of queries. Direct queries, which by default ;don't have ;conversion functions attached to them; and registered ;queries, which can have conversion functions attached to them. ; ;Queries are SQL statements with numbered arguments ($1, $2, ...). ;Arguments given to the F<sqli-query> or F<sqli-exec> functions ;are used to substitute the numbered arguments with. The first ;argument being $1 and counting onwards. Note: arguments are not ;substituted on a positional basis. Multiple $i's are substituted ;all at the same time. E.g.: ; ;In S<C<(sqli-query sqli-handle "SELECT $1 FROM test WHERE $1E<gt>0" 'age)>>, ;all $1 fields are substituted with "age". ; ;Queries can be registered using a name. This name must be a symbol. ;Registered queries are executed using F<sqli-exec>. For two different queries, ;that are registered subsequently under the same symbol, only the last one can ;be retreived. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-internal-query handle query args) ((cadr handle) 'query (sqli-make-query handle (sqli-split-query query) 'nil-converter args)) (sqli-error? handle)) (define (sqli-query handle query . args) (check-handle 'sqli-query handle) (_sqli-error-message handle "") (sqli-internal-query handle query args)) (define (sqli-standard-converter handle row types) (define (convert row types) (if (null? row) (list) (if (null? types) row (cons (sqli-convert handle (car row) (car types)) (convert (cdr row) (cdr types)))))) (convert row types)) (define (sqli-register handle name _query . _converter_or_types) (check-handle 'sqli-register handle) (let ((converter (if (null? _converter_or_types) 'nil-converter (if (symbol? (car _converter_or_types)) (lambda (row) (sqli-standard-converter handle row _converter_or_types)) (car _converter_or_types)))) (query (sqli-split-query _query))) (define (update queries) (if (null? queries) (list) (if (equal? (caar queries) name) (update (cdr queries)) (cons (car queries) (update (cdr queries)))))) (begin (set-car! (cddr handle) (cons (list name converter query) (update (caddr handle)))) handle))) (define (sqli-internal-exec handle name args) (define (get queries) (if (null? queries) #f (if (equal? (caar queries) name) (car queries) (get (cdr queries))))) (define (copy query) (if (null? query) (list) (cons (car query) (copy (cdr query))))) (let ((Q (get (caddr handle)))) (if (eq? Q #f) (begin (_sqli-error-message handle (format "Cannot find query ~s" name)) #f) (let* ((converter (cadr Q)) (query (caddr Q))) ((cadr handle) 'query (sqli-make-query handle (copy query) converter args)))) (sqli-error? handle))) (define (sqli-exec handle name . args) (check-handle 'sqli-exec handle) (_sqli-error-message handle "") (sqli-internal-exec handle name args)) ;=verbatim ; ;The F<sqli-convert> function can be used to ;convert results from queries from database format to ;scheme format. It currently converts for the ;scheme type 'date, 'boolean, 'integer, 'number and 'string, ;'symbol and 'scheme-object. A 'scheme-object type can be ;made with a write to a string port. ; ;The F<sqli-2db> function can be used to ;convert values to database format. It supports ;all scheme types in a generic way, but has ;special arrangements for 'data, 'boolean, 'number, 'string ;and 'symbol. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 ;#+ mzscheme (define-syntax string->integer (syntax-rules () ((_ s) (inexact->exact (round (string->number s)))))) ;## (define (sqli-convert handle str type) (cond ((eq? type 'date) ((cadr handle) 'db2date str)) ((eq? type 'boolean) ((cadr handle) 'db2bool str)) ((eq? type 'integer) (string->integer str)) ((eq? type 'number) (string->number str)) ((eq? type 'symbol) (string->symbol str)) ((eq? type 'string) str) ((eq? type 'scheme-object) (let ((fh (open-input-string str))) (let ((scheme-object (read fh))) (close-input-port fh) scheme-object))) (else (ierr "Unknown type given to sqli-convert")))) (define (sqli-2db handle arg) (let ((sqld (cadr handle))) (cond ((symbol? arg) (symbol->string arg)) ; A not portable way to distinguish ; between fields and strings ((boolean? arg) (sqld 'bool2db arg)) ((string? arg) (sqld 'string2db arg)) ((list? arg) (let ((s (sqld 'string2db (car arg)))) (substring s 1 (- (string-length s) 1)))) ((vector? arg) (vector-ref arg 0)) ((integer? arg) (sqld 'int2db arg)) ((number? arg) (sqld 'number2db arg)) ((srfi:date? arg) (sqld 'date2db arg)) (else (let ((str (open-output-string))) (write arg str) (let ((s (get-output-string str))) (close-output-port str) (sqli-2db handle s)) ))))) ;=verbatim ; ;The C<sqli-last-query> function returns the last query executed by the sqlid driver. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-last-query handle) (check-handle 'sqli-last-query handle) (cadddr (cdr handle))) ;=verbatim ; ;The C<sqli-version> function returns the current version ;of SQLI. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-version) (let* ((V "1.3")) (inexact->exact (round (* V 100))))) ;=verbatim ; ;The C<sqli-debug?> function returns if sqli is currently ;in debugging mode. With C<sqli-debug!> one can set debugging ;mode. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-debug? handle) (cadr (cddddr (cddddr handle)))) (define (sqli-debug! handle d) (set-car! (cdr (cddddr (cddddr handle))) d) (sqli-debug? handle)) (define-syntax debug (syntax-rules () ((_ handle str) (if (sqli-debug? handle) (begin (display "SQLI<debug>:") (display str) (newline)))))) ;=verbatim ; ;With the F<sqli-closure> function, a closure can be made from the ;sqli-handle. This can be convenient, if one wants to have a more ;object oriented interface to the SQLI handle. For the sqli closure, ;all functions in sqli-E<lt>functionE<gt>, are replaced by 'function. ;Example: ; ;For C<(define a (sqli-closure sqli-handle))>: C<(a 'exec 'test)> does ;the same as C<(sqli-exec sqli-handle 'test)>. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-closure handle) (check-handle 'sqli-closure handle) (let ((sqli handle)) (lambda (cmd . args) (cond ((eq? cmd 'convert) (sqli-convert handle (car args) (cadr args))) ((eq? cmd 'fetchrow) (sqli-fetchrow handle)) ((eq? cmd 'fetch) (sqli-fetch handle (car args))) ((eq? cmd 'fetchall) (sqli-fetchall handle)) ((eq? cmd 'error?) (sqli-error? handle)) ((eq? cmd 'exec) (sqli-internal-exec handle (car args) (cdr args))) ((eq? cmd 'query) (sqli-internal-query handle (car args) (cdr args))) ((eq? cmd 'begin) (sqli-begin handle)) ((eq? cmd 'commit) (sqli-commit handle)) ((eq? cmd 'rollback) (sqli-rollback handle)) ((eq? cmd 'register) (sqli-register handle (car args) (cadr args) (caddr args))) ((eq? cmd 'error-message) (sqli-error-message handle)) ((eq? cmd 'disconnect) (sqli-disconnect handle)) (else (ierr (string-append "sqli-closure: Unknown command " (symbol->string cmd) " given"))))))) ;=verbatim ; ;=head2 Internal functions ; ;These functions are used to facilitate exported functions. ; ;The F<sqli-make-query> function prepares a query by substituting ;all numbered arguments using the provided arguments. Also, it ;converts strings, integers, numbers and dates to database ;format. It works on a previously splitted query. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-make-query handle query converter args) (let ((sqld (cadr handle))) (define (replace l i val) (if (null? l) #t (begin (if (number? (car l)) (if (= (car l) i) (set-car! l val))) (replace (cdr l) i val)))) (define (convert arg) (let ((R (sqli-2db handle arg))) (debug handle (format "converting from ~s to ~s" arg R)) R)) (define (make-string l) (if (null? l) "" (string-append (car l) (make-string (cdr l))))) (define (make-query query args i) (if (null? args) (make-string query) (begin (replace query i (convert (car args))) (make-query query (cdr args) (+ i 1))))) (begin (set-car! (cdddr handle) converter) (set-car! (cddddr handle) (make-query query args 1)) (car (cddddr handle))))) ;=verbatim ; ;The C<sqli-split-query> function is used to split a query ;with $n arguments in components. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (sqli-split-query query) (do ((l (list)) (s 0) (k 0) (j 0) (N (string-length query)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i N) (reverse (if (= s 2) (cons (string->number (substring query (+ k 1) i)) (cons (substring query j k) l)) (cons (substring query j i) l)))) (let ((c (string-ref query i))) (if (= s 1) (if (and (char>=? c #\0) (char<=? c #\9)) (set! s 2) (set! s 0)) (if (= s 2) (if (not (and (char>=? c #\0) (char<=? c #\9))) (begin (set! l (cons (string->number (substring query (+ k 1) i)) (cons (substring query j k) l))) (set! s 0) (set! j i))))) (if (= s 0) (if (char=? c #\$) (begin (set! s 1) (set! k i))))))) ;=verbatim ; ;The F<ierr> function prints an error and returns C<#f>. This ;function is used to report errornous use of functions or ;other problems. ; ;=verbatim scm,8 (define (ierr . args) (define (f args) (if (null? args) (display "") (begin (display (car args)) (f (cdr args))))) (display "ERROR: ") (f args) (newline) #f) ;=verbatim ; ;=cut (provide sqli-connect sqli-disconnect sqli-begin sqli-query sqli-fetchrow sqli-fetchall sqli-fetch sqli-commit sqli-rollback sqli? sqli-register sqli-exec sqli-closure sqli-error-message sqli-error? sqli-driver-name sqli-driver-version sqli-last-query sqli-version sqli-convert sqli-debug! sqli-debug? sqli-2db)) ;##