#lang racket
(require racket/block
(only-in srfi/13 string-trim-both)
(for-syntax syntax/parse)
(struct tfield (label name error) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/const tfield (value) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/boolean tfield (value) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/number tfield (value raw-value) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/string tfield (value non-empty?) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/symbol tfield (value) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/struct tfield (constr args) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/oneof tfield (options chosen) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/listof tfield (base elts non-empty?) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/file tfield (file-name mime-type temp-path) #:transparent)
(struct tfield/function tfield (text func args result) #:transparent)
(define-values (gen-new-name reset-name-counter)
(let ([next-id 0])
(define new-name (format "tfield-~a" next-id))
(set! next-id (add1 next-id))
(set! next-id n)))))
(define-syntax (derive-tfield-constructor stx)
(define-syntax-class arg-spec
(pattern id:identifier #:with decl #'id)
(pattern (id:identifier defval) #:with decl #'[id defval]))
(syntax-parse stx
[(derive-tfield-constructor subtype a:arg-spec ...)
#`(λ(label a.decl ...
#:name [name (gen-new-name)]
#:error [error #f])
(subtype label name error a.id ...))]
[(derive-tfield-constructor subtype a:arg-spec ...
(~datum #:check) guard-func)
#`(λ(label a.decl ...
#:name [name (gen-new-name)]
#:error [err #f])
(define t (subtype label name err a.id ...))
(if (guard-func t) t
(error "Check failed on constructor:"
(object-name subtype))))]
(define (new-tfield label #:name [name (gen-new-name)] #:error [error #f]) (tfield label name error))
(define new-tfield/const
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/const value))
(define new-tfield/number
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/number [value #f] [raw-value #f]))
(define new-tfield/string
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/string [value #f] [non-empty? #f]))
(define new-tfield/symbol
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/symbol [value #f]))
(define new-tfield/boolean
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/boolean [value #f]))
(define new-tfield/struct
(let ([check (λ(tf) (define c (tfield/struct-constr tf))
(define a (tfield/struct-args tf))
(and (procedure? c) (list? a)
(= (procedure-arity c) (length a))
(struct? (apply c a))))])
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/struct constr args #:check check)))
(define new-tfield/oneof
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/oneof options [chosen #f]))
(define new-tfield/listof
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/listof base [elts empty] [non-empty? #f]))
(define new-tfield/file
(derive-tfield-constructor tfield/file
[file-name #f] [mime-type #f] [temp-path #f]))
(define new-tfield/function (derive-tfield-constructor tfield/function text func args result))
(define (tfield-func tf ...)
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
[_ (error (object-name tfield-func)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (true? v)
(not (false? v)))
(define (any-error? tf)
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(true? error)]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(or (true? error)
(ormap any-error? args))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(or (true? error)
(and chosen
(<= chosen (length options))
(any-error? (list-ref options chosen))))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(or (true? error)
(ormap any-error? elts))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(or (true? error)
(ormap any-error? args))]
[_ (error (object-name any-error?)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (clear tf [finalize? #t])
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
(tfield/number label name #f #f #f)]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(tfield/string label name #f #f non-empty?)]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(tfield/symbol label name #f #f)]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
(tfield/boolean label name #f #f)]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(when (and finalize? temp-path (file-exists? temp-path))
(delete-file temp-path))
(tfield/file label name #f #f #f #f)]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(tfield/struct label name #f constr
(map (λ(a) (clear a finalize?)) args))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(tfield/oneof label name #f
(map (λ(a) (clear a finalize?)) options) #f)]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(when finalize? (map clear elts))
(tfield/listof label name #f (clear base finalize?) empty non-empty?)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(tfield/function title name #f text func
(map (λ(a) (clear a finalize?)) args)
(clear result finalize?))]
[_ (error (object-name clear)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (filled? tf)
(match tf
[(or (tfield/const label name error value)
(tfield/boolean label name error value)) #t]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value) (number? value)]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value) (symbol? value)]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(and (string? value)
(not (and non-empty? (string=? value ""))))]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(and (string? file-name)
(path-string? temp-path)
(file-exists? temp-path))]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args) (andmap filled? args)]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(and (natural-number/c chosen) (<= chosen (length options))
(filled? (list-ref options chosen)))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(and (andmap filled? elts) (or (not non-empty?) (not (empty? elts))))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(and (not (any-error? tf)) (andmap filled? args) (filled? result))]
[_ (error (object-name filled?)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (tfield->value tf)
(if (filled? tf)
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(apply constr (map tfield->value args))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(tfield->value (list-ref options chosen))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(map tfield->value elts)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(tfield->value result)]
[_ (error (object-name tfield->value)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))])
(error (object-name tfield->value)
"attempted to extract a value from a field not filled in")))
(define (value->tfield tf v)
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
(and (equal? v value) tf)]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
(and (number? v)
(struct-copy tfield/number tf [value v]
(if (integer? v) v (exact->inexact v)))]))]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(and (symbol? v)
(struct-copy tfield/symbol tf [value v]))]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(and (string? v)
(or (> (string-length v) 0)
(not non-empty?))
(struct-copy tfield/string tf [value v]))]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
(and (boolean? v)
(struct-copy tfield/boolean tf [value v]))]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(and (file-exists? v) (string? v)
(tfield/file label name error
v #f (make-temporary-file "mztmp~a" v)))]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(define struct-args (cdr (vector->list (struct->vector v))))
(and (symbol? (object-name v)) (symbol? (object-name constr))
(or (equal? (object-name v) (object-name constr))
(string-append "make-" (symbol->string (object-name v)))
(symbol->string (object-name constr))))
(or (= (length args) (length struct-args))
(= (length args) (sub1 (length struct-args))))
(define value/args
(map (λ(a v/arg) (value->tfield a v/arg))
args (take struct-args (length args))))
(and (andmap (λ(i)i) value/args)
(struct-copy tfield/struct tf [args value/args]))))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(define idxs (build-list (length options) values))
(define unifieds (map (λ(i) (value->tfield (list-ref options i) v)) idxs))
(define new-options (map (λ(u o) (or u o)) unifieds options))
(define new-chosen (ormap (λ(o i) (and o i)) unifieds idxs))
(and new-chosen
(struct-copy tfield/oneof tf
[options new-options] [chosen new-chosen]))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(define elts/unify (and (list? v) (map (curry value->tfield base) v)))
(and elts/unify
(andmap values elts/unify)
(struct-copy tfield/listof tf
[elts (rename/deep* elts/unify name)]))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(define args/unify (and (list? v) (map value->tfield args v)))
(and args/unify
(andmap values args/unify)
(struct-copy tfield/function tf
[args (rename/deep* args/unify name)]
[result (clear result)]))]
[_ (error (object-name value->tfield)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (rename/deep* tfs new-name [start-i 0])
(map (λ(tf i)
(rename/deep tf (string-append new-name "-" (number->string i))))
tfs (build-list (length tfs) (λ(x) (+ start-i x)))))
(define (rename/deep tf [new-name #f])
(when (not new-name) (set! new-name (tfield-name tf)))
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
(tfield/const label new-name error value)]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
(tfield/number label new-name error value raw-value)]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(tfield/string label new-name error value non-empty?)]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(tfield/symbol label new-name error value)]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
(tfield/boolean label new-name error value)]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(tfield/file label new-name error file-name mime-type temp-path)]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(tfield/struct label new-name error constr (rename/deep* args new-name))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(tfield/oneof label new-name error
(rename/deep* options new-name) chosen)]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(tfield/listof label new-name
error (rename/deep base (string-append new-name "-base"))
(rename/deep* elts new-name) non-empty?)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(tfield/function title new-name error text func
(rename/deep* args new-name)
(rename/deep result (string-append new-name "-result")))]
[_ (error (object-name rename/deep)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (validate tf [apply-func #f])
(define (lookup-func name) (match (find-named tf name)
[#f #f]
[(tfield/const label name error value) (format "~a" value)]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value) raw-value]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?) value]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(and value (symbol->string value))]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value) (and value "on")]
[(and tf/f (tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path))
(cond [(filled? tf/f) (list file-name mime-type temp-path)]
[file-name (list file-name #f #f)] [else #f])]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args) #f]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(and chosen (number->string chosen))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(number->string (length elts))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result) #f]
[_ (error (object-name validate)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]
(parse tf lookup-func #t apply-func))
(define ERRMSG/NO-FILE "Must select an input file")
(define ERRMSG/UPLOAD "File upload is not yet complete")
(define ERRMSG/NOT-FILLED "Must be filled in")
(define ERRMSG/NOT-EMPTY "Cannot be empty")
(define ERRMSG/NOT-NUMBER "Should be a number")
(define ERRMSG/MISSING-INPUT "Not all required input has been entered")
(define ERRMSG/SELECT-OPTION "Must select an option")
(define ERRMSG/FUNC-APP "Something went wrong processing the input")
(define ERRMSG/MISMATCH "The result of the program was of an unexpected type")
(define (parse tf lookup-func [validate? #t] [apply-func? #t])
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value)
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value)
(define v (lookup-func name))
(define n (and (string? v) (string->number (string-trim-both v))))
[(and (not v) validate?)
(tfield/number label name ERRMSG/NOT-FILLED #f #f)]
[(and (not n) validate?)
(tfield/number label name ERRMSG/NOT-NUMBER #f v)]
[(or (not v) (not n))
(tfield/number label name error n v)] [else (tfield/number label name #f n v)])]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?)
(define v (lookup-func name))
[(and (string? v)
(not (and (string=? v "") non-empty?)))
(tfield/string label name #f v non-empty?)]
(tfield/string label name ERRMSG/NOT-FILLED v non-empty?)]
(tfield/string label name error v non-empty?)])]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value)
(define v (lookup-func name))
[(and (string? v) (not (string=? v "")))
(struct-copy tfield/symbol tf [value (string->symbol v)])]
(tfield/symbol label name ERRMSG/NOT-FILLED #f)]
(tfield/symbol label name error value)])]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value)
(define v (lookup-func name))
(define missing? (false? v))
(tfield/boolean label name
#f (and (string? v) (string=? v "on")))]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(define v (lookup-func name))
[(and (string? v) file-name temp-path (string=? v file-name))
tf] [(not (list? v))
(tfield/file label name (if validate? ERRMSG/NO-FILE error)
#f #f #f)]
[(not (third v))
(tfield/file label name (if validate? ERRMSG/UPLOAD error) (first v) #f #f)]
[(path-string? (third v)) (tfield/file label name #f (first v) (second v) (third v))]
[(bytes? (third v)) (define temp-file (make-temporary-file))
(with-output-to-file temp-file
(λ() (write-bytes (third v)))
#:exists 'truncate/replace)
(tfield/file label name #f (first v) (second v) temp-file)])]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(define new-args (map (λ(a) (parse a lookup-func validate?)) args))
(struct-copy tfield/struct tf [args new-args])]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(define sel-chosen (string->number (or (lookup-func name) "")))
(define (options/parse options x)
(map (λ(o i) (if (= i x)
(parse o lookup-func validate?)
(build-list (length options) values)))
(cond [(not sel-chosen) (tfield/oneof label name
(if validate? ERRMSG/SELECT-OPTION error)
options sel-chosen)]
[(not chosen) (struct-copy tfield/oneof tf
[options (options/parse options sel-chosen)]
[chosen sel-chosen]
[error #:parent tfield #f]
[(not (= chosen sel-chosen))
(struct-copy tfield/oneof tf
[options (options/parse
(options/parse options chosen)
[chosen sel-chosen]
[error #:parent tfield #f])]
[else (struct-copy tfield/oneof tf
[options (options/parse options chosen)]
[error #:parent tfield #f])]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(define n (string->number (or (lookup-func name) "0")))
(define elts-n (length elts))
(define new-elts (cond [(= n elts-n) elts]
[(< n elts-n) (take elts n)]
[(> n elts-n) (append elts
(rename/deep* (make-list (- n elts-n) base)
name elts-n))]))
(define new-elts/parsed
(map (λ(e) (parse e lookup-func validate?)) new-elts))
(tfield/listof label name
(if (and validate? non-empty? (empty? new-elts/parsed))
base new-elts/parsed non-empty?)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(define new-args (map (λ(a)
(if (tfield/function? a)
(parse a lookup-func validate?)))
(define result/cleared (clear result))
(define return-result (if apply-func?
(extract&apply-args func new-args result)
'(failure #f)))
(match return-result
[(list 'failure msg)
(tfield/function title name (if validate? msg #f)
text func new-args result/cleared)]
[(list 'success new-result)
(tfield/function title name #f
text func new-args new-result)]
[_ (error 'parse (format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (apply-tfield/function tf)
(match tf
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(match (extract&apply-args func args result)
[(list 'success new-result)
(struct-copy tfield/function tf [result new-result])]
[_ #f])]
[_ (error (object-name apply-tfield/function)
"Can only apply a tfield/function")]))
(define (extract&apply-args func args result)
(define temp-current-directory (make-temporary-file "mztmp~a" 'directory))
(define the-return
(parameterize ([current-directory temp-current-directory])
(define all-filled? (andmap filled? args))
(define return-value
(or (and (not all-filled?) '(failure))
(with-handlers ([exn? (λ(x) (pretty-print x)
`(failure ,(exn-message x)))])
(if (andmap materialize-input-files args) (let ([ret-val (apply func (map tfield->value args))])
(andmap purge-input-files args)
(list 'success ret-val))
(list 'failure "A problem occurred with the input file(s)")))))
(define result-good? (symbol=? (first return-value) 'success))
(define new-result
(and result-good? (value->tfield result (second return-value))))
(cond [(not all-filled?)
[(not result-good?)
`(failure ,(format "~a: ~a" ERRMSG/FUNC-APP (second return-value)))]
[(not new-result)
`(failure ,ERRMSG/MISMATCH)]
[else `(success ,new-result)])
(with-handlers ([exn? (λ(x) (pretty-print x) the-return)])
(for ([file (directory-list temp-current-directory)])
(delete-file (build-path temp-current-directory file)))
(delete-directory temp-current-directory)
(define (materialize-input-files tf)
(match tf
[(or (? tfield/const? _) (? tfield/number? _)
(? tfield/string? _) (? tfield/boolean? _)
(? tfield/symbol? _))
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(if (and file-name temp-path)
[(equal? file-name (path->string temp-path))
#t] [else (copy-file temp-path file-name)])
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(andmap materialize-input-files args)]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(and chosen (materialize-input-files (list-ref options chosen)))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(andmap materialize-input-files elts)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
#t] [_ (error (object-name materialize-input-files)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (purge-input-files tf)
(match tf
[(or (? tfield/const? _) (? tfield/number? _)
(? tfield/string? _) (? tfield/boolean? _)
(? tfield/symbol? _))
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path)
(if (and file-name temp-path)
[(equal? file-name (path->string temp-path))
#t] [else (delete-file file-name)])
#f)] [(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(andmap purge-input-files args)]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(and chosen (purge-input-files (list-ref options chosen)))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(andmap purge-input-files elts)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
#t] [_ (error (object-name purge-input-files)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (find-named tf target-name)
(let/cc k (update-named tf target-name (λ(tf) (k tf))))
(let/cc k (visit tf (λ(f) (if (string=? target-name (tfield-name f))
(k f) #f))))
(fold tf (λ(cur-tf found?)
(or found? (and (string=? target-name
(tfield-name cur-tf)) cur-tf)))
(define (find-parent-of-named tf target-name)
(let/cc k
tf (λ(f)
(match f
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(if (member target-name (map tfield-name args)) (k f) #f)]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(if (member target-name (map tfield-name options)) (k f) #f)]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(if (member target-name (map tfield-name elts)) (k f) #f)]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(if (or (member target-name (map tfield-name args))
(equal? target-name (tfield-name result)))
(k f) #f)]
[_ #f])))))
(define (update-named tf target-name tf-func)
(update tf (λ(f) (string=? target-name (tfield-name f))) tf-func))
(define (update tf pred tf-func)
(define (copy/non-false old new)
(map (λ(o n) (if n n o)) old new))
(match tf
[(or (? tfield/const? _) (? tfield/number? _)
(? tfield/string? _) (? tfield/boolean? _)
(? tfield/symbol? _) (? tfield/file? _))
(and (pred tf) (tf-func tf))]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(define upd-args (map (λ(a) (update a pred tf-func)) args))
(define new-args (copy/non-false args upd-args))
(define new-tf (struct-copy tfield/struct tf [args new-args]))
(or (and (pred new-tf) (tf-func new-tf))
(and (ormap values upd-args) new-tf))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(define upd-options (map (λ(a) (update a pred tf-func)) options))
(define new-options (copy/non-false options upd-options))
(define new-tf (struct-copy tfield/oneof tf [options new-options]))
(or (and (pred new-tf) (tf-func new-tf))
(and (ormap values new-options) new-tf))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(define upd-base (update base pred tf-func))
(define upd-elts (map (λ(a) (update a pred tf-func)) elts))
(define new-elts (copy/non-false elts upd-elts))
(define new-tf (struct-copy tfield/listof tf
[base (or upd-base base)]
[elts new-elts]))
(or (and (pred new-tf) (tf-func new-tf))
(and upd-base new-tf)
(and (ormap values new-elts) new-tf))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(define upd-result (update result pred tf-func))
(define upd-args (map (λ(a) (update a pred tf-func)) args))
(define new-args (copy/non-false args upd-args))
(define new-tf (struct-copy tfield/function tf
[result (or upd-result result)]
[args new-args]))
(or (and (pred new-tf) (tf-func new-tf))
(and upd-result new-tf)
(and (ormap values new-args) new-tf))]
[_ (error 'update
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (fold tf proc init)
(match tf
[(tfield/const label name error value) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/boolean label name error value) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/number label name error value raw-value) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/symbol label name error value) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/string label name error value non-empty?) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/file label name error file-name mime-type temp-path) (proc tf init)]
[(tfield/struct label name error constr args)
(proc tf (foldl (λ(f i) (fold f proc i)) init args))]
[(tfield/oneof label name error options chosen)
(proc tf (foldl (λ(f i) (fold f proc i)) init options))]
[(tfield/listof label name error base elts non-empty?)
(proc tf (foldl (λ(f i) (fold f proc i)) init elts))]
[(tfield/function title name error text func args result)
(proc tf (fold result proc (foldl (λ(f i) (fold f proc i)) init args)))]
[_ (error (object-name fold)
(format "somehow got an unknown field type: ~a" tf))]))
(define (visit tf func)
(fold tf (λ(f i) (func f)) #f))
(define (depth-of tf/name)
(define name (if (tfield? tf/name) (tfield-name tf/name) tf/name))
(length (filter (λ(c) (char=? #\- c)) (string->list name))))
(define (move-to lst n m)
(cond [(= n m) lst]
[(< n m)
(define-values (anb c) (split-at lst (add1 m)))
(define-values (a nb) (split-at anb n))
(define-values (nth b) (values (first nb) (rest nb)))
(append a b (cons nth c))]
[(> n m)
(define-values (ab nc) (split-at lst n))
(define-values (nth c) (values (first nc) (rest nc)))
(define-values (a b) (split-at ab m))
(append a (cons nth b) c)]))
(define (bump-up e lst)
(let ([tl (member e lst)])
(if (or (not tl) (= (length lst) (length tl))) lst
(take lst (- (length lst) (length tl) 1))
(list (car tl))
(list (list-ref lst (- (length lst) (length tl) 1)))
(cdr tl)))))
(define (bump-down e lst)
(let ([tl (member e lst)])
(if (or (not tl) (= (length tl) 1)) lst
(drop-right lst (length tl))
(list (cadr tl))
(list (car tl))
(cddr tl)))))
[struct tfield
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c)))]
[struct (tfield/const tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(value any/c))]
[struct (tfield/number tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(value (or/c #f number?))
(raw-value (or/c #f string?)))]
[struct (tfield/string tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(value (or/c #f string?))
(non-empty? boolean?))]
[struct (tfield/symbol tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(value (or/c #f symbol?)))]
[struct (tfield/boolean tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(value boolean?))]
[struct (tfield/struct tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(constr procedure?)
(args (listof tfield?)))]
[struct (tfield/oneof tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(options (listof tfield?))
(chosen (or/c #f natural-number/c)))]
[struct (tfield/listof tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(base tfield?)
(elts (listof tfield?))
(non-empty? boolean?))]
[struct (tfield/file tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(file-name (or/c #f string?))
(mime-type (or/c #f string?))
(temp-path (or/c #f path-string?)))]
[struct (tfield/function tfield)
((label (or/c #f string?))
(name string?)
(error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(text (or/c string? (listof xexpr/c)))
(func procedure?)
(args (listof tfield?))
(result tfield?))]
(gen-new-name (-> string?))
(reset-name-counter (-> number? void))
(new-tfield (->* ((or/c #f string?))
(#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/const (->* ((or/c #f string?) any/c)
(#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/boolean (->* ((or/c #f string?))
(boolean? #:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/number (->* ((or/c #f string?))
((or/c #f number?) (or/c #f string?)
#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/string (->* ((or/c #f string?))
((or/c #f string?) boolean?
#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/symbol (->* ((or/c #f string?))
((or/c #f symbol?) #:name string?
#:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/struct (->* ((or/c #f string?) procedure? (listof tfield?))
(#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/oneof (->i ([label (or/c #f string?)] [options (listof tfield?)])
([chosen (or/c #f natural-number/c)]
#:name [name string?]
#:error [error (or/c #f xexpr/c)])
#:pre (options chosen) (or (not chosen)
(unsupplied-arg? chosen)
(< chosen (length options)))
[_ tfield/oneof?]))
(new-tfield/listof (->* ((or/c #f string?) tfield?)
((listof tfield?) boolean? #:name string?
#:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/file (->* ((or/c #f string?))
((or/c #f string?) (or/c #f string?) (or/c #f path-string?)
#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(new-tfield/function (->* ((or/c #f string?)
(or/c string? (listof xexpr/c)) procedure?
(listof tfield?) tfield?)
(#:name string? #:error (or/c #f xexpr/c))
(any-error? (-> tfield? boolean?))
(clear (->* (tfield?) (boolean?) tfield?))
(filled? (-> tfield? boolean?))
(tfield->value (-> tfield? any))
(value->tfield (-> tfield? any/c (or/c #f tfield?)))
(parse (->* (tfield?
(-> string?
(or/c #f string? (list/c string? (or/c #f string?)
(or/c #f path-string? bytes?)))))
(boolean? boolean?) tfield?))
(validate (->* (tfield?) (boolean?) tfield?))
(update (-> tfield? (-> tfield? boolean?) (-> tfield? tfield?) (or/c #f tfield?)))
(update-named (-> tfield? string? (-> tfield? tfield?) (or/c #f tfield?)))
(find-named (-> tfield? string? (or/c #f tfield?)))
(find-parent-of-named (-> tfield? string? (or/c #f tfield?)))
(extract&apply-args (-> procedure? (listof tfield?) tfield? list?))
(apply-tfield/function (-> tfield/function? (or/c #f tfield/function?)))
(rename/deep (->* (tfield?) ((or/c #f string?)) tfield?))
(rename/deep* (->* ((listof tfield?) string?) (number?) (listof tfield?)))
(depth-of (-> (or/c tfield? string?) number?))
(move-to (-> list? number? number? list?))
(bump-up (-> any/c list? list?))
(bump-down (-> any/c list? list?))