#lang scribble/manual @;(require (for-label typed/racket)) @;(provide (for-label all-defined-out)) @title[#:tag "top"]{@bold{Functional Data Structures} in Typed Racket} All the data structures below, are the works of @italic{Chris Okasaki, Phil Bagwell} and those that are discussed in the book @italic{Purely Functional Data Structures} by Chris Okasaki. And the data structures have been entirely implemented in Typed Racket. @author[@link["http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/krhari"]{Hari Prashanth K R}] @local-table-of-contents[] @include-section{queues.scrbl} @include-section{deques.scrbl} @include-section{heaps.scrbl} @include-section{randomaccesslist.scrbl} @include-section{catenable-list.scrbl} @include-section{vlist.scrbl} @include-section{streams.scrbl} @include-section{redblacktrees.scrbl} @include-section{tries.scrbl} @include-section{set.scrbl} @include-section{treap.scrbl} @;@subsection[#:tag "Hash List"]{VHash List} @;A Hash List is a modified VList. Along with data it maintains a hash table. @;Hence each time the hash-list grows, both the data area and the hash table @;grow by the same factor. The data structure has been described in the @;paper @italic{Fast Functional Lists, Hash-Lists, Deques and @; Variable Length Arrays} by Phil Bagwell. @; @;@subsection[#:tag "Unbalanced Set"]{Unbalanced Set} @;@subsection[#:tag "Tries"]{Tries}