#lang racket/base
(require (only-in racket/port call-with-input-string)
(provide (all-defined-out))

;; W3C compliant extensions to SXPathlib
; $Id: sxpath-ext.scm,v 1.911 2002/12/06 22:10:53 kl Exp kl $:
; This software is in Public Domain.
; Please send bug reports and comments to:
;   [email protected]      Kirill Lisovsky
;   [email protected]    Dmitry Lizorkin

; SXML counterparts to W3C XPath Core Functions Library

; The counterpart to XPath 'string' function (section 4.2 XPath Rec.)
; Converts a given object to a string
;  1. When converting a nodeset - a document order is not preserved
;  2. number->string function returns the result in a form which is slightly
; different from XPath Rec. specification
(define (sxml:string object)
    ((string? object) object)
    ((nodeset? object) (if (null? object)
			 (sxml:string-value (car object))))
    ((number? object)
     (if (and (rational? object) (not (integer? object)))  ; like 1/2
         (number->string (exact->inexact object))
         (number->string object)))
    ((boolean? object) (if object "true" "false"))
    (else "")))  ; Unknown type -> empty string.
                 ; Option: write its value to string port?

; The counterpart to XPath 'boolean' function (section 4.3 XPath Rec.)
; Converts its argument to a boolean
(define (sxml:boolean object)
    ((boolean? object) object)
    ((number? object) (not (= object 0)))
    ((string? object) (> (string-length object) 0))
    ((nodeset? object) (not (null? object)))
    (else #f)))  ; Not specified in XPath Rec.

; The counterpart to XPath 'number' function (section 4.4 XPath Rec.)
; Converts its argument to a number
;  1. The argument is not optional (yet?)
;  2. string->number conversion is not IEEE 754 round-to-nearest
;  3. NaN is represented as 0
(define (sxml:number obj)
    ((number? obj) obj)
    ((string? obj)
     (let ((nmb (call-with-input-string obj read)))
       (if (number? nmb)
	 0))) ; NaN
    ((boolean? obj) (if obj 1 0))
    ((nodeset? obj) (sxml:number (sxml:string obj)))
    (else 0))) ; unknown datatype

; Returns a string value for a given node in accordance to
; XPath Rec. 5.1 - 5.7
(define (sxml:string-value node)
    ((not (pair? node))  ; a text node or data node
     (sxml:string node))
    ((null? (cdr node))
     (apply string-append  ; a list of arguments is always non-null
             (lambda (node)
               (if (sxml:node? node)  ; not annot-attr node or aux list node
                   (sxml:string-value node) ""))
             (cdr node))))))

; Select SXML element by its unique IDs
; XPath Rec. 4.1
;  object - a nodeset or a datatype which can be converted to a string by means
; of a 'string' function
;  id-index = ( (id-value . element) (id-value . element) ... )
; This index is used for selection of an element by its unique ID.
; The result is a nodeset
(define (sxml:id id-index)
    (if (nodeset? object)
      (let loop ((str-lst (map sxml:string-value object))
		 (res '()))
	(if (null? str-lst)
	  (reverse res)
	  (let ((node (sxml:lookup (car str-lst) id-index)))
	    (if (not node)  ; no such element
	      (loop (cdr str-lst) res)
	      (loop (cdr str-lst) (cons node res))))))
      (let rpt ((lst (string->list (sxml:string object)))
		(tmp '())
		(res '()))
	  ((null? lst)
	   (if (null? tmp) 
	     (reverse res)
	     (let ((node (sxml:lookup (list->string (reverse tmp)) id-index)))
	       (if (not node)
		 (reverse res)
		 (reverse (cons node res))))))
	  ((member (car lst) '(#\space #\return #\newline #\tab))
	   (if (null? tmp)
	     (rpt (cdr lst) tmp res)
	     (let ((node (sxml:lookup (list->string (reverse tmp)) id-index)))
	       (if (not node)
		 (rpt (cdr lst) '() res)
		 (rpt (cdr lst) '() (cons node res))))))
	  (else (rpt (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) tmp) res)))))))
; Comparators for XPath objects

; Implements XPath equality comparison in a straightforward nested loop manner
(define (sxml:nested-loop-join string-set1 string-set2 string-op)
  (let first ((str-set1 string-set1)
              (str-set2 string-set2))
      ((null? str-set1) #f)
      ((let second ((elem (car str-set1))
                    (set2 str-set2))
           ((null? set2) #f)
           ((string-op elem (car set2)) #t)
           (else (second elem (cdr set2))))) #t)
       (first (cdr str-set1) str-set2)))))

; Merge-sort for speeding up equality comparison of two nodesets

; Similar to R5RS 'list-tail' but returns the new list consisting of the first
; 'k' members of 'lst'
(define (sxml:list-head lst k)
  (if (or (null? lst) (zero? k))
      (cons (car lst) (sxml:list-head (cdr lst) (- k 1)))))

; Implements merge-sort of the given lst
; Returns the sorted list, the smallest member first
; less-than?-pred ::= (lambda (obj1 obj2) ...)
; less-than?-pred returns #t if obj1<obj2 with respect to the given ordering
(define (sxml:merge-sort less-than?-pred lst)
        ; Merges 2 sorted lists into one sorted list
        (lambda (lst1 lst2)
            ((null? lst1) lst2)
            ((null? lst2) lst1)
            ; both lists are non-null here
            ((less-than?-pred (car lst1) (car lst2))
             (cons (car lst1)
                   (merge-sorted-lists (cdr lst1) lst2)))
             (cons (car lst2)
                   (merge-sorted-lists lst1 (cdr lst2))))))))
     (or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst)))  ; already sorted
     (let ((middle (inexact->exact (round (/ (length lst) 2)))))
        (sxml:merge-sort less-than?-pred (sxml:list-head lst middle))
        (sxml:merge-sort less-than?-pred (list-tail lst middle)))))))

; Implementation of XPath equality comparison for 2 string-sets with
; merge-sort join algorithm
(define (sxml:merge-sort-join string-set1 string-set2 string-op)
  (let loop ((str-set1 (sxml:merge-sort string<? string-set1))
             (str-set2 (sxml:merge-sort string<? string-set2)))
      ((or (null? str-set1) (null? str-set2))
      ((string-op (car str-set1) (car str-set2))
       ; comparison condition fulfilled for a pair of nodes
      ((string<? (car str-set1) (car str-set2))
       ; we can remove (car str-set1) from our further consideration
       (loop (cdr str-set1) str-set2))
      (else  ; vice versa
       (loop str-set1 (cdr str-set2))))))

; Radix-sort join for equality comparison of 2 nodesets
; The running time of the algorithm is proportional to the nodeset size and
; to node string-value length
; Since each nodeset contains O(n) nodes and string-value for each node is
; O(n) in length, radix-sort join algorithm evaluates in O(n^2) time. By
; comparison, nested loop join requires O(n^3) time, merge-sort join
; implemented above requires O(n^2*log(n)).
; On the other hand, radix-sort join is time-ineffective for relatively small
; nodesets being joined. For small nodesets, the above implemented sort-merge
; join runs more effectively. Radix-sort join is promising for large nodesets.

; Represents a list of chars as a branch in the string-tree
; The list of chars must be non-empty
(define (sxml:charlst->branch lst)
  (if (null? (cdr lst))  ; this is the last character in the lst
      `(,(car lst) #t)
      `(,(car lst) #f ,(sxml:charlst->branch (cdr lst)))))

; Converts a string to a string-tree
(define (sxml:string->tree str)
  (let ((lst (string->list str)))
    (if (null? lst)   ; an empty string is given
        '(*top* #t)
        `(*top* #f ,(sxml:charlst->branch lst)))))

; Adds a new string to string-tree
; In a special case, tree257 may be #f. The function than creates a new tree,
; which contains just the representation for str
(define (sxml:add-string-to-tree str tree)
      ((add-lst-to-tree   ; adds the list of chars to tree
        (lambda (lst tree)
           (null? lst)  ; the lst is over
            (cadr tree)  ; whether it is already in the tree
            (cons (car tree)
                  (cons #t (cddr tree))))
           (let ((curr-char (car lst)))
             (let iter-alist ((alist (cddr tree))
                              (res (list (cadr tree) (car tree))))
                 ((null? alist)  ; branch not in a tree
                    (sxml:charlst->branch lst)
                 ((char=? (caar alist) curr-char)  ; entry found
                   (null? (cdr alist))  ; nothing more in the alist
                     (add-lst-to-tree (cdr lst) (car alist))
                      (add-lst-to-tree (cdr lst) (car alist))
                    (cdr alist))))
                 ((char>? (caar alist) curr-char)
                   (null? (cdr alist))  ; nothing more in the alist
                    (cons (car alist)
                          (cons (sxml:charlst->branch lst) res)))
                      (sxml:charlst->branch lst)
                  (iter-alist (cdr alist)
                              (cons (car alist) res))))))))))
    (add-lst-to-tree (string->list str) tree)))

; Whether a given string is presented in the string-tree
(define (sxml:string-in-tree? str tree)  
  (let loop ((lst (string->list str))
             (tree tree))
      ((null? lst)  ; the string is over
       (cadr tree))
      ((assv (car lst) (cddr tree))             
       => (lambda (new-tree)
            (loop (cdr lst) new-tree)))
      (else #f))))
; XPath equality comparison for 2 string-sets
;  bool-op - comparison function for 2 boolean values
(define (sxml:radix-sort-join string-set1 string-set2 bool-op)
   (null? string-set1)  ; always #f
   (let ((tree
          (let iter-1 ((set1 (cdr string-set1))
                       (tree (sxml:string->tree (car string-set1))))
            (if (null? set1)
                (iter-1 (cdr set1)
                        (sxml:add-string-to-tree (car set1) tree))))))
     (let iter-2 ((set2 string-set2))
         ((null? set2)  ; equality not found
         ((bool-op (sxml:string-in-tree? (car set2) tree) #t)
          (iter-2 (cdr set2))))))))

; Equality comparison

; A helper for XPath equality operations: = , !=
;  'bool-op', 'number-op' and 'string-op' are comparison operations for
; a pair of booleans,  numbers and strings respectively
(define (sxml:equality-cmp bool-op number-op string-op)
  (lambda (obj1 obj2)
      ((and (not (nodeset? obj1)) (not (nodeset? obj2)))  
       ; neither object is a nodeset
         ((boolean? obj1) (bool-op obj1 (sxml:boolean obj2)))
         ((boolean? obj2) (bool-op (sxml:boolean obj1) obj2))
         ((number? obj1) (number-op obj1 (sxml:number obj2)))
         ((number? obj2) (number-op (sxml:number obj1) obj2))
         (else  ; both objects are strings
          (string-op obj1 obj2))))
      ((and (nodeset? obj1) (nodeset? obj2))  ; both objects are nodesets
       (let ((lng1 (length obj1))
             (lng2 (length obj2)))
           ((and (< lng1 100000) (< lng2 100000))
            ((if  ; either nodeset is a short one             
              (or (<= lng1 2) (<= lng2 2))
             (map sxml:string-value obj1)
             (map sxml:string-value obj2)
           ((< lng1 lng2)            
            (sxml:radix-sort-join (map sxml:string-value obj1)
                                  (map sxml:string-value obj2)
           (else  ; lng2 < lng1
            (sxml:radix-sort-join (map sxml:string-value obj2)
                                  (map sxml:string-value obj1)
      (else  ; one of the objects is a nodeset, another is not
        (lambda ()  ; Equality operations are commutative
          (if (nodeset? obj1) (values obj1 obj2) (values obj2 obj1)))
        (lambda (nset elem)
            ((boolean? elem) (bool-op elem (sxml:boolean nset)))
            ((number? elem)
             (let loop ((nset 
                          (lambda (node) (sxml:number (sxml:string-value node)))
                 ((null? nset) #f)
                 ((number-op elem (car nset)) #t)
                 (else (loop (cdr nset))))))
            ((string? elem)
             (let loop ((nset (map sxml:string-value nset)))
                 ((null? nset) #f)
                 ((string-op elem (car nset)) #t)
                 (else (loop (cdr nset))))))
            (else  ; unknown datatype
             (sxml:warn 'sxml:equality-cmp "unknown datatype: ~e" elem)

(define sxml:equal? (sxml:equality-cmp eq? = string=?))

(define sxml:not-equal?
   (lambda (bool1 bool2) (not (eq? bool1 bool2)))
   (lambda (num1 num2) (not (= num1 num2)))
   (lambda (str1 str2) (not (string=? str1 str2)))))

; Relational comparison

; Relational operation ( < , > , <= , >= ) for two XPath objects
;  op is comparison procedure: < , > , <= or >=
(define (sxml:relational-cmp op)
  (lambda (obj1 obj2)
      ((not (or (nodeset? obj1) (nodeset? obj2)))  ; neither obj is a nodeset
       (op (sxml:number obj1) (sxml:number obj2)))
      ((boolean? obj1)  ; 'obj1' is a boolean, 'obj2' is a nodeset
       (op (sxml:number obj1) (sxml:number (sxml:boolean obj2))))
      ((boolean? obj2)  ; 'obj1' is a nodeset, 'obj2' is a boolean
       (op (sxml:number (sxml:boolean obj1)) (sxml:number obj2)))
      ((or (null? obj1) (null? obj2)) ; one of the objects is an empty nodeset
      (else  ; at least one object is a nodeset
          ((nodeset? obj1)  ; 'obj1' is a (non-empty) nodeset
           (let ((nset1 (map
                         (lambda (node) (sxml:number (sxml:string-value node)))
             (let first ((num1 (car nset1))
                         (nset1 (cdr nset1)))
                 ((null? nset1) num1)
                 ((op num1 (car nset1)) (first num1 (cdr nset1)))
                 (else (first (car nset1) (cdr nset1)))))))
          ((string? obj1) (sxml:number obj1))
          (else  ; 'obj1' is a number
          ((nodeset? obj2)  ; 'obj2' is a (non-empty) nodeset
           (let ((nset2 (map
                         (lambda (node) (sxml:number (sxml:string-value node)))
             (let second ((num2 (car nset2))
                          (nset2 (cdr nset2)))
                 ((null? nset2) num2)
                 ((op num2 (car nset2)) (second (car nset2) (cdr nset2)))
                 (else (second num2 (cdr nset2)))))))
          ((string? obj2) (sxml:number obj2))
          (else  ; 'obj2' is a number

; XPath axes
; An order in resulting nodeset is preserved

; Ancestor axis
(define (sxml:ancestor test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)      ; node or nodeset
      (if (nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:ancestor test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let rpt ((paths (if (nodeset? root-node)
			   (map list root-node)
			   (list (list root-node)))))
	  (if (null? paths)
	    (let ((path (car paths)))
	      (if (eq? (car path) node)
		((sxml:filter test-pred?) (cdr path))
		(rpt (append
			 (lambda (arg) (cons arg path))
			   ((sxml:attribute (ntype?? '*)) (car path))
			   ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (car path))))
		       (cdr paths)))))))))))

; Ancestor-or-self axis
(define (sxml:ancestor-or-self test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
      (if (nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:ancestor-or-self test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let rpt ((paths (if (nodeset? root-node)
			   (map list root-node)
			   (list (list root-node)))))
	  (if (null? paths)
	    ((sxml:filter test-pred?) (list node))
	    (let ((path (car paths)))
	      (if (eq? (car path) node)
		((sxml:filter test-pred?) path)
		(rpt (append
			 (lambda (arg) (cons arg path))
			   ((sxml:attribute (ntype?? '*)) (car path))
			   ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (car path))))
		       (cdr paths)))))))))))
; Descendant axis
; It's similar to original 'node-closure' a resulting nodeset is
; in depth-first order rather than breadth-first
; Fix: din't descend in non-element nodes!
(define (sxml:descendant test-pred?)
  (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
    (if (nodeset? node)
      (map-union (sxml:descendant test-pred?) node)
      (let rpt ((res '())
		(more ((sxml:child sxml:node?) node)))
	(if (null? more)
	  (reverse res)
	  (rpt (if (test-pred? (car more))
		 (cons (car more) res)
	       (append ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (car more))
		       (cdr more))))))))

; Descendant-or-self axis
(define (sxml:descendant-or-self test-pred?)
  (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
    (if (nodeset? node)
      (map-union (sxml:descendant-or-self test-pred?) node)
      (let rpt ((res '())
		(more (list node)))
	(if (null? more)
	  (reverse res)
	  (rpt (if (test-pred? (car more))
		 (cons (car more) res)
	       (append ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (car more))
		       ; sxml:node?
		       (cdr more))))))))

; Following axis
(define (sxml:following test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)      ; node or nodeset
      (if (nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:following test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let loop ((seq (if (nodeset? root-node)
			  (list root-node)
			  (list (list root-node)))))
	    ((null? seq) '())
	    ((null? (car seq)) (loop (cdr seq)))
	    ((eq? (caar seq) node)
	     (let rpt ((seq (cdr (apply append seq)))
		       (res '()))
	       (if (null? seq)
		 (rpt (cdr seq)
			((sxml:descendant-or-self test-pred?) (car seq)))))))
	    ((and (sxml:element? (caar seq))
		  (memq node (sxml:attr-list (caar seq))))
	     (let rpt ((sq (cdr (apply append seq)))
		       (res ((sxml:descendant test-pred?) (caar seq))))
	       (if (null? sq)
		 (rpt (cdr sq)
		      (append res
			      ((sxml:descendant-or-self test-pred?) (car sq)))))))
	      (loop (cons 
		      ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (caar seq))
		      (cons (cdar seq) (cdr seq)))))))))))

; Following-sibling axis
(define (sxml:following-sibling test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
      (if (nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:following-sibling test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let loop ((seqs (if (nodeset? root-node)
			   (list root-node)
			   (list (list root-node)))))
	  (if (null? seqs)
	    (let rpt ((seq (car seqs)))
		((null? seq)
		 (loop (append
			 (map (sxml:child sxml:node?)
			      (car seqs))
			 (cdr seqs))))
		((eq? (car seq) node) ((sxml:filter test-pred?) (cdr seq)))
		(else (rpt (cdr seq)))))))))))

; Namespace axis
(define (sxml:namespace test-pred?)
  (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
    ((sxml:filter test-pred?) 
     (sxml:ns-list node))))

; Preceding axis
(define (sxml:preceding test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
      (if (nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:preceding test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let loop ((seq (if (nodeset? root-node)
			  (list (reverse root-node))
			  (list (list root-node)))))
	    ((null? seq) '())
	    ((null? (car seq)) (loop (cdr seq)))
	    ((or (eq? (caar seq) node)
		 (not (null? ((sxml:attribute 
				(lambda (n)
				  (eq? n node))) 
			      (caar seq)))))
	     (let rpt ((seq (cdr (apply append seq)))
		       (res '()))
	       (if (null? seq)
		 (rpt (cdr seq)
		      (append res
			      (reverse ((sxml:descendant-or-self test-pred?) 
					(car seq))))))))
	    (else (loop (cons (reverse ((sxml:child sxml:node?) (caar seq)))
			      (cons (cdar seq) (cdr seq)))))))))))

; Preceding-sibling axis
(define (sxml:preceding-sibling test-pred?)
  (lambda (root-node)   ; node or nodeset
    (lambda (node)   ; node or nodeset
      (if(nodeset? node)
	(map-union ((sxml:preceding-sibling test-pred?) root-node) node)
	(let loop ((seqs (if (nodeset? root-node)
			   (list root-node)
			   (list (list root-node)))))
	  (if (null? seqs)
	    (let rpt ((seq (car seqs)))
		((null? seq)
		 (loop (append
			   (lambda (n)
			     (reverse ((sxml:child sxml:node?) n)))
			   (car seqs))
			 (cdr seqs))))
		((eq? (car seq) node) ((sxml:filter test-pred?) (cdr seq)))
		(else (rpt (cdr seq)))))))))))