(module html-parser mzscheme
(provide make-html-parser html->sxml sxml->html html-strip)
(define (call-with-output-string proc)
(let ((out (open-output-string)))
(proc out)
(get-output-string out)))
(define (read-while pred . o)
(let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
(lambda (out)
(let loop ()
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
((and (not (eof-object? c)) (pred c))
(write-char (read-char in) out)
(define (read-until pred . o)
(let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
(lambda (out)
(let loop ()
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
((not (or (eof-object? c) (pred c)))
(write-char (read-char in) out)
(define (read-until-string/ci str . o)
(let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port)))
(len (string-length str)))
(lambda (out)
(let loop ((i 0))
(let ((c (read-char in)))
((eof-object? c)
(display (substring str 0 i) out))
((char-ci=? c (string-ref str i))
(if (< i (- len 1))
(loop (+ i 1))))
(display (substring str 0 i) out)
(write-char c out)
(loop 0)))))))))
(define (read-until-aab a b . o)
(let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
(lambda (out)
(let scan ()
(let ((ch (read-char in)))
((eof-object? ch))
((not (eqv? ch a))
(write-char ch out)
(else (let ((ch (read-char in)))
((not (eqv? ch a))
(write-char a out)
(cond ((not (eof-object? ch))
(write-char ch out)
(else (let two-a-s ()
(let ((ch (read-char in)))
(cond ((not (eqv? ch b))
(write-char a out)
(cond ((eqv? ch a)
((eof-object? ch)
(write-char a out))
(write-char a out)
(write-char ch out)
(define skip-whitespace (lambda x (apply read-while char-whitespace? x)))
(define (char-alphanumeric? c)
(or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c)))
(define (char-hex-numeric? c)
(or (char-numeric? c)
(memv (char-downcase c) '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))))
(define read-identifier (lambda x (apply read-while char-alphanumeric? x)))
(define read-integer (lambda x (apply read-while char-numeric? x)))
(define read-hex-integer (lambda x (apply read-while char-hex-numeric? x)))
(define (read-quoted in)
(let* ((terminator (read-char in))
(res (read-until (lambda (c) (eqv? c terminator)) in)))
(read-char in)
(define (read-name-or-quoted in)
(cond ((or (eqv? #\" (peek-char in)) (eqv? #\' (peek-char in)))
(read-quoted in))
(read-while tag-char? in))))
(define (read-pi in)
(let ((tag (read-identifier in)))
(skip-whitespace in)
(if (equal? tag "") #f (string->symbol (string-downcase tag)))
(let loop ((res '()))
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
((eof-object? c)
(read-char in)
((eqv? c #\?)
(read-char in)
(let loop2 ((res res))
((eof-object? (peek-char in))
(cons #\? res))
((eqv? #\> (peek-char in))
(read-char in)
((eqv? #\? (peek-char in))
(read-char in)
(loop2 (cons c res)))
(loop (cons c res))))))
(read-char in)
(loop (cons c res)))))))))))
(define (read-comment . o)
(read-until-aab #\- #\> (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
(define (tag-char? c)
(and (char? c)
(or (char-alphanumeric? c) (memv c '(#\- #\+ #\* #\_ #\:)))))
(define (read-attrs in)
(let loop ((attrs '()))
(skip-whitespace in)
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
((or (eof-object? c) (eqv? c #\>))
(read-char in)
(list #f (reverse attrs)))
((eqv? c #\/)
(read-char in)
(skip-whitespace in)
((eqv? #\> (peek-char in))
(read-char in)
(list #t (reverse attrs)))
(loop attrs))))
((eqv? c #\")
(read-char in)
(loop attrs))
((not (tag-char? c))
(list #f (reverse attrs)))
(let ((name (read-while tag-char? in)))
(if (string=? name "")
(loop attrs)
(let ((name (string->symbol (string-downcase name))))
((eqv? (peek-char in) #\=)
(read-char in)
(let ((value (if (memv (peek-char in) '(#\" #\'))
(read-quoted in)
(lambda (c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(memv c '(#\' #\" #\< #\>))))
(if (or (eqv? #\" (peek-char in))
(eqv? #\' (peek-char in)))
(read-char in))
(loop (cons (list name value) attrs))))
(loop (cons (list name) attrs))))))))))))
(define (read-start in)
(let ((tag (string->symbol (string-downcase (read-while tag-char? in)))))
(cons tag (read-attrs in))))
(define (read-end in)
(let ((tag (read-while tag-char? in)))
((equal? tag "")
(read-until (lambda (c) (eqv? c #\>)) in)
(read-char in)
(read-attrs in)
(string->symbol (string-downcase tag))))))
(define (read-decl in)
(let loop ((res '()))
(skip-whitespace in)
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
((eof-object? c)
(reverse res))
((eqv? c #\>)
(read-char in)
(reverse res))
((eqv? c #\")
(loop (cons (read-quoted in) res)))
((tag-char? c)
(loop (cons (string->symbol (read-while tag-char? in)) res)))
(loop res))))))
(define *default-entities*
'(("amp" . "&") ("quot" . "\"") ("lt" . "<")
("gt" . ">") ("apos" . "'") ("nbsp" . " ")))
(define (get-entity entities name)
((string->number name) => (lambda (n) (string (integer->char n))))
((assoc name entities) => cdr)
(else #f)))
(define *tag-levels*
'(html (head body) table (thead tbody) tr (th td) p (b i u s)))
(define *unnestables*
'(p li td tr))
(define *bodyless*
'(img hr br))
(define *literals*
'(script xmp))
(define *terminators*
(define (tag-level tag-levels tag)
(let lp ((ls tag-levels) (i 0))
(if (null? ls)
(+ i 1000)
(if (if (pair? (car ls))
(memq tag (car ls))
(eq? tag (car ls)))
(lp (cdr ls) (+ i 1))))))
(define (read-html-token . o)
(let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
(let ((c (peek-char in)))
(if (eof-object? c)
(cons 'eof c)
(case c
(read-char in)
(case (peek-char in)
(read-char in)
((eqv? #\[ (peek-char in))
(read-char in)
(let lp ((check '(#\C #\D #\A #\T #\A #\[))
(acc '(#\[ #\! #\<)))
((null? check)
(cons 'text (read-until-aab #\] #\> in)))
((let ((c (peek-char in)))
(and (not (eof-object? c)) (char-ci=? c (car check))))
(lp (cdr check) (cons (read-char in) acc)))
(cons 'text (list->string (reverse acc)))))))
((and (eqv? #\- (peek-char in))
(begin (read-char in)
(eqv? #\- (peek-char in))))
(read-char in)
(cons 'comment (read-comment in)))
(cons 'decl (read-decl in)))))
(read-char in)
(cons 'process (read-pi in)))
(read-char in)
(cons 'end (read-end in)))
(if (and (char? (peek-char in))
(char-alphabetic? (peek-char in)))
(let ((res (read-start in)))
(if (cadr res)
(cons 'start/end (cons (car res) (cddr res)))
(cons 'start (cons (car res) (cddr res)))))
(cons 'text "<")))))
(read-char in)
((eqv? (peek-char in) #\#)
(read-char in)
((char-numeric? (peek-char in))
(let* ((str (read-integer in))
(num (string->number str)))
(if (eqv? (peek-char in) #\;)
(read-char in))
(cons 'entity num)))
((memv (peek-char in) '(#\x #\X))
(read-char in)
(let* ((str (read-hex-integer in))
(num (string->number str 16)))
(if (eqv? (peek-char in) #\;)
(read-char in))
(cons 'entity num)))
(cons 'text "&#"))))
((char-alphabetic? (peek-char in))
(let ((name (read-identifier in)))
(if (eqv? (peek-char in) #\;)
(read-char in))
(cons 'entity name)))
(cons 'text "&"))))
(cons 'text
(read-until (lambda (c) (or (eqv? c #\<) (eqv? c #\&)))
(define (%key-ref ls key default)
(cond ((memq key ls) => cadr) (else default)))
(define (make-html-parser . o)
(let ((start (%key-ref o 'start: (lambda (t a s v) s)))
(end (%key-ref o 'end: (lambda (t a p s v) s)))
(text (%key-ref o 'text: (lambda (t s) s)))
(decl (%key-ref o 'decl: (lambda (t a s) s)))
(process (%key-ref o 'process: (lambda (t s) s)))
(comment (%key-ref o 'comment: (lambda (t s) s)))
(entities (%key-ref o 'entities: *default-entities*))
(tag-levels (%key-ref o 'tag-levels: *tag-levels*))
(unnestables (%key-ref o 'unnestables: *unnestables*))
(bodyless (%key-ref o 'bodyless: *bodyless*))
(literals (%key-ref o 'literals: *literals*))
(terminators (%key-ref o 'terminators: *terminators*))
(entity (%key-ref o 'entity: #f)))
(let ((entity (or entity (lambda (t s)
(text (if (number? t)
(string (integer->char t))
(or (get-entity entities t)
(string-append "&" t ";")))
(lambda (seed . o)
(let* ((src (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port)))
(in (if (string? src) (open-input-string src) src)))
(let lp ((tok (read-html-token in))
(seed seed)
(seeds '())
(tags '()))
(case (car tok)
((eof) (let lp ((t tags) (s seeds) (seed seed))
(if (null? t)
(lp (cdr t) (cdr s)
(end (caar t) (cadar t) (car s) seed 'eof)))))
(let ((tag (cadr tok)))
(lp `(end . ,tag)
(start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)
(cons seed seeds)
(cons (cdr tok) tags))))
(let ((tag (cadr tok)))
((memq tag terminators)
(lp `(text . ,(read-until (lambda (c) #f) in))
(start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)
(cons seed seeds)
(cons (cdr tok) tags)))
((memq tag literals)
(let ((body (read-until-string/ci
(string-append "</" (symbol->string tag) ">")
(seed2 (start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)))
(lp `(end . ,tag)
(if (equal? "" body) seed2 (text body seed2))
(cons seed seeds)
(cons (cdr tok) tags))))
((memq tag bodyless)
(lp `(end . ,tag)
(start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)
(cons seed seeds)
(cons (cdr tok) tags)))
((and (pair? tags) (eq? tag (caar tags))
(memq tag unnestables))
(let ((seed2
(end tag (cadar tags) (car seeds) seed 'sibling)))
(lp (read-html-token in)
(start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)
(cons seed2 (cdr seeds))
(cons (cdr tok) (cdr tags)))))
(lp (read-html-token in)
(start tag (caddr tok) seed #f)
(cons seed seeds)
(cons (cdr tok) tags))))))
((not (cdr tok)) (lp (read-html-token in) seed seeds tags))
((and (pair? tags) (eq? (cdr tok) (caar tags)))
(lp (read-html-token in)
(end (cdr tok) (cadar tags) (car seeds) seed #f)
(cdr seeds)
(cdr tags)))
(let ((this-level (tag-level tag-levels (cdr tok)))
(if (pair? tags)
(tag-level tag-levels (caar tags))
((< this-level expected-level)
(lp tok
(end (caar tags) (cadar tags) (car seeds) seed
(cdr seeds)
(cdr tags)))
((and (= this-level expected-level) (pair? (cdr tags)))
(let* ((seed2 (end (caar tags) (cadar tags)
(car seeds) seed 'interleave))
(seed3 (end (caadr tags) (cadadr tags)
(cadr seeds) seed2 #f)))
(let ((tok2 (read-html-token in)))
((and (eq? 'end (car tok2))
(eq? (caar tags) (cdr tok2)))
(lp (read-html-token in) seed3
(cddr seeds) (cddr tags)))
(lp tok2
(start (caar tags) (cadar tags) seed3
(cons seed3 (cddr seeds))
(cons (car tags) (cddr tags))))))))
(let* ((seed2 (start (cdr tok) '() seed 'no-start))
(seed3 (end (cdr tok) '() seed seed2 #f)))
(lp (read-html-token in) seed3 seeds tags))))))))
(lp (read-html-token in) (text (cdr tok) seed) seeds tags))
(lp (read-html-token in) (entity (cdr tok) seed) seeds tags))
(lp (read-html-token in) (comment (cdr tok) seed) seeds tags))
(lp (read-html-token in)
(decl (cadr tok) (cddr tok) seed) seeds tags))
(lp (read-html-token in) (process (cdr tok) seed) seeds tags))
(error "invalid token: " tok)))))))))
(define html->sxml
(let ((parse
'start: (lambda (tag attrs seed virtual?) '())
'end: (lambda (tag attrs parent-seed seed virtual?)
`((,tag ,@(if (pair? attrs)
`((@ ,@attrs) ,@(reverse seed))
(reverse seed)))
'decl: (lambda (tag attrs seed) `((*DECL* ,tag ,@attrs) ,@seed))
'process: (lambda (attrs seed) `((*PI* ,@attrs) ,@seed))
'comment: (lambda (text seed) `((*COMMENT* ,text) ,@seed))
'text: (lambda (text seed) (cons text seed))
(lambda o
(reverse (apply parse '() o)))))
(define (html-escape-attr str)
(define (html-attr->string attr)
(string-append (symbol->string (car attr))
"=\"" (html-escape-attr (cdr attr)) "\""))
(define (html-tag->string tag attrs)
(let lp ((ls attrs) (res (list (symbol->string tag) "<")))
(if (null? ls)
(apply string-append (reverse (cons ">" res)))
(lp (cdr ls) (cons (html-attr->string (car ls)) (cons " " res))))))
(define (html-display-escaped-string str out)
(let ((start 0)
(end (string-length str)))
(let lp ((from start) (to start))
(if (>= to end)
(display (substring str from to) out)
(let ((c (string-ref str to)))
((eq? c #\<)
(display (substring str from to) out)
(display "<" out)
(let ((next (+ to 1)))
(lp next next)))
((eq? c #\&)
(display (substring str from to) out)
(display "&" out)
(let ((next (+ to 1)))
(lp next next)))
(lp from (+ to 1)))))))))
(define (html-escape str)
(lambda (out) (html-display-escaped-string str out))))
(define (sxml-display-as-html sxml . o)
(let ((out (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-output-port))))
((pair? sxml)
(let ((tag (car sxml)))
(if (symbol? tag)
(let ((rest (cdr sxml)))
((and (pair? rest)
(pair? (car rest))
(eq? '@ (caar rest)))
(display (html-tag->string tag (cdar rest)) out)
(for-each (lambda (x) (sxml-display-as-html x out)) (cdr rest))
(display "</" out) (display tag out) (display ">" out))
(display (html-tag->string tag '()) out)
(for-each (lambda (x) (sxml-display-as-html x out)) rest)
(display "</" out) (display tag out) (display ">" out))))
(for-each (lambda (x) (sxml-display-as-html x out)) sxml))))
((null? sxml))
(else (html-display-escaped-string sxml out)))))
(define (sxml->html sxml . o)
(lambda (out) (sxml-display-as-html sxml out))))
(define (html-strip . o)
(lambda (out)
(let ((parse
'start: (lambda (tag attrs seed virtual?) seed)
'end: (lambda (tag attrs parent-seed seed virtual?) seed)
'text: (lambda (text seed) (display text out)))))
(apply parse (cons #f #f) o)))))